Odds Ends 2022 Holiday Traditions Pirates

Odds Ends 2022 Holiday Traditions Pirates, everyone has holiday traditions. I thought that I would not be able to do two of my traditions until a request from Laurie. We have new more photos of Processed Plastic pirates. I show some interesting figures.

Odds Ends 2022 Holiday Traditions

Odds Ends 2022 Holiday knights
As I said earlier I have holiday traditions. One is getting a fruit cake. It is because I used to take my parents to a closeout auction were during the Christmas holiday sell fruitcakes which we would buy or eat. I know not everyone likes fruitcakes Laurie is one of those people. She does not like the contents and her mother would load it with liquor.

There are two other holiday traditions I have. One is going to a flea market and the other is buying toy soldiers. The first started when I was in Florida for Christmas vacation with my mother, aunt, and uncle. They asked what I wanted to do and I said I wanted to go to a flea market. They looked at me strangely, but we did it. I found a Johnny West which I resold. The other tradition happen one Christmas when my parents bought me only clothes. After that, I would buy toy soldiers for myself.

Christmas 2021

This Christmas holiday I figured that I would not do the two traditions. Every time I wanted to go to a flea market something came up. On toy soldiers, I was not in the mood for some reason. Laurie wanted some cherry cheesecake from a company called Spring Glen. I knew a farmers market that had it. I went there and found the stand was gone. I decided to walk around and check a collectible toy stand which I got some items. Nothing there I went over to another building with toy dealers.

I walked around the building and saw nothing of interest. As I turned a corner and looked at a dealer of action figures stand in one of his cases were the Britains knights. I asked the dealer the price of the figures. He wanted $2.00 for the three-foot and $2.00 for the mounted knight.

I bought the figures. Not for resale but for the collection. I like the swivel knight despite missing his plume. As to the Deetail knight, he will get an ax. So two traditions were fulfilled.

Odds Ends 2022 Holiday Tradition Plastic Platoon Pirates

Odds Ends 2022 Holiday  pirate shooting
Plastic Platoon has released photos of two more of their future pirate release. The first is a pirate standing firing a blunderbuss.
Odds Ends 2022 Holiday  strinking
The second pose is a black man pirate striking with a club. Another exciting set coming up from Plastic Platoon

Collection Time

Odds Ends 2022 Holiday  lone ranger
I was sorting figures when I found this Beton small cowboy. Someone had painted him as the Lone Ranger. The question was it was collector painted or factory painted. What do you think?
bicnoculars man
Finally, I found this man with binoculars. I figure he is from a race track series. He could be used as a spy.
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7 Responses to Odds Ends 2022 Holiday Traditions Pirates

  1. gary dibello says:

    Nice post. Those are good finds and at reasonable prices. I have that Deetail Knight– also missing his weapon.
    I would say the Beton figure is collector-painted because the paint job is too tidy to be a factory issue. I have lots of Betons, and I have never seen a Lone Ranger.
    I know fritcake gts a bad rap, but I actually like it.

  2. Lynn Graves says:

    The black figure is possibly based on Queequeg from Moby Dick.
    Queequeg is the first person Ishmael meets in the book, and the two become very close friends. Queequeg works as Starbuck’s harpooner and comes from the royal family of a South Sea island nation who fled his home in search of adventure. Melville wrote “Moby-Dick” at a time in American history when enslavement and race were intertwined in every aspect of life, and Ishmael’s realization that Queequeg’s race is inconsequential to his high moral character is clearly a subtle commentary on the major issue facing America at the time. Queequeg is affable, generous, and brave, and even after his death he is Ishmael’s salvation, as his coffin is the only thing to survive the Pequod’s sinking, and Ishmael floats on it to safety.

    • Craig W Scribner says:

      Great character summary of Queequeg, Lynn!
      Much more detailed and concise than most of my fellow grad
      students could do in my American Literature classes, back in the early eighties!
      Also, my brother and I had the Britains knight, which we received in a set for Christmas in the mid sixties. Wow, how time flies!
      Thanks, Paul, for sharing these figures, and for kindling old memories!

  3. Rich Fisher says:

    I have the guy with the binoculars & I use him as a spy. Wish someone would down size the Marz Man From Uncle figures to 54mm.

  4. Dan Harrick says:

    Check out the upcoming ‘Whaler’ figures being produced by Ivan at Chelovechek/Littleman…. His Facebook page shows the figures.

  5. gary dibello says:

    A Moby Dick playset would have been pretty cool. The whale…small whaleboat with working harpoon gun… Queequeg, Ishmael, and Ahab character figs, plus some crusty tars and salts.
    Accessories like barrels, nets, cannon…and the Pequod. Everything floats and is made of “unbreakable plastic”. Well, maybe the set should not have the floating coffin. Maybe just a little too dark for a playset.
    My REMCO “Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea” set had a decent whale. I wonder if the mold still exists..?

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