Plastic Figure Showcase Part One October 2017

Plastic Figure Showcase Part One October 2017 we will look at some my recent visits to flea markets.  Next we look at the  the Timpo English Napoleonic reissue figures.

Plastic Figure Showcase Part One October 2017 Kutztown Extravaganza 

Three times a year the Renningers Flea Market has what they call Kutztown Extravaganza. For three days dealers  from around the country set out in a field.  At one time this show was a major event.  Changes in the market have reduced its importance.  I used to go but because of various factors stopped going. One of the reason was the first day’s admission is $15.00. This year one of my friends gave me a free pass so I decided to  attend the show.

I arrived at the show an hour and half after it opened due to commitments. Even being late I was able to get a parking spot in the third row.  The first thing I did was seek my friend and his wife. His stand was doing good business. He has a wide range of items for sale.  After talking to them I started to walk around.


The number of dealers was down. Part of the reason was it was the last show of the season. I only found two dealers with items I could use. The first one had a box of figures.  There only four figures I could use. The best was the Timmee pioneer woman.


My other purchase was a dealer with premiums. Mixed in were plastic figures including comic book flat pirates in red and yellow.


For Laurie’s collection  I found these flat leprechans or gnomes.  They are flats.

Plastic Figure Showcase Part One October 2017I also found these two flats for Laurie.  I was done in an hour.  Many of the dealers looked bored and it was the first day.

Plastic Figure Showcase Part One October 2017 More Roaming

I did some more roaming on Saturday. I did three markets and I did not expect to find much. One market had a dealer with two partial Roy Rogers playset. He had$80.00 or he would sell both for $150.00.  Another dealer had MPC military vechiles which I did not bother to ask price. At the second show I found a MPC covered wagon.  At the third market I found a three Disney PVC figures and a Imperial Army bag which I will  do an article  on.

The most interesting part of the roaming was inside a building where there are several toy dealers. One stand had a tin litho Marx castle. The castle was badly rusted. It was so bad that one of the castle low walls had a hole! The dealer was not there as I would have advise him to scrap it.

Plastic Figure Showcase Part One October 2017 Timpo

Plastic Figure Showcase Part One October 2017

Plastic Figure Showcase Part One October 2017

Among the original solid figures that Timpo were Napoleonics. The above photos show the English figures. The first version were painted figures.  The figures were released in series called Action Pack. They were sold in boxes and colorful paper envelopes.  They were also later reissued by Toyways who purchased the Timpo assets.

Plastic Figure Showcase Part One October 2017

One interesting item the person who had previousily owned the figure had removed the flag from officer for some reason.  I have kept the revised figure for the collection.




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52 Responses to Plastic Figure Showcase Part One October 2017

  1. Wayne W says:

    I could see why he removed the flag if he just wanted an officer and not an ensign. Not a bad idea if you had more than one.

    Paul, on the Timmee pioneer woman – is she a small “60mm” in scale with what might be expected of a woman as compared to the males? I know I’ve seen pix of all of them together but can’t remember whether she would fit with the newer 1/32 or not.

    • ERWIN SELL says:

      Wayne i have one and she is smaller than TM cowboys 70 mm .So about WOW marx series size approx.
      The figure had been either cloned or reissued from Venezuela as part of farm set with mix other brand figures in 90s .

      • ERWIN SELL says:

        Forgot the woman aan some wagon cowboys set from TM end in Mexico ,by 2000s i saw several bags made in plastic mix color all poses w repeated woman and seated woman as well.I ask seller and it says were from original US mold .
        I had since then search and not clue about whereabouts.Either mold discarded or abandoned and not reissued any more.

        • admin says:

          the mold was with a company in Monterrey which also did the knights. I got both in 80’s from Mexico.

