Collectible Hunting Part One Warhansa Robin Hood

Collectible Hunting Part One Warhansa Robin Hood is the first of a series of posts dealing with my looking for items for resale or my collection. I have not been active in the field due to other commitments we will spotlight new items such as Mike Predergast’s deer hunt.

Collectible Hunting Part One Warhansa Robin Hood

Collectible Hunting Part One Warhansa Robin Hood
One of the items I got for myself at the Gettysburg Toy soldier Show.was the Warhansa Friends of Sherwood Forest. I am a fan of Robin Hood and I thought these would fit into a future diorama. I was not interested in paying the postage from Russia. Mike Predergast had them for sale at his stand.
Warhansa Sherwood Forest
the set has six different figures. I like the minstrel or jester and the female firing a bow. I figure she is to be Maid Marion.

Figure Variation

 White Foreign Legion
I have picked up two interesting variations of the Marx 60mm Foreign Legion. The first is a hard plastic (styrene). The question is where were they sold? I have checked with other people with no luck.
Collectible Hunting Part One Blue FL
The other variation is another mystery. Here we have the Marx 60mm Foreign Legion in dark blue. this is the first time I have seen this color variation. Prior to this discovery, I had only seen the light blue or sliver. Was this color done for a special client for their playset? We have another mystery.

Warhorse Miniatures Deer Hunt

Collectible Hunting Part One deer Hunt
Mike Predergast has produced another great set Deer Hunter. Here is what he has to say on this set.
The Deer Hunter set is now ready too. I will add this to my website this weekend. The figure is about 57mm and the deer are scaled to fix that size. The figures are made in a brown color. They now are marked “Warhorse Miniatures” with my horse logo. The older sets will eventually have the same mark. I am putting another Deer set together that has different poses. That set can be used in a natural setting. The price for this set will be $29.00 and 6.95 for S&H.

Ougen Cannon

Ougen Cannon
I picked up this cannon. At first glance, you would say it is Elastolin, However, when you flip over there are no markings for Elastolin. I feel it is Ougen. After the war Elastolin had to use the name as certain countries very sensitive to Elastion.

More coming soon including my sorting 40 to 60 pounds of figures.

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22 Responses to Collectible Hunting Part One Warhansa Robin Hood

  1. Michael Purchase says:

    Wow that is a lot of weight of toy soldiers!
    Any idea of the actual number of figures?
    Please keep us all posted on the progress of the project.
    Thanks for a lot of fun.

    • admin says:

      I have no idea how many figures were in the bin. I know there are at least 15 junk banks that are full of Timmee, MPC Ring hands. I will be in the next phase of resorting to what set aside. I know I have 45mm Payton army which I will be selling a hundred figures for $25.00 plus postage.

  2. Mike Handley says:

    I have a complete set of the Marx Foreign Legion in dark royal blue that I got from a guy in England on Ebay. It has the two character figures, but the circle under their bases is blank instead of having their character names. He said they came in a header bag and were sold in the UK.

    • admin says:

      Thanks, Mike that would explain the color. Marx sent various molds. I got the Marx 45mm Space Patrol in steel blue. The problem is finding Marx over there as it is not consider a collectible item.

  3. Michael Purchase says:

    Thanks Paul
    Good to know what type of figures they are. Hopefully all of them are in good shape.
    Maybe there will be some surprises??
    All the best

    • admin says:

      I am going to go through a bag or two to give you highlights. A surprise was to find a Gallant man character figure in the lot. Most of the figures are very common like 45mm Payton army, MPC ring hand with a weapon, and Lido army where the original owner put a base. These figures will be sold in bundles of 100 for a cheap price. The problem is I have a range of work to do. Add to that several flea markets to see what I can find. I did a flea market yesterday that had seen better days, yet I turn up the small army training cabin.

  4. Stewart says:

    Hunting is repellent, even in miniature

    I did not realize that the title Collectible Hunting was a pun until I saw the set depicting deer being targeted by a hunter, and one already lying dead, apparently in a pool of its own blood.
    I have previously expressed dismay at subjects like bullfighting and fox hunting being given space on this forum. Our hobby has an abundance of subjects to occupy our attention, and if manufacturers have chosen to portray animal abuse in the past, their products should be left there, now that we live in more enlightened times.
    This latest post, however, is different. It promotes a newly-manufactured set whose creator is hawking his products around in the hope of sales. Who would want to make something so repugnant? A real hunter, I suspect, but not in my name, and I hope no-one else will endorse such a squalid product either.
    I appeal to the Administrator: reflect on this inclusion, and regardless of old loyalties, at the very least, remove that repulsive photo. It has no place on the same forum which only a few months ago paid affectionate tribute to Percy. If, as I believe, all animals have equal worth, this salute to hunting is unacceptable.
    I am a realist, however: I may be out of step with the majority of the membership, and if that is the case, it may be time to review my perception of this forum and my participation in it. As Jack Benny told the robber who said to him, ‘”Your money or your life!”, I’m thinking it over.

