Hing Fat Originals

Our good friend Mathias aka Breizh has posted on the Treefrog forum photos of original Hing Fat WWII figures. The new poses are for French, Germans and Russians. Each group has twelve different poses. The Americans are copies of Matchbox U.S, Army. The figures are sold in a box of 120 figures.

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29 Responses to Hing Fat Originals

  1. Ed Borris says:

    Amazing, the Russian figures have 5 poses carrying the drum sub-machine gun and not one is firing the gun. You would figure if someone is going to sculpt a weapon like that multiple times they would at least have one firing figure.

    • It tells me ONE THING, the sculpture does NOT play with, or collect toy soldiers!! HELL, it could be a woman for all we know!

      • admin says:

        Years ago I was told by Ron Ruddell, who was doing work at the time for Britains that they had to send over to China a German Helmet so the sculptors would get it right. We do not know if sculptors were in house or not for Hing Fat. How much research was done for these figures.
        My feelings on the figures at least they are not copies of Airfix or Ma5tchbox.

        • Brian Johnson says:

          That’s interesting seeing the Chinese Army used to wear German Helmets even though they were worn by the “Losing” side of the Chinese Nationalist-Communist war you would think there would be pictures in Chinese History school textbooks.

          • admin says:

            I know Ron said they had make sure the Chinese sculptors had information so did not make mistakes on the figures.

  2. Brian Johnson says:

    Well you have to remember Hing Fat isn’t Conte or Paragon or CTS.They have some interesting poses,when was the last time you saw a Russian Radioman??I think they’re pretty good for what they are and not the usual generic Hing Fat GI’s even if they are a bit cartoonish,hopefully some Japanese will show up that arn’t Airfix clones.

    • Ed Borris says:

      Yeah I know who they are and I know their audience, but it bugs me when they have a good weapon that isn’t being fired, much like the Marx 54mm Germans, two guys with a MG42 and neither firing the weapon. It would seem to me that at least one of the poses would be firing the weapon, 0-2 is bad 0-5 is worse.

      • admin says:

        I agree it is annoying that firing poses are not included or have more than one in the set

      • Brian Johnson says:

        Maybe the PC Police had something to do with it,we’ll let you make toy soldiers but you can’t have any actually shooting anyone,LOL,did you notice the Russians figs holding their weapons reversed?

      • I’m with YOU, remember the WWI Italian Mt. Troops 1:32
        ALL 8 poses look like they are !@#$ dancing and not ONE guy is firing!!! I was SO pissed!

  3. PLEASE, as a very regular visitor to your site, I get really excited when I hear about a new release, then I waste a lot of time trying to find what you are talking about.
    A simple link would be very helpful.
    Thank You

    • admin says:

      Sorry for not posting a link. Sometimes I do not post a link due to a rush of time other times I am waiting for pictures. Also some forums and web sites get touchy on links with out permission.
      In this case I was dealing with a major problem on photos. The photos did not transfer correctly and I had to figure how to use them for EBay etc. I have resolve the problem. Thanks for the link.

  4. For all you toy soldier nerds, I have provided you a link for a quick sneak peek.

    The saddest thing about the Hing Fat figures is that it takes the same amount of effort to create a set of amazing sculpts as it does to make slightly below average ones.
    I just really hope that they are at least 54mm.
    I may have to replace their over sized weapons.
    I have been wanting someone to do new WWII French for decades.
    From the photos, I give the sculpting a 7 out of 10 at best and the poses are about a 6.5 out of ten. But I am happy to see them.

  5. chris says:

    Another picture was posted showing a couple of the new US G.I.s standing with one of TSSDs Russian figures , and they look to be the same size . I think it takes a little more “effort” to make a higher grade figure , and these fall a bit short for me . Fun for sure , but with what’s available these days , these are no more than interesting to me . A couple poses with a little reworking might pick them up , but most would need a lot of conversion work me thinks . Which is not for me . Still , a real surprise to see these made . I’m still a BIG fan of Hing Fats knockoffs of Airfix 7th Cavalry , really nicely done .

    • admin says:

      I agree these figures are not the greatest but it is good to see figures at a reasonable price. I am sure people will use them to enhance their armies.

      • Ed Borris says:

        Yeah there is a fine line between toy soldiers and what some would term collectible figures. Some people claim that only metal figures are collectible figures, I am of the opinion that the finer plastic figures are also collecitble figures where are others like Hing Fat, BMC, Timmee and the host of China knock offs are toy soldiers in the truest sense. In any case new figures whether collecible or toys are always welcome, the fact that people make them is always encouraging to an otherwise dying breed.

  6. Wayne says:

    I’d be interested in seeing Hing Fat’s knockoffs of Airfix 7th Cavalry; I’ve only seen their Cowboys and Indians. I’ve never been a big fan of troops supposedly in battle waving their weapons uselessly or worse, the running “smiling for the camera pose” not looking where I’m running that was so popular among some companies for awhile. But if these guys aren’t too small (and they don’t look it from the comparison shot) and not too expensive, it might be worth the money for the good figures and use the others for conversions and/or casualties. The improvement in quality is at least a step in the right direction – maybe better things down the road?

  7. The big issue for me, will be the SIZE! 54mm???? I HOPE!
    If they are, the greatest victory here is the FRENCH infantry!
    The SOVIETS come in second, but the GERMANS are shit. Even their helmets are sculpted badly, but I do like the ones wearing the caps, but even then, the weapons are way too big.
    YES, I will buy them, as long as they’re 1:32.
    Does ANYONE know yet??!!

    • chris says:

      Christian , I pointed out that a picture was posted along with the original pictures , showing 2 of the US GIs standing alongside a TSSD Russian , as tall so in fact this makes them closer to 60mm , oh ! I’m sorry the new 1/32 … Take a look

  8. Don Perkins says:

    I wonder what mass store chains are going to carry these Hing Fat figures. Toys R Us? K-Mart? Target? Dollar General? I think I’m going to get a set of each. At the very least, a number of the poses can be successfully infiltrated/mixed-in into big WWII dioramas. It seems the Russians would be useful for big wave attacks, which has the advantage of being historical.

  9. Steve says:

    “HELL, it could be a woman for all we know!”…Some of the best sculptors in the toy biz are women. The poor degree of sculpting and posing of the Hing Fat figures has nothing to do with gender.

  10. Francisco J Torres says:

    Are these for sale in the USA through regular retailers? I found a 202 bucket of Hing Fat
    American,British, Japanese and Germans for $16.00 from 0m the ones discussed here…..
    The ” Official” Hing Fat website does not even show the first batch of Soldiers of the World, let alone the newest Italian, chinese , Soviet, German figures. I emailed them and their answers were very evasive regarding the newest figures. Could the new ones be for sale in Asia and Europe only?

    • admin says:

      The one party that I know had them was Toy soldier Depot. Does anyone know any other sources for the Hing Fat figures?

  11. Francisco J Torres says:

    A portion got deleted, sorry. what I meant is that the 202 toy soldier Hing Fat bucket
    has the old style Germans that are VERY different from the ones pictured n your article. The are dark blue and all the poses are very different.

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