Three German Summer Plastic Show Andreas Dittmann

Three German Summer Plastic Show, after photos from Markus Lecksheid and Peter Bergner, we have photos from another old friend Andreas Dittmann. Andreas’ photos will show you more of the tables. Markus told me the people were happy to have a show and were buying.

Three German Summer Plastic Show Photos

Three German Summer Plastic Show Tables
This is what people needed a show after being inside for 80 days or more.
Three German Summer Plastic Show a tble
Her we have a collector looking over a wooden fort.
Elastolin vehicle
On this table were various WWII Germancannons not sure if new or old Elastolin.
Table of figures
A nice mix of figures a box of animals is 25 Euros($28.24) is to the left of Plasty figures.
Bergner unmasked
Peter Bergner taking a break from the show.
Steve and circus
Steph’s table with Britains and other figures.
More tables of goodies
Another nice mix of figures the silver figures in the center are Mokarex and Cafe Storme.
Table time
this photo was done at set up. The table in the background has a couple of boxed Timpo sets.

More Photos of the Show

Two people  talking
A closeup of the table with the boxed Timpo seats In the background is Detlef Heerbrand, who has contributed items to our site. we will have photos from Detlef in the next day.
Several collectors going through 1/72 loose figures. The boxes are Peter Bergner’s. He had to reduce his tables due to the restrictions. Other dealers had only about 20 to 30 percent of their normal stock due to the virus.
Peter Bergner with his wife Ute in front of Pete are 1/72 scale figure boxes.
A nice wooden Elastolin castle and back issues of Figuren Magazine. This should be Andreas Dittmann’s table

A Few More Comments

The Flottmann-Hallen is where the first German Plastic shows were held. While those shows were inside a building, this show was outside in an area normally used for concerts. Markus said that due to the very specific German regulations (not due to pandemic-extras) even with free entrance it’s only allowed to start a show, same with flea markets, in our federal state on a Sunday at 11 am. We will have a few more photos from Detlef.

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One Response to Three German Summer Plastic Show Andreas Dittmann

  1. ERWIN SELL says:

    I’m glad they made it good and some fun ,the spirit is high.Germany is a great example how well they had manage with virus issue overall and this is example they have endure and getting back in track .
    good luck to all!!!

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