Facebook We Take a Look At Some Groups What They Share

Facebook We Take a Look At Some Groups What They Share. As I mention in a previous post Hugh Walter chided me on sharing items from my collection. He said I was on ego trip with them. (Hugh is a million sad laughs.) As I said then and I say now that is further from the truth. When I show figures it is to share with you.  That is the same thing with the groups on the Facebook. People are sharing their hobby with people similar interest.  I am going to list some of the groups you can find on Facebook.

Facebook We Take a Look At Some Groups What They Share Groups

Facebook We Take a Look At Some Groups What They Share

Unpainted Plastic Figure Collectors    Jeshua W Newman Admin

Jeshua has one requirement only unpainted figures. No painted figures, this is a nice growing group.  He has over 700 members since December of last year.


Facebook We Take a Look At Some Groups What They Share

Marx Group    James Wozniak Admin  Note this is  closed group

In closed group admin must approve members. Only approved members can post. This is one of several sites dealing with Marx.

Art of Toy Hoarding      Craig Dawson Admin

This is more general site with occasional toy soldiers. Still it is just amazing some of the items.

Facebook We Take a Look At Some Groups What They Share

Timpo Toys

This is one of several Timpo groups on Facebook.  You can see some of the unusual color variations of Timpo. It is where I found out about the controversail sale of the Timpo white glove laying firing Union and Confederate figures.

Let us know of any groups you would like to share.

Facebook We Take a Look At Some Groups What They Share Final Comments

Through Facebook and the groups I have renew friendships with old friends and made some new ones.  I have found out information which I can share with you.   One other group is Swappables and Views by my old friend Don Ducote. I have been able to clue readers of some of the items he is making.

So my Plastic Figure showcase is no different from the groups on Facebook. We are doing the same thing sharing.  IT leads people to discover a whole world out there.





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9 Responses to Facebook We Take a Look At Some Groups What They Share

  1. Mark Weitz says:

    Keep on keepin’ on, Paul. I enjoy your sharing.

  2. TDBarnecut says:

    Thanks for listing these other websites. Stad’s is my favorite but I’ll check out these others, too.

  3. Kirk Larson says:

    I like these FB groups:
    “Military toys from our childhood” and “Army Men Homepage”

  4. Wayne W says:

    I always thought part of the fun of collecting something was the idea of being able to show off your collection. How many people collect something (other than gold or some other precious commodity) just to lock it away in a vault unseen? Part of the joys of these sites (for me, at least) is the opportunity to share our collections and finds, our work (when we create or paint or whatever), and to see what others have done or have.

    I guess one might find objection in the attitude of others or perceived purpose in sharing one’s collection, but isn’t that in the eye(s) of the beholder(s)? My own take is if I don’t like a site and they aren’t sticking a thumb in my eye I just don’t go – there are several sites I don’t participate in because I find the atmosphere toxic; no skin off my back whatever they do. Live and let live I say.

    Thanks for info on some of the FB sites out there – again I have learned something coming here. Keep sharing.

  5. Darren Hatley says:

    Keep up the good work Paul, I love coming on this site to see many different figures both old and new, To see what people have to say about this great hobby, And from time to time sharing some of my own converted and painted figures. Theres nothing wrong with sharing our collections and information in my opinion. Keep it going.

  6. ERWIN SELL says:

    I like this blog or forum more than most ,we learn ,discuss and show our figures else Nothing wrong with as far I know .
    FB groups are fun .I have others I will ask permission to admin to post too for any to wish too. You may use to interact and may be do swap figures with some collectors around world as I had done too few times in past .However it is to your sole discretion and risk to do do it as your like and wish.
    Unfortunately I can not recommend any person to do swap as every year less people do because mail cost and payments methods -fees. Also not always could be a pleasant experience ,yet is good try .
    my thoughts.

  7. Mark T. says:

    I really enjoy seeing figures from your collection. It’s one of the best things about your site, along with the wealth of information and pictures from all the other collectors. And I am not sure exactly what Hugh Walter is going on about because whenever I happen to look at his site, he’s posting items from his collection… However I am not all that interested in seeing 195 different color variations of a 1960s Hong Kong clone of a Marx teapot or whatever other obscurities are being featured there.

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