Hugh Walter Strikes Again and Misses

 Hugh Walter Strikes Again and Misses as I mentioned in the anniversary I have detractors. Erwin Sell who has been a heavy contributor here has a detractor as well Hugh Walter.  Since October of 2016 Hugh has made various vicious attacks on  Erwin’s character and information.  Hugh has started again this time on a Roman figure.  He is claiming that Erwin mispresented the BASA Romans from Peru when it is Res Plastic. We will let Erwin explain the situation.

Hugh Walter Strikes Again and Misses Erwin’s Side 

Once again the sad blogger has decided to attack me using misinformation and other discrepancies to discredit my character. This time the sad blogger has attacked me regards BASA Romans from Peru. I have reported on how these these figures were copies of the Coma Romans. The sad blogger discovered a Roman with a RP on its back. He stated that the figure was made by Res Plastic. Hugh went further to say my BASA Romans were made by Res Plastic and imported by BASA. He said you can see the RP marking on my figures.

 Hugh Walter Strikes Again and Misses

There is just one problem the BASA Roman figures have no markings like he has on his figure.

Hugh Walter Strikes Again and Misses

Hugh Walter Strike Again and Misses

Hugh Walter Strikes Again and Misses

As you can see from the photos I took of the backs of the figures  none of the figures are marked with the RP as his figure. If it had the RP mark it was removed before the figures were produced not by me.

Hugh Walter Strikes Again and Misses BASA History

BASA Company was the main toy maker and distributor in Peru. Most toys were copies or repack with or without license of many USA and European brands. They did the Star Wars figures. BASA still exist today as not toy maker but mostly household plastic products. Most of the figures were from original USA brand molds that were in Peru or leased. I do not know  what happen to them after the stopped toy production.  BASA sold figures from the molds of MPC, Marx and Lido. They did many animals that were made by Manruba and Leyla of Germany. They had Italian figures including Romans and Vikings which I thought were Coma or a copy.

 The Manruba Dom molds most had come from Mexico or else.!?
But not a single Alpaca or Llama made!?-LOL!!!

Hugh Walter Strikes Again and Misses About The Roman Figures

Hugh Walter Strikes Again and Misses

 If Coma figures were copied from by another Italian brand that is another thing.  What I was talking about the BASA being smaller than the Coma figures.  I have not seen this version Hugh mentioned in the Italian blogs I read. 
 He claims that I missed the RP on the figure.(That my figures do not have as the pictures show) But…what is very interesting that same figure was shown in “Plastic Warrior Roman Special” done by Peter Evans. On page 35 of the special Peter has the same figure in the same color(gold). Peter listed it as “Mehanothenia”? Likewise the figure to right is from the same company. The company according to Peter was from Slovakia. So may be Mr Hugh should check this too..
So definitely there maybe be several copies made of and sold under several brands. To go around permanently assuming what other have is wrong and only his is right is a very bad habit
We should always read and think before act. Never Assume

Hugh Walter Strikes Again and Misses Admin Thoughts

This whole matter was blown out of proportions by Hugh.  What he had was a variation of these figures. It did not prove anything negative on Erwin. Hugh assume on the bases of the one figure in his hand he had a smoking gun.  He did not get samples of the BASA Romans to compare which was a major mistake.  In his attempt to undermined Erwin he has only undermined himself. 

I have found Erwin a very honorable man and I am proud to call him a friend.  I  hope that Hugh takes his hate of Erwin and channel it into other pursuits.


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27 Responses to Hugh Walter Strikes Again and Misses

  1. I have some of those gold Romans and they are weird little guys. Their anatomy suggests hobbits in armor.

    As for people getting angry or sarcastic over differences of opinion on toy soldier brands that seems a little weird. You do us a service with your page and deserve congratulations. I bought a lot of stuff from you many years ago and always enjoyed your, then, printed lists.

  2. j hudson says:

    Unfortunatly most Hobbies,,Interests etc from autos to trains to soldiers have experts,,nannys and HOA troll like types,,Rather like a typical I P M S judsge

  3. Mark McNamara says:

    Can’t please everyone no matter what we do or don’t do,we can try to do our best, Erwin always has High Standards and I consider an excellent model for others !