          • Erwin says:

            Yes.The Monterrey mold owners are gone.I investigate it but any from there is lost.
            I know of knights .I seen one seller w it .But looks like late 80s or 90s old stock. I ask x western woman and not luck.
            Does your packing from TM mexivo if have any are from same carriers as those of old Marx .Juguete mundo and I forgot other name now? ?

          • admin says:

            Yes they disapeared like so many companies.

          • ERWIN SELL says:

            Yes i noticed the molds in Gay plastic brands that end in Mexico as well as many US molds are being split and sold among two other brands x typical party supply stores in vEracruz now.
            I have some good sources finding data and the sad news is many mold had been abandoned and sold as metal junk .
            Even In mexico the toys figures are very low considered as toy any more .Those few selling use Ebay and project then towards us here x sale.

    • Andy says:

      Wayne, my Timmee pioneer woman figure measures at right around 65mm; she looks OK standing next to TSSD Wyatt Earp figure who measures 68mm from bottom of base to top of hat. These two figures are right about the same size, which would make her a little tall for a average woman.

  2. ERWIN SELL says:

    I’m half asleep now; but the elves- gnomes and definitely not leprechauns are from Germany ,there more poses with music instruments in most cases.
    I have in full set as part of series and for (“dall houses sets”) if they stand around 2 1/8″ tall approx .
    Were also sold with wall clocks too as part of spin figures coming out and in and x christmas .
    I had seen copies made in HK sold as Santa’s Little Helpers Elf Pixie “Dwarf”?
    Both Germans and HK are marked below base as far i seen then.
    There also a series sold as Christmas Plastic Ornament Picks Stems Santa, Pixie Elves/ Gnomes made in Japan in 50s /60s and Germany too with long pins to be put in cupcakes or else.
    The pirates and soldiers plus camel below are from Maragarine figuren as well from Germany if i’m not mistaken but i can not rember brand now or deetail now..
    Yet there are some HK copies sold in bags i saw from late 80s .

  3. Bill Nevins says:

    Paul Was it Toyway who did the original re-issues? I have them in several different colors that I got from Excalibur in the 80’s, I believe.
    These were in a very dense plastic, not like the polypropylene later issues.

    What were the original Action Pack colors for the English? Was it that blue or was it red?

    • admin says:

      Timpo did the action packs in response to Airfix. The English Napoleonic were in a light blue in the action pack. Toyways did them in gray and red. They may have done them in dark blue. I have a mounted figure in a dark blue.

  4. ed borris says:

    Not very redeeming figures those Timpo, however you do actually have a Grenadier throwing a grenade.

  5. Erwin says:

    I never like Timpo napoleonic.
    They are ugly done w chunky bodies and short children wood weapon s.The head looks like carved pumkings.Uniforms in grenadiers specially are big screw bad done.Mounted minus the medieval tournament spears are better.I only have one pose each x sake of collection.
    and consider them among the botton line of old vintage line in my preferences.
    My thoughts.

    • Erwin says:

      Minor deetail.The grenadier title was kept only as name of corp by tradtion .By 1765 most armies had already suspend and not provide it as weapons. It was very dangerus.not efficient and provide a big hazzard at battlefield.
      During napoleonic era it was not used at all.The pose was a complete waste and wrong depicttion.
      But could be used as death w out base or as artillery man w minor conversion.
      The scottish poses were the best done .The one being shot is well done…

  6. Mark T. says:

    The only Timpo solid figures I really like are the Indians. I’ve been intending to find the Scots, but I have never seen them in person, only small pictures online. The Indians are very well done and several of them fit right in with TSSD Plains Indians. The others, as you have said are mainly very blocky and awkward. Timpo’s forte was their swoppet range.

