Odds Ends Figure Time Rel Plastic Western

Odds Ends Figure Time, for my last post of June we will look at some items from the collection or from my sale items. I will start off with some Rel western. Next, a Timmee pirate chest and MPC Indian variation will be showcased. I also have some Cavemen figures from Detlef

Odds Ends Figure Time Western Figures

Odds Ends Figure Time Rel
The Rel figures must be the least detailed figures ever made. The bandit has two pistols that look like nubs. I am sure no child asked for these figures for Christmas unless they wanted the covered wagon. Missing from this group is the sheriff and the mounted cowboy. Interestingly, I saw somebody on Ebay trying to pass off a Rel-painted bandit as Timpo swoppet.

Timmee Pirate Chest

Odds Ends Figure Time pirate
When you buy a lot you never know what will show in it. I got a bunch of Marx Johnny West items and this was in the lot. One of the Timmee pirate chests. This is the first time I saw one since buying reissues in Mexico over 40 years. Timmee did seven different pirate accessories.

MPC Indian

MPC Indian
Going through a junk box I found this variation of the mounted Indian. He is on a base turning him into a foot figure. Have you seen this variation? Also, does anyone recognize the figure on the right?
Lido GI
These figures show up from time to time people might think it was made by Marx. It is actually was done by Lido. the five-inch figure is from a set of 8 figures. According to Kent Sprecher, they were later released by Joy Toy from 1972 to 1990.
Detlef sent this photo for Laurie to see his cavemen collection. You can see the wide range of figures going from the six-inch copies of the Marx cavemen to 45mm figures. have fun enjoy this photo.
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8 Responses to Odds Ends Figure Time Rel Plastic Western

  1. Wayne W says:

    I remember seeing the MPC rider with a stand in a later (1978 – 79s) Western set I bought my youngest brothers for Christmas one year. It had the MPC cowboys in a yellowish tan and that color – as well as their Indians in the same colors. The Cowboy riders had stands, too. It had the plastic street front with cardboard backing some of the MPC teepees and I think even an MPC wagon with some cardboard scenery. Not really a bad set. My brothers liked it.

  2. J.J. Schebetta says:

    My guess is Processed Plastics for the blue figure. I have some old Processed Plastics race cars and one of them came with a driver and the sculpting is similar and the driver also has the same connecting piece in between his lower legs. I would really enjoy seeing how these figures were packaged.

  3. Biff Smith says:

    Regarding the 5″ G.I.’s, wow! Lido! I always thought they were MPC, I bought them under that title, and frequently see (on eBay) them listed that way. Hats off to Kent Sprecher for his encyclopedic knowledge & willingness to share it.

  4. Lido Made the 5 inch GIs in the late 1950s. They went out of business in 1964 and most of their molds were scrapped. One of the two brothers who owned Lido, Seymour (Sy) Arenstein started Joy Toy (named after his daughter) in 1972. He got most of the remaining exLido molds including their 5 inch GIs and ran the mold until 1990 when he sold out to Tootsietoy Strombeker who sold the figures under the Tootsietoy brand until 2004 when the mold was sold during the merger with Processed Plastic (Tim-Mee). It’s current location is unknown.

    • Biff Smith says:

      Thanks again, Kent. Now knowing these are Lido, I can sure see their “rumpled” sculpting.

      • Wayne W says:

        Biff, I like your term “rumpled” sculpting. They definitely weren’t garrison soldiers who “broke starch.” My first sergeants would have said they look like the fell out of a laundry bag. But then again, in a combat zone…

        I knew they weren’t Marx (most Marx guys DID look parade ground sharp), but never thought about Lido. Thanks Kent for giving my my daily something new to learn.

  5. Rich Fisher says:

    I was one guy who asked for the REL Cavalry sets. I think I got my first set in 1953 & they were the only troopers out there, After Davy Crockett hit the Airwaves I used these troopers as Andy Jackson’s army & then as Sant Anna’s troops to fight my Auburn pioneers. REL definitely beat Marx to the punch with their wagons,stagecoach. & Cavalry Bought the REL playsets at our local Boston department store & the blistercard sets at Woolworths. I’m still looking for the REL Blue & Gray cannon & limber blistercard.Does anybody have a photo of one ??


      What is a limber blister card ?
      I have a couple of small Rel blister card sections from the cavalry set.

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