Odds Ends Plastic Figures Hong Kong Set

Plastic Figures Odds and Ends, we first look at a question from a new reader Marc. Next, we have a request from Greg Liska. Finally, the saddest person in the UK is back.

Plastic Figures Odds and Ends A Question

Odds Ends Plastic Figures HK Set
A new reader from Belgium Marc Postelman. sent me the above photo asking for more information. I check with Erwin our expert on Hong Kong and China figure. Erwin replied with this information.
companies or sold under two companies mainly. The brands are Star Toys and Wello. They are no quite Timpo copies cloned as they are variations in the uniforms of the soldiers plus they made other sets with M16 of Vietnam era type uniform which is completely different from Timpo. there’s an armored car M20 US World War II vehicle and also two tanks made by the same company plus a self-propelled gun.
For an odd reason, the plastic used in vehicles is very fragile with years and crack or disintegrate after many years even inside the box. This does not happen with the figures.
Soldier same poses were sold with US helmet in green, blue and silver. Also with red or black berets. 
 This is the same company that made the rare original Chinese designed base in Airfix companies  German Japanese British and US soldiers in a swoppet style which nobody has done before.

Greg Liska’s Request

Greg Liska is back with a request for figures. Here is Greg’s request. Looking for a complete set of Battleground GIs (need not be perfect color-matched) that would have been in the sets in the late ’60s into the ’70s. I’d also take additional kneeling firing poses and some others. I’ll consider partial sets and so on. Price is a factor. These are not really a high-dollar venture and I’d like to keep it modest.  If you can help contact me. I will past on your email to him.

The Saddest Person in the UK Has Return

Hugh Walter, the saddest person in the UK has returned to attack Erwin and me. I will not respond to his latest attacks as I do not respond to vulgar laced racist drivel. Besides, it will not change anything.

I do want to comment on two things that Hugh keeps chewing on. The first one, Hugh is hung up that I had Crescent in a title. He keeps screaming Zang. ( for those who are not aware who Zang is. Zang was the owner of Herald, which Britains bought from him.) My response is when I am doing a title for the site there are certain requirements. One is the focus keyphrase which can be only four words long. Second, you need to have more in the title. I placed Crescent in the title as one photo I saw figures which I thought were Crescent. Whether there is or not the only person upset on that is Hugh.

The other item is how I picked on him for not correctly identifying a Jescan pirate. Erwin and I have seen other errors on Hugh’s site. We long ago decided not to send corrections to him as he will ignore them or worse. The one exception was Jescan pirate. Hugh posted that he could not identify this pirate. He even claimed could not find any information in any Spanish figure blog. This was a direct attack at Erwin, who is a member of a number of foreign figure blogs. I could not let this go, especially as I have the figure in my collection. So he got a response. Because he was made to look foolish, it still bugs him after so many years.

Well, I have said my piece. I figure Hugh will send some real or fake emails full of bile, racist and vulgar remarks. I will just laugh at them.

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8 Responses to Odds Ends Plastic Figures Hong Kong Set

  1. Dennis DeRusha says:

    Stad, never argue with idiots. Apparently he is never going to believe you guys so just block him from your site. You are doing a fine job and evidently he is bloody well nuts.
    Take care, Dennis.

    • admin says:

      I really don’t want to argue with him as I know it is a waste of time. Most of the time I just avoid him. I just had to say something this time as he seems to be on a tear these last few days. I have him block and I will let him foam a mouth again.

  2. John says:

    From reading his blog, it’s clear he has some problems.

    We’re talking about Little plastic figures for Christ’s sake, is it really worth worrying or even arguing about it ?

    There are plenty of real problems in the world….peace out mate and keep posting about figures.

    Cheers, John

  3. James O'Connell says:

    Life is too short to waste time responding to a petty vendetta.

    • admin says:

      I agree I will be letting him alone now that I have said my piece. He is not worth my time. I have other things to do in my life.

  4. Bobby G Moore says:

    The jeep in the Hong Kong set loks nice as well as the team caring the wounded man. Would have liked to have had it as a kid.

    • ERWIN F SELL says:

      I have several more mint sets I will send pics to admin soon.
      They did quite unique sets w vehicles/armored not copied from any one.

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