August Plastic Figure Potpourri Manurba

August Plastic Figure Potpourri, we are going to cover a number of items. First, we have some photos from Detlef of Manurba Western. Next, from Peter Evans, we have a conversion he did of a Napoleonic figure. Third, we have a link to Mike Predergast’s latest interview. Fourth, Ec Borris share a Barzso Collectibles never made. So let’s get started.

August Plastic Figure Potpourri Manurba

Manurba Indians
Detlef sent photos of the Manurba two-part western figures. Here we have five of the ten Indians. Not only are there ten upper bodies there are 10 different legs.
Manurba Indains 2
Here is the other set of five Indian figures.
August Plastic Figure Potpourri cowboys
Here are five of the cowboys
Det cowboys

The Manurba are not hard figures to find over in Europe.

August Plastic Figure Potpourri Peter Evans Conversion

August Plastic Figure Potpourri  Evans
Peter Evans Is a grandmaster of converting figures. Here is his latest figure conversion. Peter took a Jescan Napoleonic figure. The original post is pretty poor. To change the figure, Peter cutaway the rifle and added a flag. The new hat shako came from a Dulcop Napoleonic. The uniform detail is a bit dodgy but Peter painted him up as a light infantry officer -Toy Soldier Style.

August Plastic Figure Potpourri Links

Mike Predergast did an interview of with Mike and Nick Versteeg of Toy soldiers of San Diego You can read it here.

Ed Borris’ Find

Ed Borris
Ed Borris sent along with this photo with some background about them. A recent purchase, master sculpts of two Highlanders that were ever produced by Ron, I believe they were made for Bushy Run, but not used.
Ed is thinking of having a limited number of figures from these figures. We will keep you posted if he does or not.

Gun Ho Australian Vietnam Figures.

The Gun Ho Australians are hard to find. According to a collector on Facebook, the owner of Gun Ho had a disagreement with the sculptor of the figures. The sculptor wanted more money causing the owner of Gun Ho to hide the remaining figures. As we get more information we will pass it along. If you have not seen the figures here is a review of them.
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14 Responses to August Plastic Figure Potpourri Manurba

  1. Alex Baldwin says:

    My brother and I always wanted to get ahold of the Gun Ho Vietnam figures but they pretty much were unobtainable at the time and we haven’t seen them since. I’d be curious to know how many were made. That Napoleonic conversion is excellent. Also those unproduced figures from Ron Barzso are very cool and would be worth having for sure.

    • ERWIN F SELL says:

      I recently sold two double poses set of then of my excess.
      I wish I have more.

    • When the Gun Ho figures were released their price was so high collectors passed. So the line disappeared. Now with the high priced sets coming out of Russia collectors are willing to shell out more. They were somewhat crude.

  2. james nixon says:

    The Barzso highlanders remind me of plastic underground highlander figures. Steve Weston had Gun Ho Australians but I did not get any from him as no one was making Vietnam figures at the time. Its different to now wish I had bought some but he does not have them anymore sold them all never mind might come across them somewhere.

  3. Tom Black says:

    Nicely sculpted Highlanders of the Rob Roy, Jacobite Rebellion, and F&I War are hard to find. Would like to see these Highlanders produced along with another quality 8 figure set by some current manufacturer.
    The Napoleonic conversion looks great!
    What I remember about the Australian Vietnam figures were they were on the short and stocky side and I’m not sure how they would look next to TSSD and Plastic Platoon.

  4. ed borris says:

    It is my desire to produce the Highlanders on a limited basis. I only have the two poses though. I envision them as sort of an add on to Bushy Run.

  5. Detlef Heerbrand says:

    Peter Evans Converion is fantastic! also the two clans men look great ..
    The Manurba Indians and cowboys are remainders from the 70s that were probably taken over by a dealer. Most of them are found in grabbel boxes with defective or without weapons!
    Of the Gung-Ho sets, there are two different with 8 different figures .. 8 Australians and 8 Vietkong figures .. Unfortunately, even in manufacturing country australia only hard to find because they were practically barely sold Officially and get only a short time on the market were.

    detlef ..

    • Alex Baldwin says:

      In regards to the Gun Ho sets:

      Does anyone know if they were just produced in small numbers or if the owner produced them in decent numbers but held them back from the market? I would sincerely like to get ahold of them but I am guessing that is never going to happen due to their scarcity.

    • ERWIN F SELL says:

      I never saw the vietcom in plastic.
      I did bough several sets of soldiers and Indians in plastic
      I saw the VC prototype in metal only and I do not collect metal.
      The plastic production often was poor in detail as hand press mold made and figures often come with areas not finish or partially deformed.
      The poses were great awesomely
      done and in old 54 mm traditional scale of true 1/32.
      Too bad not continue.

  6. Wayne W says:

    I am definitely interested in the Highlanders.

    Great interview with Nick Versteeg; one of the nice guys in a hobby with more than its share of great people. Glad he appears to be doing well.

    I was interested in the Gun Ho figures but passed – I regret it now, but at the time as has been said there wasn’t anything else being done on Vietnam. I really wanted their Apaches, but I heard they were more 1/35th scale so I passed on them, too.

    • ERWIN F SELL says:

      They may be close to 1/32 rather than 1/32 but next to airfix are perfect match.i had done some other brand compare photo to show scale with indians and Australians .
      The GUN-HO are perfect for new australian movie Danger close .2019
      A film loose- base in events of battle of long Tang or part of it cover with very realistic action scenes the roll of Aussies in the war .
      i watched it and is recommended ..
      my thoughts

  7. Jeremy Haupt says:

    If the Gun Ho ever become available…either the Australian or Viet Cong set in plastic please let us know. I have looked high and low for them. I know some websites sell the metal ones and I prefer plastic. I have painted some of my Plastic Platoon and Mars Vietnam soldiers for an upcoming tabletop rpg. I will send some photos.

  8. ERWIN F SELL says:

    The manurba indians and cowboys swoppet all full set poses are still plenty easy order from several european ebay seller x modic price in bagg of many figures .they are a cool addition to any swoppet collector.
    Not my strong ,still nice addition to the hobby .

  9. Mike Kutnick says:

    FYI, Armies In Plastic now has “The Mexican Revolution 1910-1920 Trench Warfare” playset up on it’s site.

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