Engineer Basevitch Early Rus Warriors

Engineer Basevitch Early Rus Warriors will be the next release.  Figures will be available in March.   The set has 12 different 60mm figures. I can see lots of use for these figures.

Engineer Basevitch Early Rus Warriors Photos

Engineer Basevitch Early Rus WarriorsEngineer Bassevitch  decided for its next  figures to do Early Russian history. As I mention before there are 12 different figures. 

Engineer Basevitch Early Rus Warriors

First figure is  woman with her left arm out. Right hand is holding a pouch or purse.

Engineer Basevitch Early Rus Warriors

Second figure is a bare chested Rus Warrior advancing with two swords.

Engineer Basevitch Early Rus Warriors

Third figure is a leader or preist. In right hand is a staff while the left holds a a torch

Engineer Basevitch Early Rus Warriors

Fourth Figure is an armored Rus Warrior advancing with sword and round shield. The figure is a female.

Engineer Basevitch Early Rus Warriors

Fifth Figure is a Rus Warrior with a knife and a bow

Engineer Basevitch Early Rus WarriorsSixth Figure is an armored Rus Warrior  with sword overhead  and round shield

Engineer Basevitch Early Rus Warriors

Seventh Figure is an armored Rus Warrior advancing with two handed axe overhead.

Engineer Basevitch Early Rus Warriors

Eighth figure is an armored Rus Warrior with a one handed axe and a round shield.

Engineer Basevitch Early Rus Warriors

Ninth figure is  an armored Rus Warrior  standing with sword back and round shield.

Engineer Basevitch Early Rus Warriors

Tenth figure is an armored Rus Warrior firing bow.

Engineer Basevitch Early Rus Warriors

Eleventh figure is an Rus warrior throwing a spear. In his left hand hehe is holding two additional spears and has a shield on his back.

Engineer Basevitch Early Rus WarriorsTwelfh figure is a Rus Warrior standing with an one handed axe and knife. I thinkthis figure is my favorite one of the group.  I see have blocking a door to the enemy.

Engineer Basevitch Early Rus Warriors Final Thoughts

Once again Engineer Basevitch  has done it again. They have come up with interesting  figures  that cover a period that  few western people are aware of.  The Early Rus warriors or Bogatyr are knights that figure prominatelly early Slavic Legends. We will have to wait and see if Engineer Bassevitch does enemy to fight these figures.

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21 Responses to Engineer Basevitch Early Rus Warriors

  1. Anth says:

    Excellent and interesting figures. Original action poses.

  2. denitz says:

    Fourth Figure is maiden.

  3. Darren Hatley says:

    Wow these figures look Great, This company brings out some really Interesting Detailed figures in exciting poses. Ive brought the Ancient Jews and Assyrians and I will be buying these also. I cant wait to see what other Ancient figures they come up with?

  4. erwin says:

    The figures as always very well done from this maker. As admin point it out they have plenty use for many eras and countries wars else..
    looking forward x them …

  5. ed borris says:

    The sculpting is excellent, while I understand the need to get them out of the mold in these one piece sculpts the shield postioning seems strange to me, also everyone has that wide legged stance and course we have the one obligatory foot on the rock pose. I think if you are going to carry around that heavy shield you should use it to protect yourself. This is just my opinion, wonderful sculpts though and I think they would be a good edition to the ancient fans collection.

  6. denitz says:

    small update. release date – END of march.

  7. This is a welcome addition for the Medieval plastic collector, I bet they will look great painted. I will get a box of these and use them for different themes, some as Vikings or Saxons. I can use some as villagers, with is lacking in my collection. As Ed said above, I wish the shields were positioned better. I hope to see more medieval sets from them in the future.

  8. Erwin says:

    Some of the shield I think could be ease move forward w minor cut and bend.
    A thought…

  9. Darren Hatley says:

    Although these are really nice figures and overall im very happy with the poses of these figures, I may just move the odd weapon shield or arm if I think I can improve the poses a bit. I do lots of converting and I did do a little bit of converting on the Engineer Basevich Ancient Jews and Assyrians, And the Good news is that these figures I found quite easy to convert and the plastic used should work well with most glues. So if any of you guys are not happy with a figures Shield or Weapons position have a go at converting them. Just a thought.

  10. Carl Cwiklinski says:

    With the exception of the pagan priest and maybe the warrior wearing the skin, these could go against Teutonic Knights. The Russians were slow updating their armor and were still in chain mail or adopted Mongol battle dress.

  11. Christian Aldo says:


  12. Christian Aldo says:

    Damn nice figures and subject!
    But I need them to do some more WWII!!!

  13. j hudson says:

    Nicely done,,they should paint very well,,,

  14. Darren Hatley says:

    More Interesting and Diverse Ancient figures please.

  15. Erwin says:

    I’m pro ancient ir medieval on my this brand….
    I like all eras…but I know WW 2
    had been cover x and will bw more by other soon.

  16. Erwin says:

    Sorry funy darm phone.
    Oh well I bet everyone is just to me by now.LOL

  17. Ken says:

    Gentlemen, WWII, American Civil War and the Napoleanic wars have been generously covered by many fine manufactures. Please, graciously allow we ancient and medieval enthusiasts the occasional release. These Kievan Rus are well sculpted and historically accurate as are all Eng. Bas. releases. I will certainly purchase a box. As for future r eleases for the Engineer, I would recommend four: 1. Middle Byzantines 800-1025 AD 2. Spanish Civil War Republicans 3. Spanish Civil War Nationalists 4. Ancient Philistines. I realize Eng. Bas. produces Russo centric figures but these four ranges would fit in nicely. The byzantines are the cultural progenitors of Czarist Russia.

  18. Carl Cwiklinski says:

    I heard they were once thinking about WWII Polish Cavalry. They would be good going up against their Russian Civil War Reds or Interwar Soviets.

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