Mars Future Set Waterloo Polish Infantry

Mars Future Set Waterloo Polish Infantry, Mars is showing photo of a future set for their Waterloo line. Next, I will share some interesting items from my collection

Mars Future Set

Mars Future Set Waterloo Polish
A photo has surfaced on Facebook of a future set from Mars Toy Soldiers. It is a set of Waterloo Prussian Infantry. I believe this is the first plastic Polish Infantry done outside of Poland.
The poses are as follows.
1.Advancing with bayonet rifle.
2. Sapper or with pioneer an ax at his sides rifle on shoulder.
3.Kneeling with the rifle at side possible going to ammo pouch.
4. Kneeling firing rifle
5. Flagbearer
6. Officer with a pistol out
7. Loading rifle
8. Standing firing rifle.
Each of the figures will be double in the set except for the officer.

Collection Time

Hoss Cartwright
When I started to collect Spanish figures, I was surprised at how many American television figures were done. here we have two different versions of Hoss Cartwright from Bonzana. Right now I don’t know who made them, I am sure our Spanish expert will know.
 Pech Hermanos
I keep finding surprises in my collection. The above figure is from Pech Hermanos. It is an Australian soldier. I wonder How many other figures were done?
Ideal Roy Rogers
Roy Rodgers, Dale Evans, and Pat Brady was done by three companies in the United States. They were Marx, Ideal, and Stuart. Stuart did the figures for Post cereal and then used the figures without a license in various ways.
Here are the three figures that were done by Ideal. The Roy Rogers was used with a large stagecoach besides being with a chuckwagon and Nellie Belle the jeep. Dale and Pat were only with the chuckwagon and Nellybelle. the official name for the second set was the Ideal Roy Rogers Fix it Chuckwagon and Nellybelle Jeep. It was issued in 1955 and one is on Ebay right now.
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10 Responses to Mars Future Set Waterloo Polish Infantry

  1. ERWIN SELL says:

    About The Spanish figures PH=Pech Hermanos ,late recast by Oliver
    The ANZACS were made sold as New Zealand first then as Australian later
    PH WW2 mold set has 12 action infantry poses each and 4 artillery poses(counting one specific officer made x artillery set) plus 6 different cannon piece almost each made for each army .All cannon have a spring firing mechanism and made in true 1/30 scale as PH figures are 65 mm least .The British,Russian,US and Anzac cannon are more realistic to real one,the Germans cannon are a bit mix up odd but nice large pieces .the one German cannon was used x both German soldiers set ,the DAK and the Wehrmacht -HERR infantry set
    They did 7 full 12 poses armies sets (US -used as painted as marines or infantry ),Russians,British tropical army(used as against Japanese or 8th army ) ,Japanese, ANZAC(used as Australian and new Zealand army in tropical or desert warfare ) ,German infantry Wehrmacht (also sold as Spaniard army BLUE LEGION ) and DAK (the hardest to find )
    The US set was only made with additional 2 kneeling poses for the an add on Machine gun and mortar team sets .This and US artillery crew was only recast under BUM ,still around .Also recast were the Japanese set under Oliver old stock via PUCHOL INDUSTRIAS and import here under Rick Bracamontes ,Paul and ATS in early -mid 90s .
    No other WW2 Set was recast .
    About Western figures above
    Right figure painted-Jecsan
    Left unpainted-is Comansi reworked of former first generation poses set ,they redone this series in to 70 mm as same was made early in 60s in 58/60 mm and bit more detailed ,these unpainted are fairly common in bags off Europe .

    About Max Vistula army
    I’m impressed with far better detail in this set and so far only made before by Polish maker in 70s plus two poses by Replicant and two by PH ,I would like x officer been firing his pistol and zapper in more action pose(I do not know why every zapper made is done in passive posing x painted pose always) Rest looks awesome
    It will be first set i will get from Marx ,hope figures above are exact as the one in production .
    My thoughts

  2. ERWIN SELL says:

    You can see early Repack sold Under Oliver but using old stock PH figures of a partial 8 poses set of British set under this seller,
    Seller price is pretty much correct base in rarity of these sets in that mint condition.
    The other 4 infantry poses of this 12 poses set of each Army WW2 set were sold with the canon and the other additional artillery crew sets in another box .
    So generally each window case has 8 poses .And cannon set cost more .
    Another version/way sales was artillery crew 4 poses with cannon only and and other 4 action infantry set(of 12 poses set ) sold with repeated double poses in 8 figures configuration pack .
    So kids will have ask parents x two set boxes if wanted full collection or 3 ..
    This seller have few more Oliver sold repack PH ww2 sets .

  3. Jack F Gibbons says:

    I recognized those Spanish cowboys as “Hoss” as soon as the photo popped up. I still have my Hoss cowboy hat that my grandpa bought for me 55 years ago. It always made me sad that Dan Blocker did not live long after Bonanza.
    So, two new figures to pursue. The hunt continues!

  4. Henry P. says:

    That’s probably the best looking set mars has done so far…..

  5. james nixon says:

    I have heard that A Call To Arms are bringing out a new set of figures plus Chintoys are bringing out new figures

    • ERWIN SELL says:

      I always liked ACT .My only issue with ACT was when they reduce so much from 8 or more poses to so short set of 4 poses only .It was to save money and time but it reduce considerable their variety poses per set and may had impact their sales .
      Hope is not a “project: supported by collectors money like the never done announced more three years ago by HAT that left many wating.
      I never like cofounded productions.
      My thoughts..

  6. Wayne W says:

    I agree the Mars Poles are the best. My only quibble is the positioning of the right elbow on the firing pose to facilitate the mold more easily. It’s not really an feasible position, though understandable and not necessarily a deal breaker with me. Still a great set and I will probably indulge in a couple boxes to fill a formation.

  7. Markus says:

    At least to the additional rescue of non polish makers Starlux did at least with their Empire series 3 foot and 2 mounted polish poses plus character figure of Marshall Józef Antoni Poniatowski (though born in Vienna into a polish aristocratic family when Poland was non existant) plus maybe his Aide de Champs.
    Not sure about other French makers. For the non purist Airfix added up a polish lancer as plastic 54mm building kit.
    For sure a well welcomed set by Mars that fills a gap.
    Stay safe and prosper.

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