Reader’s Plastic Figure Contributions Tarzan

Reader’s Plastic Figure Contributions, we have several contributions from some of our friends. First, Peter Bergner shares some of his better purchases from Ebay finds. These items will go in his better junk boxes. Next, Detlef shares his collection of Tarzan figures and other jungle figures. Finally, Greg Liska shares his latest project changing BMC Civil War Cannons to British Breech Loading field Gun.

Reader’s Plastic Figure Contributions Junk Box Time

Reader's Plastic Figure Contributions  Ebay
Our very good friend Peter Bergner looks for items for his famous junk boxes for the German Plastic Show. He gets items for his better junk boxes. In this photo, we see two Polish Napoleonic figures. The next one looks like a Russian figure. The lower two figures are Timmee knights
Covered wagon
The next two photos are two interesting western wagons. The first one is a covered wagon. The wagon has a seat in the wagon for a women figure. The horses are Payton Indian horses.
This stagecoach is a companion to the covered wagon. Both vehicles have a copy of Roy Rogers figures.

Tarzan Collection

Tarzan one
Detlef Heerbrand is a big fan of Tarzan. He shares his collection of Tarzan, hunters, natives, and others. In this photo, you can see a wide variety of figures from various companies. Detlef has also adapted some figures like Lone Star Australian kneeling firing rifle. I also like some of his personally painted figures.
African natives
In the background near the Marx reissue jungle huts are some Dom hunters. In Tarzan figures, we can see the Kinder Egg Tarzan and Jane, Blue box Tarzan and others.
Tarzan boxes
One final look with the original Lone Star and Hong Kong copies.of Tarzan. On the right are come farm figures converted into hunters.

Greg’s Cannons

Greg is back with his latest project British Breech Loading Field Gun. here is what he has to say. I had an ‘itch’. I had a load of leftover BMC field guns and some of the little cannons from the WWII buckets. Combined them to make what looks like some Brit breech-loading gun the Confederate States had gotten hold of before the blockade choked them out
I found there were more of them than I knew, once I looked them up. They even produced their own breech-loader made in the Treadwell factory in Richmond as well as right here in Columbus, GA at the Columbus Iron Works.
another barrage of cannon
The 3 most common of the Brit production 10 Pdr. field guns were: the Whitworth (same inventor as the sniper rifle), the Armstrong and the Blakely. I’ve included a pic of a Whitworth 10 Pdr. to compare. Please take a look, pass on your comments and criticisms.
Whitworth cannon
Here is an actual example of the cannons.
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17 Responses to Reader’s Plastic Figure Contributions Tarzan

  1. George A. Albany, III says:

    Nice looking cannons. Historical perspective; the Confederates had either two or four (I think it was two) Whitworths at Gettysburg. They were set up in the vicinity of the Peace Light monument on the north side of town and were able to shell (accurately) the Union positions on Cemetery Ridge well south of town

    • TD Barnecut says:

      Those Whitworths look good! Shouldn’t the limber poles be facing the other direction. Tredegar foundry, Richmond.

      • George A Albany says:

        I think you are correct about the limbers.

        • Greg Liska says:

          Yes, Tredegar. Had a brain lapse there. ARE the limbers facing the wrong way? I’m going to look this up. From what I read about the various breechloaders, the Army of Northern VA had 12 of them. The Army of the Potomac had about 20, but liked the 3″ Ordinance Rifle much better. After July, 1863, BG Pendleton (Chief of Artillery, Army of N. VA) Moved to replace all the rifled field guns with smoothbores due to the unreliability of the Confederate ammunition. How far that went is probably tough to find out. By early ’63 the ammunition quality was recognized as a problem and standing orders required the artillery not to fire over the heads of the infantry, forcing the artillery to be on line with the foot soldiers in many cases, unless terrain permitted otherwise.

  2. ERWIN F SELL says:

    Detleaf .
    That is a nice collection of jungle ,African and Tarzan brands,the Spanish brands(Raygon or Creaciones Reymont ) are the hardest along the Texas brand African and pygmies!!
    Awesome collection ,super well done .
    The HK base in BB early Tarzan play set and sold as generic jungle play set label are nice and the nice big plastic native houses original made which i have several;I used for pacific campaign battles or even Vietnam as they looks more suitable x it .
    I had made a post about then .

