Unknown Figure Identified


In one of our previous posting we showed the figure in the lower right. At the time we had no idea who made it.  Today we received an email from Rudiger Schmidt. He told us that the figure was made by Marolin. The company was in East Germany and made various figures.  the cowboy was made from 1992 to 2010.

MAROLIN_0001Rudiger was kind enough to send us two pages from of the Marolin catalogue showing  some of the Western various figures they did.  Marolin is still producing ‘Krippenfiguren” or nativity figures.


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3 Responses to Unknown Figure Identified

  1. erwin says:

    Interesting!!. Then the cowboy is post east era if produced in that time.
    Marlin did lot more, I have many of those, early imported in the 80’s.Nice figures in rubber or soft type material. Also animals for wild American scenes.East Germany was the best of socialist toy producers.
    Many were copied poses from Elastoiln plastic/composition or base on ,but not exact, others were origin design.
    They did a very Elastolin alike western building and forts large line in wood and plastic for their 70 mm scale as well huge train made by other brands that were sold to go with western line.
    Train were electric in most and in scale with figures. I saw many of these trains at the Toy DDR fairs. It was beautiful the way they mount the exposition.

  2. erwin says:

    Interesting too ,the fact they still do nativity items/sets. That was the first they did in early 1900 .When become part of DDR is when they swap to plastic most I think by late 60’s or early 70′!?and was enrolled to become VEB Plaho
    I forgot mention the large line of knights in 70 mm scale they did too.
    I have most but missing some of odd poses, in the late 80 and early 90′ some of the poses sets were still done in more hard plastic version with less paint .
    They did dinosaurs too base in old composition molds. Sold at museums most time I guess!.

  3. Brian Nielsen says:

    Yes, I have most of the Marolin knights. They were in very heavy Germanic armor and some had ringhands that would take weapons. The weapons were attached to the base for detachment, and there were often two choices (E.g. a sword and an axe). Two different armored horses as well. Pretty cool.

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