Odds Ends May Engineer Basevich Test Castings

Odds Ends May Engineer Basevich Test Castings, right after showing an upcoming figure set from Plastic Platoon we have one from Engineer Basevitch. Next, we have an update and correction on a figure. George Albany has a question on the online hobby shops.

Odds Ends May Engineer Basevich Battle of Berlin

Odds Ends May Engineer box
Igor Basevich has released photos of an upcoming set Battle of Berlin. This year is the 75th anniversary of the end of the war in Europe
Odds Ends May Engineer figures
Here are the figures from the set. this could change. Also, we have no idea when this will be released. I am sure this set will be welcome by collectors. We thank Rahway for alerting me on this upcoming set.

Figure Correction

Conte Alamo
Well, Stad really goofed on this one. I thought that the resin pioneer was Davey Crockett being lanced. It was not its a pioneer holding a cannonball. Both Carl Castoro and Timothy Viezer identified the pioneer from the Conte Collectibles Alamo gun crew.
Another look at gun crew.
The gun crew consists of four figures and a cannon. The four poses are a pioneer with a cannonball, a defender with a ramrod at the waist, officer firing pistol in his right hand and sword in his left hand, and lighter or matchstick. I realize my figure is missing the rifle on the back.

Can You Help

Carl is interested in making figures into ACW Quantrill’s Raiders.TCarl said the following to my knowledge, no company makes Missouri Bushwackers and their nemesis, the Union Red Legs. So, I use western figures and alter the equipment to fit in. Any suggestions about which figures would be suitable for my latest project?

Another Question

George Albany
George Albany asked the following I’ve been getting a lot of figures painted (sample attached), but I’m running out of some colors.
Normally I’d run over to the hobby shop, but he’s closed.  Any on-line hobby retailers you could recommend?
I gave him Hobby Bunker and Michigan Toy Soldiers. do you know any other shops
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8 Responses to Odds Ends May Engineer Basevich Test Castings

  1. james nixon says:

    Those battle of berlin Russians look brilliant. Will there be a German set to go with it

  2. oif-retread says:

    i used to deal with Squadron mail order about 20 years ago. they had an extensive inventory of hobby supplies. they seem to have reduced it since then, but they still carry paint.


  3. Kenneth G Thelen says:

    It’s great to see the Engineer releasing figures again! I hope we’ll see something from Prikaz in the near future.

  4. George A Albany, III says:

    Thanks for the suggestions, will look into them.

  5. Greg Liska says:

    Carl –
    I’d done a lot of ‘Partisan Rangers’ or ‘Bushwhackers’. I used a lot of cowboy parts mixed in with some ACW figure pieces to give an occasional sack jacket or kepi to the raider. I’d used lots of Marx parts in 54mm: cowboys, miners and trappers, farmers, US presidents, Alamo defenders from almost any maker, are just some options. Some of the MPC 50mm cowboy pieces work, too. In 60mm I used pieces of the smaller Timmee cowboys, Marx fox hunt figures, Marx cowboys, awesome Kids President figures, blended in with pieces of Timmee and Marx ACW parts. Replicants made at least one figure designed to be a Partisan Ranger, odd guy with a shot gun and a banjo on his back if I recall correctly. AIP Boers will convert pretty easily, mostly you need to get rid of the bandoliers and bolt action rifles. there’s one with a break-down double barrel shot gun! Don’t get hung up on the term ‘Reg Legs’ as describing those that opposed the raiders. It’s not a term generally applied to the various bands that fought on the side of the North. The term was made famous by The Outlaw Josey Whales, but it’s not even certain if an actual band of militia or Jay Hawkers were ever called Red Legs. There’s a story about the supposed existence of one band that took russet colored leather from a slave holder’s tannery after killing him and burning it down and made leggings out of them, but it is not substantiated, so far as I know. There may have been more research done to confirm or deny.

  6. james nixon says:

    There was red legs they were known as the red legged scouts members included buffalo Bill Cody and will Bill Hickock you can read more about them on http://www.civilwaronthewesternborder.org.

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