Figures from Erwin’s collection

2015-10-22 22.12.58

Erwin Sell has sent us two photos of figures from his collection. These two figures are larger figures.  The first figure was recently bought at a garage sale.

2015-10-22 22.13.05

The figure is a green beret and is 3.5″ Erwin wonders if there are any other figures in the series.

2015-10-22 22.13.19

The second figure is  part of a set of Czechoslovakian toy soldiers that were purchase in Czechoslovakia and brought to Erwin when he was living in Cuba as a child. There were four different poses in the bag that he got, but he has only found  this one so far going through his collection Does anyone know who made them? Were they done in another country or copied?

2015-10-22 22.13.11

The figure is possible either light infantry or mountain infantry. The figure has a typical Czechoslovakian 1939 army uniform.   The uniform according to Erwin was use by some pro German units in Slovakia during the war. These units later turned on the Germans in the National Slovak Uprising in 1944 and in the Prague Uprising of 1945.

Because the figure is firing a bazooka or possible a Panzerschreck, Erwin feels the figure represents later part of the war when these weapons were more in use.

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11 Responses to Figures from Erwin’s collection

  1. Mark says:

    Guy in green is nicely sculpted ,guy in orange is not bad, but I like the Green guy better !

  2. Jack Gibbons says:

    The green figure is about 5 or 6 inches tall. He is part of a set of at least six poses of US Modern Special Forces figures. I bought a set of these in the Kruger Street Toy Museum gift shop several years ago. They are nice figures from some anonymous Chinese factory.

  3. erwin says:

    Thank you Jack, the one pose I had is barely 3.5″ high maybe because the semi kneeling pose!?Now I saw the other poses link you send. I appreciate it .
    I also found out (US toys) web site has them too after notice your link of amazon list them as from (US toys).
    Thank you so much!!.Too bad not more smaller they could be used for late Viet Nam

  4. erwin says:

    I need to clear something, the second soldier looks like for a set mean to be used to represent ww2 Czechoslovakian soldier but the uniform has what appear some post WW2 pant pocket, so may be is a modern figure copied or else by a Czechoslovakian factory!? as came from there with other poses all in same color in a bag. I can barely recall other poses, one officer ,one advancing with rifle and another with LSMG may be!?. The bag had a head card with some painting with Germans and other soldiers fighting in a field, wordings all in Czechoslovakian .I can not say any else.
    The size of this kneeling pose is 40″ so they were 1.32 scale approx.
    I have several army made in Czechoslovakian toys ,most armor done by a factory call IGRA that made army armor with wind up system but so far nice plastic pretty much realistic. They also did a series of old early 1900’s automobiles in collectible cases plastic.They also did some figures but in 35-40 mm and I do have those too. Modern type post WW2 and civilians

  5. erwin says:

    I mean 40 mm, not 40″ LOL!!

    • erwin says:

      Brian. Yes: That is a tin tank, early version-60’s. I only have the plastic armor from late 70’s. I could supply pictures with admi permission if like. I do have only one complete with box, others out case. I never saw a plastic tank from them only three armor troops carrier ; one model has AA gun, other radar and last rockets with fire mechanism that fire rockets. All using same generic chassis from soviet post ww2 era armor with front spark cannon. Size 6.5″ long aprox and rubber tracks. Figures were Payton copies-45 mm, not cloned seated.6-8 total one pose in very fragile plastic. I lost most only few figures left.

  6. ERWIN says:

    That is one of the 3 and is missing the radar part on top back the spin wile rolling. That chassis is the one I have all three different top part models. Considered the rarity , in regular condition is not bad x the price listed,I had seen very few and indeed sold the other three repeated I had no long ago(about 2 years) they went from 100-125.00 each. I saw other go for near 200.00 in eBay.

  7. ERWIN says:

    I forgot mention IGRA still make toys but most are modern-lego type and others; they still keep some old plastic model in 1.43 scale civilian style of the plastic replica line as reissues.Militara I think is all gone.

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