Erich Johns Has Passed Away Moderator of Marx Wild West

Erich Johns Has Passed Away Moderator of Marx Wild West It is my very sad duty to report the loss of one of the good guys of the hobby. We will take a look back at him and his life..

Erich Johns Has Passed The Man

Erich Johns Has Passed Eric
This is what Eric’s wife Vicki said of John on Facebook. Goodbye to my quirky husband of 22 years who passed away from ALS. He was a toy collector, and dog lover who had a Masters in Math, and was a CPA, government auditor, and tax preparer. He was a Special Education Assistant, acted in community playhouses, taught Vacation Bible School, and wrote Children’s plays. He had a degree in Theatre, and earlier than all that, he graduated from Journalism school and wrote for the Stars and Stripes in Viet Nam flying in open helicopters over the burning jungles of Agent Orange as a war correspondent. The effects of that didn’t show up for years, but last year he was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s Disease. He had a unique way of looking at things that were sometimes amazing and sometimes crazy-making. No amount of reasoning would change his mind. So he lived his own way, and his way was not with ALS. We will have a graveside service and burial in his native Duncan, Oklahoma as he had requested on Veteran’s Day weekend. Fitting. RIP

My Thoughts

Eric as I said earlier was one of the good guys. He took time out to create the website Marx Wild West in 2007. It started to catalog the various Marx western figures and accessories. from there he expanded to other Marx items and catalog Playset Magazine and PFPC.

I met Eric once at Marx Meet in West Virginia. We talked and I helped with information on his site. I am really sorry to see he has passed.

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17 Responses to Erich Johns Has Passed Away Moderator of Marx Wild West

  1. Wayne W says:

    I knew him only by reputation. The hobby definitely is diminished – IMO, so is the world. I’ve lost several buddies to the effects of Agent Orange, I am watching both my best friend and brother die slowly from it. His name – and theirs when the time comes – should be on that wall, too. Just my opinion.

    Rest well, brother. See you at the RP.

    • Inmanol Paris Martin says:

      In one way or another many of us are dying too, our beloved and family in this special world of romantics is no longer what it was in anything or for anything. REST IN PEACE. Tim Connelly from ESPAÑA

  2. Rich Fisher says:

    My condolences to his wife Vicki & family. He will be missed.

  3. tim connelly says:

    My deepest sympathy to the family and friends of Eric! We never actually met, but did have some correspondence through his most excellent site and of course ebay. This is yet another huge loss to the toy soldier collector community! Eric you will be missed! Tim Connelly

  4. ERWIN SELL says:

    RIP ,sorry for the loss!!

  5. TD Barnecut says:

    I’ve enjoyed Eric’s website very much, so sorry to hear of his passing.
    I hope someone will adopt his Marx Lane website and continue to update it, lots of high quality photos of Marx figures there, it’s a great reference.

  6. mark t. says:

    Very sad news. I did not know the man, but he sounds like a very good person and I use his website frequently.

  7. Mark McNamara says:


  8. Doc says:

    Sad to hear. His website was a fantastic resource; impeccable photography and research. I was there earlier in ’23 but I see it’s down now. Any way to re-enervate it?
    Rest in peace Eric Johns

  9. TD Barnecut says:

    Yeah it would have been good for someone to continue Eric’s website.
    The photos were excellent and I copied many to a portable hard drive
    for reference. Anyone wanting the pics can e-mail me.

  10. Edward says:

    Corresponded with him on some of the TV-oriented sets. He seemed like a great guy.

    To see this, I feel like I’ve lost a friend.

  11. Jefferson Nery Chaves says:

    Sad to hear. RIP. His website was fantastic and it help me a lot. Jefferson from Brazil.

  12. George dobler says:

    I just saw this as I was looking for his website. I’m so sorry for your loss. I corresponded with him via his web page many times about Marx playsets his wealth of knowledge was invaluable in helping me to develop my collection. I will miss visiting him thru his web page he was a great guy.

  13. Jefferson Nery Chaves says:

    Erich Johns’s web site (Marx Wild West) is working again. There is a note about his death and an e-mail (I am not sire if it is a new e-mail). I am very, very happy. His website is great and his job will continue to help us, collectors. Jefferson (from Brazil).

  14. TD Barnecut says:

    YES! Marx Wild West is back indeed, with a new dedication to Eric Johns. His personality and humor come through in his comments and descriptions. Visit his website and you will feel like you are visiting with Eric himself!

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