Peter Evans Finds June 2016

Peter Evans  Finds June 2016 we are back again with a great bunch of finds that our very good friend Peter Evans has in his travels and at the Plastic warrior show. As I have said before the Plastic Warrior show is a great place to find unusual figures for your collection. Laurie and I have never been disappointed on what we found at the show.

Peter Evans  Finds June 2016 What We Received

Peter Evans  Finds June 2016

The first photo show Indian dancer  and a Roman. I have no idea who made the Indian dancer, but you can see it is influence by the Crescent 54mm Indian dancer. The Roman is I believe Blue box as the under side of the base is silver.  It is one of the historical figures.

Peter Evans  Finds June 2016

Next in Peter Evans  Finds June 2016 is a western Cowboy with lasso and mount Indian with spear and shield.  The cowboy is Hong Kong while the  Indian is by Reisler of Denmark.

Peter Evans  Finds June 2016

Third  photo shows two resin Indians.  I think to standing Indian could be used for Sitting Bull.

Peter Evans  Finds June 2016

The third photo has an English Civil War Roundhead  and Baggage man.  The English Civil War is conversion of the Timpo Napoleonic Highlander. The baggage man I can not make out who made him.

Peter Evans  Finds June 2016

Peter Evans  Finds June 2016

These two photos are  pirate resin figures knows I like pirates The pirates are about 3 inches tall.

Peter Evans  Finds June 2016

In this photo we have one of the Lone Star  and palace guard. The guard is 1 3/4 inches high and I wonder if it is for an advertising piece.

Peter Evans  Finds June 2016

Another thing Peter knows I like to collect our superheroes. It goes back when I created by own superheroes by painting some MPC ring hand figures. Today you have many options. The two standing figures are mini mates a surprise bag in the UK. The arms come off and be switch with the other figures in the series.  The figure on the left is Cyborg which will be in the Justice League movie and one on the right is Batman.  The item in the middle is a pencil top of the head of Black Widow. In that you have all the Avengers from the first movie of the same name.

Peter Evans  Finds June 2016

These are Marksmen Civil War figures  designed by Peter Cole. When Mike Ellis  had the figures he had them factory painted  to see if he could sell in souvenir shops.  The mold is now property of  Replicants.

Peter Evans  Finds June 2016

These four figures are Trojan WWII Germans. As I mention with the Trojan Roy Rogers figures this was a small company that did a series of figures in the 1950’s.

Peter Evans  Finds June 2016

Two of the Technolog Hunters or Victorian very strange can not wait to here the story behind these figures.

Peter Evans  Finds June 2016

Various Army figures

Peter Evans  Finds June 2016Gem Models Dick Whittington and 40mm Pirate. Gem models used their Robin Hood removed the bow and added the stick.

Peter Evans  Finds June 2016

Lastly some 45mm native bearers possible Hong Kong.

What will be next finds  from Peter Evans? We will just have to wait and see.


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11 Responses to Peter Evans Finds June 2016

  1. Erwin says:

    Nice finds.
    The indian.eagle wizzard dancer is by APS Italy.The natives are copies of surfer figures made in 80’s.There 8 poses total.

    The prone crowling army I believe is timpo solid or reisler copied.
    The kneeling and standing are french brand or copied from.

    The trowing grenade is by another british brand that create british soldiers out of original timpo solid poses .But not copied as they change uniform .
    I will get name later.

    The indian type palace small gurard is from a comic.I need to find set and send pic.
    I see Gem set is intersting as a copy poses from various brands.

    I like the pirate poses,nice.
    I love the english civil war made of timpo

    • erwin says:

      I just confirm with my data; the throwing grenade and possible crawling are by Speedwell that manufacture then for (UNA and VP) from 1958/1965.No all carry stamp bellow,some did but Speedwell is the main British factory that copied set mix with poses from Timpo solid GI’s , Britain and Herald khaki poses and sold then painted or partially painted in boxes.
      Kentoys is the one that inspired by the Timpo US GIs solid poses made the British , but changed to British uniform and helmets wile keeping same poses as original Timpo solid poses..

  2. erwin says:

    I think the Russian figures modern huntersmay had be done by ORIET!?, but I could be wrong. I know they did 4 to 5 poses in same set.
    Andrey will know..
    The Indians(first eagle winged) was done by ABS or TEXAS ,set has 16 foot poses and 8 mounted, some poses were base ,not exact cloned in Cresent and Marx,others complete new poses beautiful depicted, with bases they are 54 mm approx.With out about 50/52 mm.
    were done in red,brown,light yellow,orange,white ,puple and others.
    I can provide few pics if like..

    • Mark McNamara says:

      Of course we would love to see the photos Erwin,if you don’t mind !Thanks Mark !

      • Erwin says:

        I like the Gem D W converssion .
        Never saw the pirates neither knew Gem did.
        I do not think was cover in pirates special done by PW o.
        I like the indian resin,very well done,sadly not plastic of course still very interesting find .

      • Erwin says:

        Mark I will supply to admin later this week.
        I sold one big lot of double poses half set two weeks ago.
        I got small lot listed but not much and w minor damage now listed.
        I have some cowboys and soldiers too.
        They did a set of aliens and space roopers
        Very hard to find.I only got 3
        They did others as well

  3. Mark McNamara says:

    Some awesome finds Peter !Keep up the great work findings the gems !

  4. Michael Purchase says:

    Great finds Peter. Really nice stuff to see from all over place. Thanks for sharing.

  5. bill nevins says:

    Great stuff, Peter. Keep hunting.

  6. Tom Black says:

    Funny, the head of the pirate looks like a twin of the Ideal 54mm Pirate holding 2 pistols and firing one pistol.

  7. Ed Borris says:

    I have a key chain which was some sort of give away for Captains Morgan’s rum and the one pirate pictured with his foot on the cask is somewhat close to that Captain Morgan pose.

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