Hal Holbrook Has Passed Away

Hal Holbrook Has Passed Age 95

Hal Holbrook Has Passed
Sadly I heard that Hal Brook had passed away.

A Great Memory

Hal Holbrook Has Passed Away at the age of 95. As you all know that Hal Holbrook was noted for his portrayal of Mark Twain. After seeing his show on television, I wanted to see him doing it live. Every time he did the show in my area I found out after it happen or no tickets available.

Then I got word that State Theater was going to have him doing Mark Twain. The State Theater is in Easton PA, which is 20 miles east of us. I put Operation Mark Twain into motion. First, I join the State Theater organization. As a member, I would have to get notices on the show. It would also allow me to get tickets before the general public. Next, I started to study a map of the seating chart of the theater. I want the best seats I could get to see him. I figured out our two seats in row ten center. Finally, I got up and when to the early tickets for members. I was tenth in line and got the seats I wanted.

Laurie and I got to the theater and had a wonderful time. It will be an experience I will never forget. Rest well Mr. Holbrook.

Hal Holbrook Has Passed Away an old article.

Here is an article on the performance.

I just saw it we saw his show in 2014

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4 Responses to Hal Holbrook Has Passed Away

  1. Wayne W says:

    He was a great performer and from all accounts a genuinely nice man. The world iz diminished by his passing.

  2. MARTÍN says:


  3. Craig W Scribner says:

    Glad you and Laurie got to see his Mark Twain performance live, Paul.
    My wife and I were fortunate enough to see it in Wichita (we live nearby)
    back in the eighties.

  4. Jack Gibbons says:

    My father literally dragged me to the Mark Twain show here in Columbus. I had no expectations and am not a real theatre fan. Once the lights dimmed and Hal Holbrook took the stage I was a changed young man. Not only did I think I was listening to Mark Twain I found him both insightful and hilarious. Having read numerous Twain books as a child I immediately resumed reading the books I had missed. I truly became a real fan thanks to Holbrook’s performance.
    I have attended many civil war re-enactments over the years. Several Mark Twain impersonators have shown up. I am usually one of the few who stay and watch them, complete with many deep belly laughs.
    I need to say “thanks” to my dad for the experience.

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