Hong Kong Elastolin Romans and Vikings

Mark Hegeman has sent pictures of the Hong Kong Copies Elastolin Romans and Vikings. For me this is the first time I have seen the packaging for the figures.  When you do find the figures they are usually missing their weapons.


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9 Responses to Hong Kong Elastolin Romans and Vikings

  1. Ed Connell says:

    Thank you Mark for sharing these pictures, and also thank you Paul for posting them.
    All I can say is wow. They are absolutely beautiful figures. I think Kent’s site says they are semi soft plastic, is that the case on these, or is it more like flexible type plastic, or rigid type. Regardless what a loss to the kids in America at more of these figures not being more available here. They are simply stunning figures.

    Thank you both again, for sharing, and posting them.

  2. Mark Hegeman says:

    I just realized that the illustration on the card is of Romans and Huns rather than Romans and Vikings.

  3. Ed Connell says:

    I am not sure but does it actually say Elastolin Hong Kong on the bottom left corner Mark ? Ha Ha, thats funny they used the mongols, with the romans as the picture, yet it states something totally different. I like the Red Viking the best. I like all of them though, those are very nice. I have been able to find out very little on web searches on these figures.

  4. Mark Hegeman says:

    The package reads: Made in Hong Kong T 120-4/1
    There is no connection to Elastolin itself – just the pirated poses.
    The weapons include the Hun spear. The Elastolin Huns only came as mounted poses although Diedhoff made several foot poses “in the style of” Elastolin several years back

  5. Ed Connell says:

    Sorry I meant Huns as well, I have never seen the foot, nor heard of Diedhoff.
    They sound like a German company as well, with that name though. Thanks for the info Mark.

    • admin says:

      Ed C
      Elastolin only did mounted Huns. Diedhoff did foot figures plus mounted figures. I check their site but they do not show any of the figures. Diedhoff is one of a group of companies that appeared in Germany to recapture the essence of Elastolin. The figures cover a wide range. I got a Roman on camel when we were in Germany ten years which I have not seen since.

  6. Ed Connell says:

    Lol, thats a hoot and a half Paul. A Roman on a camel, he must have been part of the auxiliary forces, lol. Midnight at the Oasis. I wonder how many they actually sold of that figure. Maybe they sold a lot in the mideast. Its definitely a different type of figure, you would not normally see.

    • admin says:

      ED C
      It is a beautiful figure which I have to do a photograph of it. It is very possible the Romans adapt to using the camel in middle east. It was a different figure for the collection. I believe it was a low run.
      We also got mounted Indian jumping a buffalo and Mammoth for Laurie’s collection that day.

  7. They also made 1/72 copies of the Elastolin figures in Hong Kong.

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