Lone Ranger Movie

As promised I am giving my feelings on the new Lone Ranger movie. First what the critics are saying on the movie are correct, it is overlong and tedious. If you are Lone Ranger purist, you will be very upset with the changes etc.. Just take a look at www.westernclippings.com (Great web site for old westerns).

For me, I found the movie interesting on several levels. It is an over bloated film which could have been done for much less. It is amazing how so many films waste money.  I was surprise how much the mythos of the Lone Ranger was included. The origin of Tonto in the movie is interesting.  On the other hand the framing of the film with old Tonto was not necessary.  I enjoy actors who played Butch Cavendish and Cole the railroad boss. Tom Wilkinson who was Cole has played in number of comic book movies James Reid in “The Green Hornet and Carmine Falcone in “Batman Begins”.  The carnivorous rabbits was a waste.  Having the cavalry captain look like Custer was not necessary. When the William Tell Overture starts playing at the end, it tugs at your heart strings.  All I can say a disappointment.

Yes the Lone Ranger deserve better, but the last two movies  have not done  the character justice.  I doubt if we will see another movie as this movie will bomb.

Interesting, the movie was about third full for the first showing. the people were my age or older. The crowd applauded at the end, which surprised me.  I did not realized how long it has been since I had been to the movies until I paid my admission of $8.25! When I saw the prices for soda and popcorn, I waited until after movie to get something to eat.  I stopped at Arby’s and got a combo for the price of a soda.

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6 Responses to Lone Ranger Movie

  1. Bill Nevins says:

    Well they won’t be getting my money. Once I saw the commercial with Johnny Depp looking like a French Mime with feathers I tuned out. Looks like Depp is continuing his Jack Sparrow persona.
    What a shame. I remember the old original episode with the Rangers all getting massacred in the box canyon. I don’t think that you saw a single bullet wound. But still you knew what happened. I was looking forward to this. No more. Ick!

    • admin says:

      Lone Ranger movie will be flop of the year along with many other pictures such as White House Down. I used to go to the movies almost every week, not it is a rare occasion. I do not think there is any other movie I need to see this year.

  2. Don Perkins says:

    Well, I was getting ready to go with my wife to see it, but I suspect, after reading Stad’s review, that I would probably be disappointed in it. The trailer looked pretty good, but I’ve seen several trailers where you would think the movie it great, but the trailer makes the movie look much better than it actually is.

    I do like Johnny Depp, but like Bill, I was also turned off by how ridiculous the movie made Tonto look, with that painted white face and awkward dead bird sitting on his head.

    The last Lone Ranger remake was also a disappointment. I started watching it on cable and it was so uninteresting I couldn’t even make it to the middle of the show.

    I’ll probably end up waiting for this new version to show up on cable as well, where I’ll sit in front of my widescreen home entertainment system in the comfort of my family room, eating a sub or a pizza.

    It does sound nice that the movie ended with the William Tell Overture. When I went to see the Zorro remake a few years back, I thought the movie would have been more enjoyably nostalgic if it had included the TV show music we were all so familiar with.

    • admin says:

      Yes the movie is bad, if you watch it on cable, you will at least you will not get the annoying commercials on regular television.
      Please also give us your thoughts on Toy Hunter. I was talking to a toy dealer friend today and he told me many of the toy dealers are upset with the show.

  3. Don Perkins says:

    I really don’t have any new interesting thoughts on Toy Hunter. I’ve decided I don’t find it interesting enough to even continue watching it, unless I happen to stumble over it from time to time while surfing. I think one reason is what seems to me to be Jordan’s artificial over-enthusiasm. Additionally, my wife enjoys watching American Pickers and Pawn Stars with me, but she never thought Toy Hunter dealt with anything she found particularly interesting. So she always seems to find something else to do when it comes on. Of course, she isn’t that into toy soldiers either! I like Roy Rogers, Lone Ranger, etc., but not personally into Star Wars, Batman, etc., which is so much of what Toy Hunter seems to focus on. We go to antique/flea markets almost every weekend now, and my next big toy soldier event is going to be the Joseph Saine Michigan Toy Soldier Auction and Show on August 2 & 3. This is the one that Rick Berry used to do, but Joseph Saine seems to have permanently taken over the sponsorship of it. Marxman John Stengal, Allan Ford, Hobby Bunker, Rick Keller, Glen Smith, Fred Bauer, Will Bierwaltes, and, of course, Rick Berry and Joseph Saine, all come to this one.

    • admin says:

      Hi Don
      You are not the only one who finds Toy Hunter boring. Laurie finds it boring where Pickers she can enjoy usually even though she is not into motorcycles. I agree that Jordan is artificial. As I have mention I have met him once and he did not impress me. Steve Savino has my respect as he is a true toy hunter, where Jordan is a pretty face.
      One thing that hurts Toy Hunter is it is too restrictive on its finds. On both Pawn Stars and American Pickers they show a wide variety of items. Toy Hunters restricts to toys and usually 80’s toys. The show should be looking at toys from all eras. At the Wayne Toy show where I met Jordan, we scored a set of kids Zorro Gloves and a load of Atlantic vehicles. The show would have been better if it had gone for more pop culture. The show was suppose to go for vintage clothing, but pulled back for some reason.
      Jordan is not well like by dealers, mainly for his prices he quotes. I have not gotten chance to talk to dealers in detail what their gripes are, but I am sure they do not like his touting how well he does. The Comic cons and horror cons are a different breed they have 25,000 plus people attending. A regular toy show are lucky if they get a thousand people.
      Have a great time at Michigan Toy soldier Auction and Show. I will be at Macungie Pennsylvania for a toy show on the Friday and Saturday of the first weekend of August, which should be fun.

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