June Odds Ends Part One Junk Box Finds

June Odds Ends Part One, we start with a neat effect that Mark Taverna has done without ruining his figures. Next, I will share some recent finds from some junk boxes. AJ and I got into a discussion that I have had over thirty-plus years on high prices from a certain dealer.

June Odds Ends Part One Special Effects

June Odds Ends Part One Mark
Mark Taverna put this photo up on Facebook. As you can see Mark showing the effect of a tank shell hitting a jeep. Mark got this effect by using what is called Tamashii Nations Explosion, and it’s supposed to be a backdrop for action figures. He put a small flashlight behind it for the flare effect. You can see the product on Youtube. Erwin gave a sample place you can order it from. I thank Mark for permission allowing me to share this idea with you.

Junk Box Finds

 June Odds Ends Part Junk Box
As you know I love to get junk boxes. I love to sort through to find the little treasures that I can resale. I also find figures for myself. In the last boxes, I got some interesting figures. The one on the left is by Remco. It has a copyright date of 1998. Very likely it went with a vehicle that Remco sold. Next is a copy of the Marx caveman with club and knife. It was made in China. The gas attendant shows made in Hong Kong.
ERTL figuresI
The next photo shows two ERTL figures a female rider and a farmhand with two buckets. I can use them in various settings. The giraffe with the animals
The police figure showed up without a base. I place it on a Britains base for now until I can find a better base.

Crazy Prices

AJ email me about a certain dealer who has a crazy price. (I don’t have to say who it is.) This time the dealer is trying to sell a reissue Marx Confederate shot falling with a rifle for $19.95 plus $7.70 for postage! I know what you are saying you can get this figure in reissue for $1.00 or two at most and original for a few dollars. You have to realize this dealer has a philosophy that someone will pay my price. (He said that to my face many years ago.) He will not change so my attitude is chill out. If you meet him offer him reissues at $3.00 each and watch his reaction.

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5 Responses to June Odds Ends Part One Junk Box Finds

  1. Biff Smith says:

    Love that special effects photo! Thanks for sharing it.

  2. AJ says:

    Re: Crazy Prices: I am always puzzled by the hand full of “beauties” on eBay who somehow manage to survive over time. As far back as 1806, (and, no doubt, back before 5000 BC) it’s been said: “there vash von fool born every minute” and (some claim) refined by P.T. Barnum to read: “there’s a sucker born any minute”. This is proven daily on eBay, but I don’t know how some of our “buddies” can sleep at night. Unfortunately, most of us know to whom I refer. Another classic is the “dealer” who picks up a collection for an agreed upon amount, leaves a partial deposit, and then decides, once he has the hoard of goods several states and many miles away, “uhhhh, sorry, but I made a mistake on my calculations and can only pay you (a fraction) of what I told you….” I don’t pretend to have “seen it all”, but, man, I’ve seen a LOT!!!!!!

    • ERWIN SELL says:

      Yet that dealer is by far one of more lasting in the hobby and with larger warehouse .I too amaze me at the amount followers who still defend his prices base in the good business processing only with out looking the big price jump .I’m wondering if those defending are buying his prices or others .The eBay minor sellers or dealers are just a different tale ,but it is what it is and nothing ca be done .
      my thoughts

  3. ERWIN SELL says:

    I like the simple ,yet very well done Mark set up looks ,the way he put cotton in the Tiger 88 mm muzzle brake gas looks so realistic as well of course the jeep (actually a post WW2 M151 ) but looks great any how with good choices of poses …

    • Mark T. says:

      Thanks, Erwin and Biff, and thanks to Paul for posting my picture here! I had a lot of fun setting it up.

      The explosions are a great asset for any battle scene. As soon as I saw them on eBay, I had to get a pack.

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