  4. Wayne W says:

    Agree with the comments above. It seems a lot of these incidents coincide with the weekends. Some folks in the hobby seem to have a bad habit of getting too deep in their cups,so to speak, and then venting their intoxicated spleens protected by the vast distances and relative anonymity of the internet. I don’t know if that is the case or not here; but I know some folks are usually great fun to “talk” to on the net but at certain times of the week (or maybe phases of the moon) it’s like a complete change.

    It’s tough to take some of the stuff that gets thrown sometimes, but your reputation in the hobby is well-known and I believe secure.

    My recommendation is (and pardon me, if I repeat myself) to follow ancient Roman advice, “Nil illegitimus carborundum” – “Don’t let the [nasty folk] get you down.”

  5. Mark T. says:

    I do like those Romans. They were available for a while a few years ago from some of the online sellers. There was also a companion set of Vikings. I’m sorry now that I missed them. They have a lot of character.

    • erwin says:

      Mark ,you absolute correct.
      The Vikings too were 6 poses copies of the original CO-MA same brand that did original Romans above depicted in colors .They were in Gold color too and bit shrunk cloned mold with less detail as the copies made in gold by BASA of romans
      Both were BASA and sold by DSG from Argentina also known as red scorpion.
      They distributed or sold “possible” to Drums in UK as they carry along other seller in UK then too for few time in very limited numbers. Now those sold in UK may come from other source or copiers I can not tell that. But the ones from DSG were.
      I brought in 90s few packs from PERU direct and resold at shows nothing big at all.
      They had since despair from market .However in (Mercado libre) a South American eBay style sale site they often pup up under BASA brand in typical bags as piñata feelers as I bough then with about 25 figures inside.
      There u can find many other sets figures sold by BASA ,included the MARX prince valiant figures set of poses charters from original mold ,not copies as I have then and are exact ,just in multicolor.
      best …

  6. Lester Lessa says:

    Ahoy there, I belong to a 20,oo0 Leagues website.We have a similar problem. Some people seam to forget we are doing this for the love of plastic figures. I really don’t care where they are made, Just are they available and how much. Happy collecting nemosfan.

  7. Darren Hatley says:

    Hi there guys, Some years ago I brought A set of 12 Gold Roman figures, A set of 24 Gold Viking figures and A set of 10 Multi-Coloured Robin Hood figures. Some were from Ebay and some from Steve Weston who you probably know is one of the major Toy Soldier sellers here in England.
    Now all of these figures came under the name of Ex-Res, And so ive thought for years that Ex-Res was there makers name. However ive known Erwin for quite a long time and as you all know he is probably the most knowledgeable people there is on Toy Soldiers and I also class him as a Friend. So if he says they are BASA figures or whatever and not Ex-Res then he is most probably correct, And anyway they are nice looking figures and I dont really care less what they are called. Surely you can have a nice conversation about the name of a companys figures without getting nasty and making a big argument about it. So I will cross out Ex-Res on my list and put in BASA. No big deal. Is that right Erwin.
    By the way the Gold Romans are only about 45mm to 50mm tall and are my least liked of these figures, While the Gold Vikings and Multi-Coloured Robin Hood figures are 54mm tall and are better in detail than the Romans in my opinion, However I like all the poses.

    • admin says:

      Do your Romans have the RP on the back? If they do not have the RP they would be BASA. If they have the RP they would be EX Res
      The multicolor 60mm Robin Hood were sold in Woolworth’s UK back in 80’s. I bought some on a trip.

      • Darren Hatley says:

        Ok thanks I will have to look for the Roman figures amongst my collection and get back to you on that. Ok so maybe they are Ex-Res? What about the 54mm Viking figures sold under Ex-Res as well? I guess its the same as the Romans.

