Odds Ends Marx Chinese Women Figures

Odds Ends Marx Chinese Women, we have a photo of a little-known series of figures from Marx. Next, we check back with our very good friend Peter to see how his sales of Hing Fat are doing.

Odds Ends Marx Chinese Women Figures

Odds Ends Marx Chinese Women
I am asked from time to time if there are any Marx figures not known about? Well, we have one here Ancient Chinese Women. We uncovered this set when Erwin spotted a listing from Australia. The listing was for a Marx 60mm Robin Hood figure hard plastic painted. Erwin informed me of the listing and I took a look. One thing I do is check the other listing of the person. I discovered that the person had a listing for a Chinese woman. I placed links for both items on Facebook and wait for a response
Mark Hegeman, a well-known Marx player responded with an answer. The female figure was part of a series of eight-figures. This set is similar to the Ancient Chinese Warriors. Women are famous in Chinese History. An example is Wang Chao-Chun. She had been made part of the harem of the Emperor. It was custom to have a painting made to show the emperor of the woman. Wang wouldn’t bribe the artist so he did a plain of her. when the emperor found out the truth he had the artist executed. An interesting set I wonder why Marx did of it.

Hing Fat Figures

Hing Fat knights
As we have mentioned previously our very good friend Peter Evans is selling the various Hing Fat. Here are some of the knights. Hing Fat did full armor knights. They would go well with the Marx 54mm knights. My only complaint is some of the weapons are too large.
Hing Fat French
Another nice thing with the Hing Fat is they give you additional poses to flesh out your armies. Here is a link to one of Peter’s listings on Ebay UK.

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14 Responses to Odds Ends Marx Chinese Women Figures

  1. Hing Fat is a good source for cheap figures. I have made much use of their pirates and used them from all kinds of things, including Balkans troops, Mexicans and Chinese Boxers.
    What I would like to ask about is a set of prehistoric warriors that were on their list and then vanished. They looked like Homo Erectus but with relatively advanced weapons, including bows. They would have been great to include in a fantasy army and could even have been painted as orcs or goblins. Does anyone know if they came to fruition?

  2. Biff Smith says:

    The Marx boxed figures are beautiful! Thanks so much for taking the time to photograph them and share ’em with us!

  3. LYNN J GRAVES says:

    Is Wang Zhaojun related to Wang Chung?

  4. ERWIN SELL says:

    The Chinese women may had been more popular in Taiwan ,HK ,China than here back them I bet .They are very nice interesting figures .I’m wonder if mold still in HK why never recast there ,unless done and never send here .
    Some former MARX WOW mold were recast under RADO company from HK and imported here in 80/90s ,some sets still around but not all were recast send here .For instant I find out no long ago several Asian collectors that own full sets of WW2 Germans WOW sets in recast colors green and blue an show me photos of even packing sold. They claim were sold in 80s and pack confirm the date as far photo show.
    Never seen then here .ATS and Toy soldier company carry most of HK recast sets but never the Germans .
    my thoughts

    • admin says:

      The Rado version of the Marx figures was acquired by Michael Ellis of Marksmen Models UK. The story I was told Mike’s wife went into the company in Hong Kong. He sold and wholesale to the above mention companies and also Stad’s. The generals, Rough Riders, and the Boy scouts were sold by other sources. Rado now wants big orders of the figures which are out of the realm of most companies

  5. Darren Hatley says:

    I recently brought a set of 10 Hing-Fat Knights from Peter an i’m really happy with them. They are nice looking figures in good action poses, And they are in the scale ive been crying out for ages of around 56mm, So they go great with 54mm and 60mm figures, Also i often paint figures but these come in such a nice bright green ive decided to leave them as they are. The only slight down side to them is that they have no stands but i’m not very bothered as i will make them stands. They are very similar to the Red Cat knights i brought from Russia a couple of years ago.
    I was also hoping that the Hing Fat Apemen which would make great fantasy figures that were mentioned about 6 months ago would be coming out soon but i’m afraid theres no sign of them. I hope they dont go the way of the BlueBox Orcs and Knights i was eagerly waiting for a few years ago that nevr came out?

  6. Wayne W says:

    I’ve probably asked before, so apologies; but what is the size of their WW2 guys? I managed to snag some Hong Kong copies of 8th Army I suspect were Hing Fat (they came in a tube) though I didn’t see the logo anywhere, but they were knockoffs of Matchbox and actually a bit largerthan the originals (not much though, but a better fit with other companies).

    I was interested in their ACW and ARW sets as they contained some usable poses – but concluded they were really too small for me. You never know, a lot of figures are sold as 1/32 but are really more 51 – 52mm. It goes the same the other way.

    So I guess the question is (finally getting to it) would they fit with the old Marx/Accurate scale? I doubt they’d go with the Conte/TSSD and others. I could handle them fitting with Marx – any smaller…

    • ERWIN SELL says:

      They (former DAN sold in tubes before now under Hing fat and red cat distributors)range from 52 to 54mm max .
      Go well with Airfix.
      Matchbox are 56/58mm and bigger/thick than Airfix

      • Wayne W says:

        Thanks Erwin, I have originals of both Airfix and Matchbox and was aware of the differences in sizes; just curious as to the copies/knockoffs as I know they come in all sizes. I was surprised to see the Matchbox copes I got to match so well.

        What you have told me is what I suspect and why I’ve held off buying them. I am still tempted to get them and use them with my Airfix and Marx guys.

        • erwin sell says:

          Your welcome.
          You may get the Chinese nationalist and Japanese as they are Asians and generally smaller peoples.
          The Australians and British could be used as Gurkhas, Burmese or Indian British colonial Asian soldiers as well.
          The Russians as North Korean or Chinese x Korean War.
          My thoughts.

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