    • ERWIN SELL says:

      The Timpo napoleonic scottish banner pose looks like done by a complete different artist ,same in falling wounded or being shot.The detail was more deep as well.They are still very easy and cheap as reissued sets from many dealers or at ebay often.
      I like the indians as well the cowboys too.The indians do not have the pumpkin heads ,the cowboys are nice poses ; but because done in more 54mm in my view i think they go better with GUN-HO,Reisler,Braidwood.Herlad,Britain,Marx and other former vintage or reissued from old than new Brands in more 60 mm alike scale .
      The TIMPO 8th army set was dynamic but weapons were horrible and again w same head and the every time repeating clubbing pose plus one hand 2D machine gun crew soldier .A mistake derived from old metal mold figures and transferred to many plastic sets figures in 60s .Charben,Crescent ,some french brand did same mistake.Even Matchbox depict an odd heavy machine gunner with flat machine gun pose in AK,8th and US infantry.When Airfix did correct nice pose in the BS group set.
      Once again minus Matchbox i know were done as cheap production for children back then and not looking accuracy .So i also have see that side of the coin on them of course.
      My thoughts only …

      • ERWIN SELL says:

        I like add on TIMPO solid about from 15/18 poses of indian mounted ,foot ,camp poses were never reissued.Very hard to find today in good complete condition.
        In cowboy there over 10 poses never reissued either.Most are from early first sets i think..some mounted rare poses included.
        Also not reissued from sets partially reissued were the two mounted FFL and two mounted arabs ,cowboy raider/driver x wagons,western carriages,the british WW2 regular infantry in 9 poses with some poses resembling Crescent WW1 ,the GI’s by TIMPO as the Reislers brand Gi’s are partially copy w new poses from TIMPO but any ways in the Reisler poses reissued most TIMPO were included .So no need to do TIMPO i guess back then when TIMPO reissued sets have them.

        As not reissued as far i know are the Cadets sets,lifeguards sets,mounted canadian ,roman mounted single pose,police set ,mechanic ,circus/zoo ,farm and animals sets .I know i may be missing others maybe but not remember now .

  7. ed borris says:

    I also thought the Timpo FFL were their best figures.

  8. Bill Nevins says:

    The Civil War figures are not bad.

    • admin says:

      I got the Civil War as a child on a visit to New York. Both sides were the kepi hat version. I did not get the brim hat Confederates until I was an adult. My favorie is the officer with the pistol.

      • ERWIN SELL says:

        I don’t like much the Union specially the pose with so open legs looks awkward to me in my view.
        The confederated looks rare too with poor gear and cowboy type hats in all.
        Both sets were short poses too in my opinion.
        The mounted confederated are nice so far
        Never see the Union mounted poses.
        The medieval are way too much static with arms in almost same pose all them .
        Arabs and FFL short set poses set are to me not good at all,very simple and weapons looks odd in all.
        Animals were from metal old molds in most I think…
        my thoughts

  9. TDBarnecut says:

    The Timpo cossacks were supposed to be rare at one time. Were they ever re-issued?

  10. Erwin says:

    The cossacks were never reissued and were made of very bad plastic mix resulting in breaking and finding then inngood condition harder.Because of both make then rare as that.I decide to get as many damage as I can in cheap job lot sales and at the end result I have over 40 complete in all poses w mounted ones by gluing then back and even creating new poses.Still you can not drop then in floor as will brake again.So not x play at all.
    I do not know if were intended x napoleonic wars or else as they are more modern dressed but better than almost nothing outhere in that type soldier.Still w the traditional ugly pumking timpo head.

    • Mark T. says:

      Slightly off topic, but I have a question for you, Erwin. About the Lone Star Afghans… Did Lone Star make an opposing set of British to fight them? If not, who were they supposed to be pitted against? I just found a set of Afghan recasts in my garage I had forgotten all about.

      • Brian Carrick says:

        No, Lone Star never made British troops to oppose the Afghans, there was no opposition for them. Back in the day nobody made late 19th century British troops in plastic, as kids we put ACW and FFL up against them.

        • ERWIN SELL says:

          That is why the use metal mold in Marlborough to bring 3 British and 4 Zulus nice poses in early 80s i guess…
          Interesting not one dare made those opposing figures,wonder why !?