        • erwin says:

          The Viking too were as I say copied of 6 poses from COMA in Gold or silver ,the COMA are 54 mm, while the BASA or else copies are MORE IN 50/52 mm. I may need measure then later ….there is difference when you got both in hand in detail definettely,specially in armor and faces deep detail.
          The COMA original are not easy find ,specially in all poses set and with weapons ,unless u get a original BAG.
          COMA original bags come with 6 figures only, I have one each of their set ,minus one set.
          They are found often in Italian sites, eBay or under other name.
          the brand is often typed as (CO-MA ,CO MA or just COMA).
          but you will definitely see- get then once in while.
          Also they did WW2/Modern Marines,airforce,bersagleri,alpine and “infanterai de marini”-or Regiment SAN MARCO set.(these marines) not the action sailors are very hard to find today for some odd reason and Italians collectors hunt then hard.

          They also did Knights, pirates and early did three different space scale figures set least .Then they change to kits and toy cars and stop by mid 70s producing any figures. But their bags were sold around x years.
          Italian Books refer to all sets known been made by then.
          I can not Rember all I had red,I will have look, translate and pass soon with permission of admi.
          Because I can public copy phot a book I have to do page at time-translate ,send pictures to admin x corroboration of books and in that way info will be post and pass around.

    • erwin says:

      Thank you x words I appreciate as I do of course consider you my friend as well all posting here that I often interact direct to pass info and else .
      About figures you have if come from SW or Drums (that was another selling in UK back then plastic figures too) ,it could be possible is RES if have the mark. Reason is the (detractor) person attacking me is from UK and may had got it there from then too.
      As ADMIN says if not mark then is BASA.
      Why they were call EX- RES may had been a wrong identification thinking were copies of RES when in reality the gold Romans and viking were copies of CO MA.(The original Italian maker from 50s till 80S. Just a though ..
      The picture above show original in top row in colors that are More detail and in true 54 mm plus plug in weapons(trident,swords ,ax and spears).
      The cloned sold by BASA,RES and possible other copiers are in 50/52 mm as you well say and detail is a bit poor as if figures were “shrunken” I should call it .
      The multicolor Robin hood figures are RES original last edition and sold till early 90s as well in Europe. Res made most swoppet figures x surprise food and only few sets/figures,they copied(did new mold) COMA and other Italian brands often stamping the mark on it .
      Italian brands have the problem many did not mark figures original,like some Dulcop and most TEXAS,COMA that not have marks,often bringing confusing the collectors. Same issue happen to German brands Manurba,Dom and others
      Today you can find some mint bags from 90s still in eBay ,mostly from Italy
      So I’m not infallible neither a super expert. Most time I read and pass and use my memory plus collection to identify like every person in with knolowble do in this hobby,no one was born with fantastic power of known all at all and this detractor go chasing my posting in any US and foreign blog ,extract it twist the words and posit in his personal lonely blog to make looks as I’m a false person all around.

      If I made mistake I admit and if I argue I do polite as I can as all us could and should do .
      My opinions and post often are followed by words(my thoughts and opinion) meaning personal opinion.
      To use this hobby to call others name or go ballistic after others for simple figures ;simple show a lack of human value and respect plus not reality association and real interaction will in his part.
      So I think we should all enjoy every blog in best polite way and go on with your life .
      I enjoy this blog as well others as I had learn too from here like most all and share opinion in very amiable way with all.
      My thoughts..
      Best regards..

      • Darren Hatley says:

        Ok Erwin and thanks for the info mate as always, Ok lets just say you know alot if not everything about Toy Soldiers.Identifying these figures seems to be a bit confusing. I will dig these figures out soon and get back to you about who might have made them. So perhaps they do come under Ex-Res after all and maybe not? But anyway I like them and im glad I have them and im not that bothered who made them, But dont worry Erwin I wont argue about it Lol.

  8. Andy says:

    I agree with Lester’s comment above – are they available? how much do they cost?
    where are they listed for sale? Toy figure “archeology” is of very little interest or value to me personally. I do not care what year the sky blue sheriff was made. If anyone else gets thrilled by it, that’s fine, but I could not care less.

  9. erwin says:

    Well I understand the point and value of getting info about figures that could be accessible.
    The problem is most figures you find today are not longer produced and either you find then via using identification name brand,marks from vintage seller in eBay or or web site.
    So I think still the identification work is well value to most and all in order to make the search easy and smooth. I often add google words and info with my posting to help those looking for figures.
    Unfortunately some will be very hard to get while other you can get lucky and get faster or easy.
    As far price ,any figure old could be sold by seller at any price,is a game.
    Collecting toy soldiers should be more for all discontinued and vintage figures.
    New production are used by us of course but are not true collectible but more a new addition to the toy soldier hobby.
    My thoughts
    best regards

    • Andy says:

      New figures can gain in value very quickly. Barzso sets and figures are now selling for as much or more more than old Marx.

