Roaming March 16

I had to do some business in east part of the town, so I took in the garage sale at Merchants Square. They normally have only one garage sale a month, but when they have no other shows scheduled, the owners of Merchants Square throw in another garage sale. This month they have three weekends of garage sales!

I went into the garage sale and walked around. I found a $1.00 bag with a Pluto Rolykin in it.  As I picked up the bag, I noticed in front of me an Arco Noah’s Ark. This piece was giveaway by ARCO gasoline. Each week you could get a bag of two animals. You could buy the ark with Noah and his wife. The toy was designed by Donald A. “Sony” Rae and was sold in the 1970’s.  As I mention in a August 2011 posting, they did a commercial for the set that was pretty bad.  I doubt today if a company would do a religious  promotion. The price was right so I picked it up as well.

At another table I found a 25mm lead SAE construction worker. I had gotten a set of these figures as a child from a toy store in Hazelton, Pennsylvania.  This figure cost me a $1.00 as well. One row over I got a plastic Britain Show horse and rider for $1.00 and a lead Britains horse for two dollars. No one else had anything that interested me so I  headed home.

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