    I think the knights are copies of TM not TM.The two polish Napoleonic and Poland independence wars against Russia or Vistula army figures are attributed generic to PZG(Polskiego Związku Głuchych.).I have plenty of the 4 sets and sold repeated in few occasion ,one last presently .They figures are poor detail but poses are very well done in good action poses with long realist muskets .Paint was crude made .plastic is hard but not stiff.
    The soviet WW2 soldier is belong to original set call -Soldiers in combat. Also known as “Brest-Litovsk Fortress defenders”.From late 70s and not longer made since 2005.
    During 70-90s produced in color lithographed nice window boxes. Figures very minor touched factory painted parts.
    Last production packed in bags without any paints on figures in more brighter colors
    Red Flag was molded as a detached curious designed pose in my opinion .
    scale is described as 60 mm but in reality are 65/67 mm least .
    The sets were imported here by one or two Russian and sold by Kent Spretcher as well direct at a shows bu others too .
    they are fairly common still in bags off Russia off ebay .
    A nice action 8 poses set of first non flat original designed made in Russia ww2 figures in plastic ,if not first made in non traditional flat mold cast style.

    Note -Reason being call two names in Spanish brands-companies is an idiomatic- regionalism tradition that happen with several Spanish brands companies during patent and register. .
    The brands name were often register in its regional Spain many mini dialects -languages such Catalan ,Bazque,Galician ,else .While for distribution or international commerce they register it in Castilian or official Spanish language .
    This happen with several brands such Raygon-Reymont(Creaciones Reymont),TEIXIDO -TEXIDO,Aster-ASTHER and many others .In case of Raygon when open stores it become Creaciones Reymont nad had partership sales with another change stores call (La Ilucion).So original made Raygon sets toys were sold under both trademarks as well.Such Tarzan ,African,hunters and pygmies large sets.


    • admin says:

      I disagree on the timmee being copies as Germany had the figures made in the 50s’. Timmee Germany did 45mm figures which I pick up one of the knights on our trip to Germany.

      • ERWIN F SELL says:

        Admin that is what i mean,not TM -PP from US or made in US but copies made in Germany as the actually you post here before from Germany long ago .
        Same as TM copies made in Germany of Gi’s where they included some new or remade poses .

  3. kevin silver says:

    Hello guys,

    great collection…as you know I collect plastic monkeys and apes…I have a question re the figures of the standing gorillas…who made them…i did mark the picture but I can’t add it here…

    • ERWIN F SELL says:

      Hi Kevin.
      I can not increase size photos to look closely ,but the two I see loos like Britain and Dulcop or and RES brands.I could be wrong as too small photo to see with details and figures mix with others.

  4. Carl Castoro says:

    Hi Paul and Erwin. Just saw your latest post, and I’m very interested in the covered wagon (no cover), and horses and driver. Are they 1/32? Even the Payton horses look good. How do I buy at least one? Also, if anyone reading this is going to the NY/NJ Show, I’m looking for metal ACW and 7th Cav figures, painted or not. Especially the oop figures by Bivouac, Artefacts, Bugle&Guidon, I/R, New Hope, Rosewood, Tru Craft, Sanderson, Greenwood&Ball, any of the old stuff, as well as Britain’s, Conte, Showcase, and the new painted figures. Thanks, Carl

  5. ERWIN F SELL says:

    Greg ,once again you nail it so easy and quick with project British Breech Loading Field looking at it i see you use the DGN /HING FAT bucket large play set Civil war new set cannon barrels with BMC .I never imagine that the barrel is actually almost exact as British Breech Loading Field Gun.Never happen to look x it at all .I’m always wonder where was from or what look like .All that need was the correct carriage.So u nail it perfect and made the very closes or think identical piece.well done!!

    • Greg Liska says:

      Thanks, Erwin. I’ve not heard from you in a long time. This is a pleasant way to break that silence, with some positive feedback! Much appreciated! The guns look very close, close enough that any differences do not bother me in the least. I’ve never gotten a close look at any Blakely or Armstrong guns, so who knows, it might even look more like that. Not to ramble, but I was ‘moved’ to gather up a BMC ACW set for myself when I noticed the original molds are not being used anymore. The new Americana ACW figures are very different, but BMC ‘inspired’. I like them in a sort of campy way. The new cannons and limbers are pretty good, too. I’ll send pics if you are not familiar with them. ALL the Confederates have slouch hats and ALL the Federals (to include the mounted officer) have Kepis!

      • ERWIN F SELL says:

        Yes not been able write to toy x while ,sorry for my absences .i had been busy off email x long .
        Using most time these blogs and phone /FB blogs.
        I was not were the BMC ACW molds were not being recast any more .Not idea in Americana being different .
        I’m confuse about your last part ,sorry
        “ALL the Confederates have slouch hats and ALL the Federals (to include the mounted officer) have Kepis!?
        You mean there new figures made?
        Please clarify this x me .

  6. Greg Liska says:

    Sorry I missed your question, Erwin. The new ACW guys in Hobby Lobby have a different cannon and reworked figures. It’s been talked about already in another thread. Rich Fisher asked where the cannons he got off of Ebay were from. I answered him immediately. It’s the new stuff in Hobby Lobby. Somebody mentioned ACW guys from Rite Aid and said it was covered in another thread? Where? This could be my mystery guys.

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