      • erwin says:

        Well Barzso are being discontinued for long and short run production ,that is why the go high often .Conte follow as not longer made too;same will be for any short run production such Russian figures and others being made now soon.
        I bet in two years EB will be double what they are now and yes you will still get plenty real old vintage brand x a fraction of that ,is true.
        .Still all those are not true old vintage figures but part of the collectible as not longer made …
        In new production not short run EXF are pretty much close to most CONTE and BARZSO resin at $4.00 per figure in around sales. BARZSO high demand figures are when in bid that go ballistic or the playset rare poses exclusive poses and few early set .At show I still can get plenty BARZSO for low prices in resin type, not later plastic production made.
        Like I say price is a game, All any one will have to do is set a price and as far buyers start buying prices will go higher and higher.
        When figures not sale much they will go down…
        Unfortunately is the price game played in hobby.
        But we have to go around, I do not get crazy in any new figures unless very limited run and very well done.
        Vintage I got cautious in quality and prices plus shipping as less and less with exception of US brands you find any foreign old here at the less shows we got.
        my thoughts…

        • Andy says:

          Looking for undamaged, unpainted two standing white female figures from Last of Mohicans and one kneeling captive female figure – not sure what set – maybe one of the pirate sets. Also, Rebecca Boone figure and undamaged, unassembled, unglued, unpainted ox cart with hitch and ox from Daniel Boone set. If you find them “cheap” at a show, please pick them up for me. When I see the female figures on eBay, they run $75+ range and the ox cart is usually damaged.

          • erwin says:

            The cart I had seen plenty time, will keep eyes, the last Mohican figures are top notch as one of first ever done and those minus one set of the Mohican Indians are hard to get now x cheap price .Any how I will keep watch .
            Andy just in case send me text with and Link to then to make sure I pick right one if see around .
            at Hackensack9Ocober -November ) show there three sellers that carry Barzso loose figures in tons ,not counting Stengel Juniors that often bring loose and some bags .

  10. Darren Hatley says:

    By the I do like the original BasRoman figures, They are A more true 54mm scale and they look better also. Ive never seen these original figures and in these multi colours.

  11. Darren Hatley says:

    Sorry my mistake I didn’t read all the report properly. What I mean is I really like the Original CO-MA Roman multi-coloured figures. I think ive got it now.

  12. Jack Gibbons says:

    In my experience self-proclaimed “experts” are not. The reason I stay away from many hobby groups is that there is always a “lifer” who needs to tell you about everything in a hobby’s existence. Realizing the hobby is only a small part of my life I often find these individuals to be real bores, and often do not appear to have the social skills to know that they are a bore. Strangely, you also find that some of these men still live with mom and haven’t ventured out to have some form of life balance.

    I enjoy the discussions here and appreciate the figures and updates. I always feel there is a real level of honesty and balance from the contributors to this site.

  13. Bill Nevins says:

    I just don’t see the need for name calling and slanderous comments.
    Don’t we all want the same thing? An enjoyable past time?
    Aren’t toys supposed to be fun?

    People like Erwin who share their knowledge, make us all a little more aware
    of figures we may have missed or may have never seen. Without them, it would be a poorer hobby.

    Hugh has some good stuff on his site. I’ve learned several things from him.
    But calling Erwin vile names over foolishness is way out of bounds.
    Why does it have to be a competition?
    Why can’t Hugh just say “I disagree with Erwin” and leave it at that?

    Toy soldiers are just too unimportant to get crazy over.

  14. Andy says:

    I wouldn’t even know that a “Hugh Walter” existed if he wasn’t given publicity
    on this site. IGNORE HIM HERE!! If need be, go “get” him at his home site.

    • admin says:

      We try to ignore him but his comments are so vicous and incorrect. We can not get him as his site as we fear he would not give us a fair chance of rebuttal.

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