More on OTS

I have gotten more information in on OTS show. Heritage Toy Figures has done some Viking figures, which sold out at the show. I hope to get pictures in the future. Heritage does a great line of merrymen or pesant army for your medieval scene.  Austin Miniatures showed their masters of their proposed cowboy line. The figures will fit in with TSSD’s figures. Speaking of  TSSD it looks like they will be carrying the Russian Revolution Figures. The price they were selling a box was $35.00. 

The hospitality room was smaller this year.  One report had a number of dealers not having any sales until Friday.  Also people arecommenting on the lack of pictures being posted on the forums  even for metal figures.

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12 Responses to More on OTS

  1. lynn graves says:

    Well, Paul, you had none. Playset Magazine had three days of coverage.

    • admin says:

      As I mention early I was in hospital and was unable to post anything until today. Playset Magazine has only two days of reports that I can see. We will be getting more information in from people over the next few days and already had the report from Ed Boris so I titled my report more OTS. I am hoping to get there next year where I will take lots of photos and post them on the blog.

  2. lynn graves says:

    Paul, I wondered why all the silence. That is not like you. So glad to hear of the good results and Godspeed in your recovery!

    • admin says:

      Thanks for your kind words.
      I did not broadcast my health situation for various reasons. Frankly the first meeting with the doctor left me shell shocked when he said I might lose part or all of my left lung. Thankful I did not. It was told at OTS, but it was not posted on the forums.

  3. Ed Borris says:

    Somehow I missed the Austin figures, one of the hazzards of selling out of your room, I did see the new Civil War Figures, they were kind of small compared to TTSD figures, so I didn’t spend a lot of time looking at them.

    Aside from the Raffling and then auctioning of the Josey Wales box was the opening of an previously unopened Jungle Jim set right after the raffle. It’s always cool to see that even if you really have no interest in the set being opened.

    • admin says:

      No worries on not seeing the Austin figures, I only caught it by accident look at one of the forums. We will see now if the person will be able to make his dream come true.
      I never was into seeing a playset box being opened except when I was a child.

  4. Ed Borris says:

    It’s kind of interesting especially if you have never owned that particular set, you get to see the contents in their original state. I admit I don’t get as charged as some of the guys smelling the bags and the figures. I never watched Jungle Jim and frankly the set never looked that exciting to me in the first place. When I was a kid I was more into the sets you could actually play with, not the set them up and look at them variety.

    • admin says:

      I had the Jungle Jim playset as child and played with it, My complaint was they should done a native guard firing rifle. I had several playset that were non violent, but I play with them. I did not get an Alamo playset until I was in my late 20’s.

  5. Ed Borris says:

    The Alamo, Fort Apache Stockade, Rin Tin Tin and Prince Valiants Castle were the first ones I can remember. The only non-violent Marx set I got was Moon Base. I got bored with it pretty quickly, maybe because it was the last one I ever got and I was getting older. Come to think of it ouside of the ones mentioned above the only other Marx set I ever got was a Blue and a Gray.

    • admin says:

      You were lucky. I got the Pet Shop, gas station, IGY, Cape Carnveral, Super Circus beside Jungle JIm. The violent sets were Civil War, Fort Apache, Prince Valiant and Marine Beachead. I only got the Alamo, Captain Gallant, Zorro and Robin Hood as Adult. I also got an Rev War from an aunt and uncle as a child when I stayed with them for a day.
      What saved me is I had large draw load filledwith all kinds of cowboys, army etc. With them I created my own stories and had lots of fun.

  6. Don Perkins says:


    This is fun. As a boy, I got the 54mm Robin Hood, and the 60mm Robin Hood, as well as the 54mm Fort Apache, along with the 60mm Rin Tin Tin. I also got Roy Rogers, the Lone Ranger, Blue and Gray, U.S. Army Training Center, a Farm Set, the Alaska Eskimo set, two different Alamo sets (the first one had the Indians), a Zorro, and a Captain Gallant Foreign Legion.

    The ones I wanted, but never got, were the Johnny Tremain Revolutionary War, Battleground Europe (or any of the other WWII sets), Ben Hur, Cape Canaveral, Rifleman, Wyatt Earp, Wagon Train, or Jungle Jim.

    • admin says:

      I corrected the problem of the playsets I did not get as a child by buying them as an adult. I got them in the early in the hobby before the prices silly.

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