      • ERWIN SELL says:

        Mark As far I now ,not they did not made any set to oppose them..
        It seems many sets in many brands had same issue,is not first time.But i could be wrong.
        Here is Peter Evans or Brian from Britain who can clarify it better as i do not own much bibliography of British brands ,only figures and what i had red so far in my memory i can say for only
        Same way i heard call zulu the africans from LS as far i know they were made x Tarzan set ,not for british zulu wars .But again i could be wrong .
        Some of LS reissued sets were Afghans,sailors,australians,Highland band, knights.
        While others such African set,tarzan,ACW set,western sets, Robin Hood sets,modern armies/paratroopers sets,the KING SIZE/65 MM ski and modern berret sets plus DT were not reissued or mold not found..

  11. Bill Nevins says:

    The Timpo Civil War were the first non Marx civil war figures that I discovered. I got then from John Boyle at some early show.

    I remember how excited I was to see actual ACW figures that weren’t
    goofy like TimMee or wouldn’t stand up like Lido. These were a good blend with Marx civil war. Remember, this is way before Accurate or any of the makers we have now. Adding 8 new poses to my Civil War set up was a big deal. This was also before I stared doing conversions.
    The only other figures I used for civil war back then were the
    Airfix 7 th Cavalry, that I painted Marx blue to match the color.

    Those Timpos will always hold a special place for me.

  12. ed borris says:

    I never got the Timpo Arabs, but I did like the FFL figures, only 4 poses, but I liked them. They are the only Timpo figures I ever liked, I always hated swoppets. I know others love them, but I think they suck. That’s my opinion and I’m sticking to it.

  13. ERWIN SELL says:

    I red this in one site from UK and looks fine ,not idea TIMPO use that word and where says as this(Because “Swoppet” was a registered trade name of Britains, Timpo used the name “Swoppit” for their figures.)
    Any ways i personally do not like most TIMPO swoppet figures with few western and 7 cavalry exception.Most were made as only torso and head swoppet making then less variable poses versus TRANSOGRAM,ELASTOLIN,PLASTY and STAR TOYS from HK in my opinion.The knights and romans have very odd awkward position legs and arms in many foot poses and the WW2/modern are rare action poses with weapons in some very odd positioned as not realistic firing ,even so they were made in late 60s/-early 70s many .Some series were better than other ,still not part of my collection in amount ,i own very few in purpose plus the fans from Germany and Australia had create a price competition market far logic in my view.
    The western building were most smaller and very simple done plus fragile.So were the castles and forts as well.
    The Bren track car is ugly and Tank modern made even better done in deetail,Modern cannon is odd as well,while ACW canon is nice done.The train is the best of accessories or non figures toys in my opinion.
    Yet Germans web site are plenty full of many data in the Swoopet-“swoppit”!? line
    Again my personal view only…

  14. ed borris says:

    Swoppets, Swoppits, doesn’t matter don’t like then anyway. Doesn’t matter to me who made them , I just don’t like them, I think they look cheesy. I already regret that I bought some Timpo swoppit knights at OTSN, they were cheap though, so if we sell them and make some money maybe I won’t dislike them quite so bad.

  15. Wayne W says:

    I have most of the Timpo reissues and their poses are a mixed bag to me. I don’t like their Indians or Confederates (though I did consider buying some and trimming the brims on their hats); but some of their poses are okay. I don’t know who gave them the idea for the shakos on their Napoleonic Brits.

    I use them as filler and have seen some painted up, they don’t look too bad considering.

    Ed, I’m with you on the Swoppets/Swoppits/Whatever; I bought some for my younger brothers but never really was fond of them. The kids loved them (I might have said this before, so if I did – apologies); and I guess that’s who they were for – kids. They can keep them as far as I’m concerned.

