Petite Guerre toy soldiers Nino’s figures discontinued

Petite Guerre toy soldiers Nino’s figures discontinued 

Erwin got the following information on this company.

As I had mentioned just a
few years back:3D will be the future of toy soldiers and most short-run plus long-run molded figures will also suffer because of plagiarism and copies are easy to be made on scanning and 3D printing process, unfortunately. As before with copies made by many makers since the 50s and later from HK, copies are easy to make, and copywriting legal battles are hard to maintain as costly creating a tradition of coping without stopping and not a side effect. As a result, coping had never been an issue but rather an opportunist profit by many. Today’s market regular figures are suffering from this already. Here is one example of great figure makers that have been affected by this issue and others as can be read in his response to me recently. Please note that many makers of 3D itself will suffer the same issue/effect as well. In 10 years or so literally anyone able to get a good 3D scan copier/printer machine will be able to do any he/she gets hands-on. Some will be adapted or able while others will not and definitely forced to close or stop making figures /toys in the traditional way. New times bring new waves of changes, technology is advancing at a very fast path.

Hi Erwin,
Thank you for coming back to me after quite some time! I hope everything is fine with you!
My toy soldier “business” has slackened quite a bit. 
Production costs have increased quite remarkably, as have import duties in some Countries. 
Besides, I am afraid that 3D printing now allows almost anyone to copy other people’s work, or at least to produce figures without the need to sculpt them in the first place.
As you may have noticed, I have not been very active with my website as of late. In fact, due to increasing difficulties in updating and managing my website, I will soon discontinue it. 
However, I am still in the hobby and keep expanding my mid-18th-Century range of figures for my own entertainment!
Kind regards,
Nino Serra
His website link that will be discontinued soon is this.

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3 Responses to Petite Guerre toy soldiers Nino’s figures discontinued

  1. Wayne W says:

    Sad news.

  2. TD Barnecut says:

    In reference to the above comments about 3D scanning of existing figures or sculpts, a 3D scanner capable of making high definition scans of toy soldier size figures is still a very expensive investment, something in the neighborhood of 15 grand. Good quality printers are available for about 1/10th that price.

    • ERWIN SELL says:

      There good scanner /printer system much cheaper now ,many companies are offering monthly payment for the priced ones ,People are buying them a lot and making good business with them. In few years once better light resin or able to work with plastic type will definitely eliminate the mold making tradition .Long run mold production is been not profitable any more .A mold cost for any 8 to 12 figures set cost no less 20 000 ,not counting the cost first production batch ,packing ,shipping and costume fees as most mold are made in China ,if no all. China is not longer the cheap maker of years ago ,they had adjusted their making to the demand much more ,yet they keep paying their employees a tiny fraction of course .
      EXF is one of the last out producing per year but since day one making progressive increase in prices that definitely will led to shot down .
      I suggest other makers start thinking on the 3D soon or now if want keep up .
      my thoughts .
      best regards

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