Ideal Pirate Ship AD


Here is the ad that Ideal did in 1953 for the pirate ship. You will see the six pirates that came with the ship. ( I missed the one in the crows nest earlier have to practice more with the Where’s Waldo books.) The pirate with sword down is at an odd angle but is in the picture and not with a rifle as I thought.

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9 Responses to Ideal Pirate Ship AD

  1. chris says:

    Paul – Need to take another look , the yelling is in the crows nest , and the sword down figure is second in from the far right figure . The ad is a “worked” over photo by an artist to simplify and present a cleaner easier to view images . As well as make the best of the printing process that was used for the cataloge

    • admin says:

      Good catch I missed the pirate in the crows nest and the pirate with sword down. The second one was because when I saw the original picture it was too small.

  2. When I first started discovering re-issue playsets in 1993, I read ordered the BLACK BEARD playset after reading all its contents, but I never saw any photos. (pre-internet)
    I imagined a PLAYMOBIL sized ship, nicely sculpted pirates and all in scale accessories. I was like a kid waiting for Christmas and I was 23 at the time! I was !@#$ GEEKED!!
    Checking the mail EVERY DAY till it arrived and when it did, I was so dissapointed in the shitty little boat, GIANT out of scale CROCKADILE and about 30 60mm ring-hand Pirates by MPC? As a 23 year old, I felt like that kid on Christmas Story.

    Plastic General

    • admin says:

      When we saw the Marx pirate playset, we thought it was horrible. Laurie hated the crocodile, which was from the Marx Safari set. It was so wrong in so many ways.

  3. Ed Borris says:

    Always liked the Ideal pirates, my favorite ws the one with two pistols, too bad they always seemed a tad small to me. Howver, upon further review they don’t match up badly with 54mm.

  4. I forgot to mention that I did love the six beautifully sculpted IDEAL PIRATES the set came with. My only regret about those was that they had no bases and there were only 6 poses. They should have done at least 12.

  5. Jon Burk says:

    A question: Concerning the pirates and railing made of vinyl, can someone tell me how to store these since they interact with the plastic of the ship. I purchased an incomplete ship off ebay and it has some damage to the plastic, which I can do little about. Now I can understand the discoloration of the original pirate figures as they come in contact with the plastic.

    So when I am not displaying the ship, could the ratlines and pirates be kept safely in Ziploc bags or do I need special packaging?Thanks for any help on this matter. I searched the site but did not find anything related to this.

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