    • ERWIN SELL says:

      I agree in British shakos ,so the French grenadiers with rare bottom lines cotas as swiss or late 1840 French grenadiers,the prussian uniforms are rare and hats too.Mounted are better in uniforms .But again back then were x kifs and not accuracy.In reality they did good.The best napoleonic vintages are REAMSA,JECSAN,PECH HERMAMO and GOMARZA as well Starlux and Dulcop in uniforms deetail.Some indian reissued poses are nice ,so the not reissues,i got few .in solid.
      In swoopi i pass more ironic i kept the HK of 76 AWI are more acceptable so Britain swoppets AWI and ACW with better poses than TIMPO of course.

  16. Bill Nevins says:

    I like Swops because they are colorful. Even though I don’t collect Knights, the Timpo swops are just fantastic toys. Bursting with color!

    I have a lot of Britains ACW and AWI swops.

    I hate the Deetail bases, so I take Deetail figures, drill out holes in the feet and stick them on my replacement bases. I can then mix them in with my Britains swops to make a lot more poses.
    I use the Men of ’76, again with my replacement bases, to bolster my Britans AWI swops.

    Not my favorite figures, but fun to play around with.
    And isn’t that what it’s about.

    • ERWIN SELL says:

      Bill i see you like more BRITAIN style manufacture ,it is very different to TIMPO multipart and end result is Britain style and that copied by men 76 and STAR TOYS-HK sets are figures with better position weapons .Same as Britain ACW,AIW sets so well done and Britan swoppet knights and swivel knights as well Herald were figures were painted after.
      TIMPO is a different concept requiring much more complex multipart separated individual pieces such armor symbols,sraf,decor in shield else plus even hand separated done then assemble together in factory and no painted require as each part as done in molded colored plastic already.The end was what i will call the predecessor to future action figure and more far toy .
      The problem with TIMPO was to position the weapon in correct way as their met require many multiparts mold separated colored done plastic then assembling while Britain Herald were less multipart and painted over figures ,two complete different manufactures styles.
      maybe i’m wrong in my observation of your like but like point out the differences and result by two manufactures…
      Timpo were more x children to play and function then moving their parts or changing ,while Britain swoppet were the super fine line of toy soldier deetail and more expensive back then too .

  17. ERWIN SELL says:

    here is another German web link with interesting Sowppit Timpo figuren pictures /collection .enjoy..

  18. ERWIN SELL says:

    and another of their fan club

  19. ERWIN SELL says:

    sorry one more with most series photos and conversion made by this well recognized collector .

  20. ed borris says:

    Now Ex Force has a better idea, more of a put together figure. While you can swap parts, the arms are already holding the weapons and everything looks more natural. Conte did that somewhat with his plug arm guys and to some extent with his Spartans, of course when they went into production it wasn’t as easy to swap hands as it was with his prototypes. The Spartans were a bold and innovative idea and you have to give him credit, unfortunately they were over shadowed by the fact there were never any Persians and the production figures never quite matched the flexibility of the prototypes.

    • Erwin says:

      Yes I agree I.mention the EXF that also chage or swapp heads too.
      The torso is hard to be done as swap with out messing the uniform or belts gear.So they can not be done quite.
      But they could try legs are knee high as well if possible.
      CONTE was first of new maker trying to bring swap system back.
      Only making swoppit figures today is HTFF I think I write it correctly.

  21. Erwin says:

    Yes I agree I.mention the EXF that also chage or swapp heads too.
    The torso is hard to be done as swap with out messing the uniform or belts gear.So they can not be done quite.
    But they could try legs are knee high as well if possible.
    CONTE was first of new maker trying to bring swap system back.
    Only making swoppit figures today is HTFF I think I write it correctly.

  22. Bill Nevins says:

    I tried like hell to get Tony of AIP to make his AWI Cavalry with plug in heads and arms. He could have just done the heads and I would have been happy. A huge missed opportunity, in my opinion.

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