Flea Markets 4/14 to 4/15

With the nice weather  I decided to go out and see what I could find. Saturday, Laurie had to work , so I picked up my very good friend Les and headed to do two local flea markets. Les does not drive, so I saved him the hassle of  using our local bus system. I picked up Les and we did  the first market. This was an outdoor market that I have gotten a few  items. I got a two Beton farm figures while Les  got some VHS tapes of old westerns to enjoy.  From there we went to an indoor garage sale.  This is a held at least once a month and as the weather gets warmer there are less dealers. I have had good luck when there are less dealers.  I found a large plastic statue of a Mountie which was made in Canada.  I also found a  two Papo like knights at a dealer that has a permanent booth at the market.  While waiting  for Les, I talked to some people about an auction in New Jersey. This auction is amazing. Each month they fill a building with various items for sale. This month they are selling 12,000 Disney pins! That is just one little item in this auction.. The one party said  that one time the toy auction side was still going strong at 1:30 AM when he quit.

I took Les back to his home as he had other things to do and I head to another flea market away from town. This market has seen better days. Still I check it as I never know what will turn up. I got to the market and walked around.  First dealer I found a hard plastic soldier marching I had never seen before. The figure is a semi-flat WWI army figure. I will do a picture soon.  I got a some molds that were used to make plastic cowboys and  a small lot of figures.  I headed back home after the last purchase.

Sunday I woke up hearing rain. I let out a little a curse and went back to sleep.  I got up  two hours later since there was nothing else to do Laurie and I  head out to the market  This flea market is normally on a Wednesday, but they do a flea market on first and third Sunday of the month. We got at the market and did the toy show first that was also at the flea market. The toy show was a farce. At one time the toy show occpied the entire building, now it is down to a dozen tables. The tables are mostly diecast.  I have found  a few items, this year it looked like I would not find nothing then at the last table I spotted three items two Battle of Gettysburg blister cards and American Heroes civil War. The Battle of Gettysburg cards have 25mm reissues of the Marx 60 cavalry and Marx 54mm Mexican presido hat. The American Heroes are four to five inches and were out 20 plus years ago. The dealer was an old acquitance Mike Ri tter.  Mike normally deals in paper items, but he bought a collection and  the seller made him take the diecast and toys with it.

We went outside and found a number of dealers had gone under the pavillons because of the rain. I picked up a plastic racer and two Marx Comic Strip figures from Germany. Another dealer had a Payton covered wagon, which I picked up. I got a couple of pieces from another dealer including a timpo horse with the molded reins. What was funny about this piece was the person had put a small Beton cowboy on it.  The final spot the dealer said he had some western buildings on a the previous visit with him.  I had bought  some transogram western figures and hope they would be in the same vein. When gotten there we found the buildings were the Plasticville and Mattel Cabins. I have good luck with the Mattel cabins so I picked it up despite having a painted roof.   

With that  final purchase, Laurie and I went for breakfast.  I talked later that day to my very good friend John and found out he had been at the market earlier than we had been and he and another collector had scored  a bunch of Marx items. I was glad to hear that as I like when everyone gets something.  So it was a decent weekend we will see how the reason goes.

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6 Responses to Flea Markets 4/14 to 4/15

  1. Lynn Graves says:

    I cannot find any place else to post so will do so here. Safari Limited has issued four tubes of Civil War poses. There is a total of 9 poses and a horse for each side. The poses are all completely different. Except for the horse and mounted pose, they appear to be about 54mm. Some of the Confederates are in butternut uniforms. You also get a couple of accessories and undersized cannons.

    They have also released a tube of Continentals and British for the Rev War. I have not actually purchased these yet so don’t know how close to 54mm they are.

    • Brian Johnson says:

      You can see pictures of them on Amazon.The description says from 1 to 3 inches tall so don’t know what they really are.They look good, particularly the Flag bearers, also have tents,bridges etc.Think I would have to see one in a store some where first cuz they would have to be pretty close to 54mm for me to get any.

    • admin says:

      thank you for letting us know about them. I can see people are already looking into them for their collection,

      • Lynn Graves says:

        Compared some of the poses to Marx 54mm Civil War. WORKS!!!!!!! Go get them. Just the mounted poses undersized.

  2. PJR says:

    The Bridge is almost HO in scale while the ACW Tent almost perfect 54mm. Dealer TSSD has/had them for a mere $10.00.

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