Plethora New Figure News ElastolWit Western

Plethora New Figure News, we have lots of information to share with you. First up, Erwin Sell shares another set from JEU-Vikondo Sino-Japanese War 1937-45. Speira Miniatures has done some Civil War ambulance wagons and cavalry figures. We preview some western figures from ElastoWit a division of Vitaliy. Rahway alerted me that the Plastic Platoon Japanese Naval Infantry is out.

Plethora New Figure News Jeu-Vikondo

Plethora New Figure News Sino
Erwin Sell did a review of the Jeu-Vikondo Chinese last month. This month we look at the other set they did Japanese Infantry. the set has 10inuing different poses.
Plethora New Figure News Japanese Two
The poses are as follows:
  1. Advancing with bayonet rifle
  2. With automatic weapom at waist.
  3. Walking with greanade on a pole.
  4. Running firing rifle
  5. Flag bearer with sword or knife in his left hand
  6. Kneeling with mortar shell in right hand.
Plethora New Figure News officer

7. An officer with a pistol and sword.

8. Grenade thrower.

9 Kneeling firing a machine gun

10. Laying firing rifle

Plethora New Figure News comparison
Erwin has done a comparison of the figures. I have one example here of the Airfix Japanese with the JEU-Vikondo figures. You can see other comparisons on his Facebook page here
It is odd why the company did copies of the Processed Plastic army pose as they are inaccurate.

Plethora New Figure News Speira Minatures

Speira wagon
Speira keeps coming out with new items. Here is Wheeling Rosecrans Ambulance Wagon, one side rolled up. The wagon in1/32 scale is 23 Euros or $27.14 plus shipping
german motorcycle
Another item is a WWII German motorcycle with a sidecar and MG42 is 14.80 Euros on a 1/32 scale or $17.46. I can’t wait to see what else they come up with.

ElastoWit Western Figures

ElastoWit Western
Serhiy Marchenko sent me some photos of western figures being done by ElastoWit a division of Vitaliy. These figures are based on DDR figures I will be posting an interview that Serhiy did with Vitaliy.

Plastic Platoon Japanese Naval Infantry

Plastic Platoon Japanee
Rahway and Brian Johnson have alerted me that the Plastic Platoon Japanese Naval Infantry is available for sale. You can get them either from this source on Ebay. Another great set for your collection.
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2 Responses to Plethora New Figure News ElastolWit Western

  1. ERWIN SELL says:

    The PP are awesome ,same for the other set .The new cowboys are nice .I have some of original poses they are base in interesting film made by former DDR from late 60 to early 80 ,one pose suppose depict warrior apache of name Ulzana that is main character of 2 DDR films -Apachen 1973 and Ulzana 1974 both representing him as a “revolutionary ” hero contrary to US made film character of same name were is represented as typical bad savage warrior .

  2. ERWIN SELL says:

    The Japanese set only have 3 poses base in TM ,rest poses are copies in up scaled of Caesar brand set made in HO. This information was find out by fellow collector Mark Taverna after he investigate them and mentioned before in the other Chinese army set that is as well base in same HO Caesar brand company set

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