    • admin says:

      The title Collectible Hunting is not a pun. It was the best word I could think of at the moment. I will use a different word in the next article. As to the Deer Hunting that will stay in. First, as there are readers that are anti-hunting there are readers that are pro-hunting. Second, this was an aspect of the period. people went hunting for meat to supplement their diet. Finally, I am just mentioning it to the readers.
      I am very concerned about animals as Laurie and I have adopted several dogs to our home. I am not a hunter.
      It will not be a set I will get for myself.

  5. ERWIN SELL says:

    I like all ,the hunting scene is very correct realistic and awesome well done .It looks like from Anglia -Great Britain !?.I have the modern NR made hunting set and is great too ,but very few in plastic had cover old times .Great idea!
    About the MARX FFL I seen some of these around on eBay lately too ,with arbs as well ,they looks like old factory pre painted former WOW never release and found .I have to laugh at level of ignorance about the part on (After the war Elastolin had to use the name as certain countries very sensitive to Elastion.).It remind me of the ridiculous issue with the dog breed name German Shepherd that was change to Alsatian Sheppard and/or Alsatian Wolf Dog by the UK Kennel Club.

  6. TD Barnecut says:

    New Ray makes a number of hunter playsets for their wildlife series, some are 1/32 scale and some are a larger scale but all are very nicely done. Appropriate for children in families that hunt? I would think so.

    • ERWIN SELL says:

      Yes correct , I have those NR I mentioned above in my previews post ,also there two other Chinese safari set made as well very nice from 90s with hunters, explorers, also we got Marx jungle figures poses ,Dulcop Tarzan poses ,Atlantic, Ideal/Marx trappers .But with exception of Marx RH set with some ‘hunter bowman ” and animals I not recall other ancient ,medieval or other era made set in 1/32 plastic range or approximately .

  7. ERWIN SELL says:

    Is the Dark blue Marx FFL soft plastic ?
    Is it real blue color base molded cast out from factory or paint in blue after ?
    Who paint the hands and face-Owner ?

  8. Wayne W says:

    I don’t mean to be controversial but pardon me if I am perplexed at someone being okay with the depiction of human beings in the act of killing each other in war but getting upset at the depiction of people in the past who depended on hunting to live doing that. A guy with an arrow in his back or falling from obviously being shot is okay but somehow someone shooting dinner with an arrow is horrible? Is it better if we point the figure with the bow and arrow at another human figure so it looks like he’s killing him in a battle?

    To let folks know where I’m coming from I used to be a hunter; since retiring from the Army I don’t find the joy in it I used to – though I love being in the woods and taught my sons what I knew. Every so often they bring me some of their venison and I eat it. I like it. If my family was to face hunger I’d dust off my rifle (to speak figuratively) and do what I had to do to feed my family (and looking at the price of hamburger at the store…).

    • ERWIN SELL says:

      I completely agree and well say 100% Wayne .I call it the double standard.
      If felt offended or it is offensive ,then should go to a animals toy figures non hunting blog (I do not know if is any around ,I bet it is ) .But been the fact hunting is a natural way of feeding by human and by animals as well I see it as routine ,specially back in time when all food chain depend on it for humanity .I myself like animals and do not enjoy any in hunting at all ,yet I respect those who like .I collect all as is cultural historical true representation of all around past ,present and maybe future .I collect hunting ,circus ,safari ,bullfighters ;all in less quantities as not my favorite but I have not personal issue with it whatsoever .Lets have fun with these plastic figures and relax .
      Last but no least the so call(pool of its own blood) is the ground field base where death deer is laying .No deer could bleed out so much blood from an arrow wound unless hanging upside down with out head before being skinned .

    • Stewart says:

      Actually I did not comment on any other depictions, so you have no basis on which to make the assumptions you have expressed, but since you imply your approval of war-related subjects, are we to conclude that you would not consider anything to be off limits? For example, would you find acceptable a diorama of SS officers herding Jews into gas chambers, or ISIS terrorists beheading hostages? If not, why?
      Just because animals are killed in all sorts of ways, wanting to see that portrayed in miniature figures is perverse, but then it is you who found “joy” in shooting an animal. You inflict suffering and death on other species because you see them as weaker than you and powerless to stop you. I seek to protect other species for precisely the same reasons. I win.
      And now you have taught your children to follow your ways. I am familiar with such indoctrination. A former nephew of mine was being taught to shoot before he could talk, and I recall him salivating as he described seeing the brutal killing of a rabbit. But what if he had not been brought up that way? I believe that if a human grew up with no outside influences, they would have no desire to inflict cruelty on other species, let alone kill them. It may be too late for your sons, but why not give it a try? Somewhere in the backwoods, a pin is heard dropping. (In case you are unfamiliar with the idiom, it means you have fallen silent.) Enjoy your dinner. It was very expensive.

