Erwin’s Dog Blondi

blondi 9

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8 Responses to Erwin’s Dog Blondi

  1. Don Perkins says:

    A handsome girl!

  2. erwin says:

    thanks ,yes she is!!!

  3. peter evans says:

    Woof woof

  4. Bill Lango says:

    What a beautiful girl. We’ve been blessed by sharing our lives with three wonderful German Shepherd dogs, Heide, Fritz and Bosco. All of them are in doggy heaven now.

  5. George Albany says:

    Wanted to leave my compliments on Blondi too. Was never much of a dog guy growing up. Matter of fact, I was once chased by a neighbor’s German shepherd as a young boy. Dog was trained in German and when the owner told him to halt, the dog froze immediately. That put me off dogs for a very long time. We always had cats growing up; one actually chased burglars away — too long a tale to relate here. Anyhow, my wife is a dog person and shortly after we got married we got a Brittany, she was supposed to be my gun dog. Unfortunately, her training was curtailed by the savings and loan crisis, again, too long to relate here. As a result, we’ve had a series of dogs since then, mostly good stories. Currently, we have Libby, a pure bred Corgi, and Meli, a rescue, but clearly a “true” bred Blue Heeler. Imagine the crazy confusion in our house with two herding dogs and two cats and two goldfish). Anyhow, pets, gotta love the good ones and forgive the bad ones. Congrats on what looks to be a great Shepherd, Erwin.

  6. erwin says:

    Thanks Bill and .Bill sorry to hear your Dogs are with God in heaven, too sad they last so short ,but their good memories will never forgotten. I appreciate your words and hope mine will be with yours in heaven some day too.
    George. I do train mine in German and she understand perfect than English,I do speak a bit of and my daughter have in fact better words sounds when given command. Training take time and is hard but had work so far in mine. Mine is very good guardian no only of family as I teach her to protect all in the land,she even protect the squirrel that I feed in my widow during winter and back yard in summer,even raccoon and others walk with out problem,she play with two deer too. But she have problem with cats that I had no be able to eliminate,I’m afraid one day she will walk with one in her … This are not neighbor cat,are semi wild as they live in forest and look very not care at all. My home is very seclude in the 2-3 acres forest area and more land no belong to me. With few houses across and down to my left. So she have plenty space to run. I’m happy for all your experience with so many and admire the many breed you have. I will probably not able to get two different breed. Many people don’t know that when you gad a guard dog and quite walking dog if not raise properly they will go in war all time. I’m positive you had done a great job,congrats!!

    • George Albany says:

      We had a sheltie/collie mix not long ago (was my wife’s absolute all time favorite dog). While not trained in German (my German is pretty terrible anymore), when I would go out on the porch, I’d ask, “Riley, komst du mit?” and he knew what that meant and was right at the door, waiting to sit on the porch with me.

  7. erwin says:

    Awesome=nice;sheltie/collie ..have from Spitz race, definitely German ancestry, also the original were brought or mix by Anglos axon and Normand’s as led loose in southern Scotland,so comes in DNI.German guttural language is strong and liked by dog.

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