      • ERWIN SELL says:

        Well executioners ,beheading and scalping human poses had been done quite a lot in several times sets by plastic makers ,so far here are few examples posted in this same blog that you may had miss more likely .
        Engineering Bassevitch brand Ruso-Japanese War set has two poses decapitating a victim ,not depicted yet .

        There are others recently made ,from vintage we have Cherilea execution set with executioner represented .

        Scalping indians and western cowboys poses Marx did two indians poses ,Starlux ,JH and few others as well made plenty poses of it depiction and more recently Urfin set depict one pose as well .
        Terrorist execution or beheading poses had been done in metal white cast recently .No doubt will be done in plastic soon .
        None of those poses are my preferred but i have several as part of reality and history representation .
        Most toy soldiers and plastic figures for this hobby are made for action war related depiction scenes .
        Prisoners and concentration camp fail to cover the main interest among most collectors of plastic figures and will have poor profit ,yet part of history as well and welcome to be. But as far I know BMC company cover the ACW era prisoner camp set with stockade ,tower guards and prisoners poses .ACW Plastic Confederate Andersonville Prison Camp Playset.
        Poses here .
        Prisons camp here .

        That playset is very popular among collectors ,a set representing the suffering dying and horrible condition of this infamous camp ,yet a great addition to our hobby and are proof that are ok to be made ,accepted and sold very well .

        So I guess you are pretty much along among the few up there .
        best .

      • Wayne W says:

        Stewart, I am assuming you direct your comments toward me. First you are personally judging me while knowing little or nothing about me. I don’t judge hunters – or non-hunters and only ask they treat me the same way.

        I don’t hunt anymore because I never enjoyed killing and experiences I had in the Army made it more distasteful. Yes, I taught my sons to hunt and shoot because they asked me too. With the current economic situation, hunting might be a skill that comes in handy. If I HAD to go out to hunt and feed my family I know how and would do it.

        I know my one son has been able to help several families with venison and wild hog he’s had to kill on his property to control the population. Now, it that’s too shocking for one who believes we should all get our meat the civilized way – in a store – I’m sorry. Perhaps you’re a vegan and console yourself you don’t really kill all those plants you eat because you can’t hear them scream when they’re plucked out by their roots or torn from their stems. If that makes you feel superior to me – fine. Whatever floats your boat.

        You talk about non-violent figurines. Great – yep they’re there; but face it they are but a niche in our hobby and I agree, we all have to draw our lines where certain boundaries should be. At the same time, I believe mine was a legitimate question.

        Action figures depicting men killing each other is okay, but figures depicting men getting their dinner isn’t?

  9. TD Barnecut says:

    Deer are hunted during certain seasons and in specified locations. In our area more deer are probably killed by automobile collisions than are hunted.

    • ERWIN SELL says:

      Here same ,I see more killed by cars than else ,specially females ,juvenile and fawns. Bucks are rarely seen around roads for obvious reason .

  10. Barrie Blood says:

    I assume if Stewart is outraged by the dead deer I assume that in his collection there are no figures being knived,hung ,falling dead etc,etc . We should be more outraged for those poor children and adults in Texas.

  11. Mark McNamara says:

    Could the Marx FFL styrene be resin casts ?

  12. Stewart says:

    As an epilog to this exchange of views, I offer this reflection: I recently acquired a group of figures by a manufacturer called Modicum, commemorating people who have contributed to human progress. One of the figures is Bruce McCandless. You may not know the name, but you have seen his photo. He designed a machine called the MMU that enabled an astronaut to fly untethered from a spacecraft. When he first flew it in space in 1984, the images equalled those of the moon landing, inspiring the Times of London to publish an editorial describing his achievement as humanity at its finest, and so it was. For me, figure collecting should also reflect humanity at its finest, rather than at its most depraved and, Mr Predergast, sick.
    By the way, googling Modicum Miniatures is unproductive. If anyone succeeds, well done, but Modicum (uniquely, in my experience) neither has nor seeks any online presence: remarkable. My figures turned up at a collectors’ fair, pre-lockdown, near London, and they include Nelson Mandela, Thomas Barnardo, Galileo Galilei, Bruce McCandless and a few others, so my search is ongoing to complete a truly wonderful set –  the only hunting I will be participating in.

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