Figures Galore Friend’s Help Marvel Super Heroes

Figures Galore Friend’s Help, we start off with help from friends. First, I share some figures from Markus Lecksheid sent for Christmas. Next Mike Schredl shares a find from Walgreens of some Marvel Superheroes. Detlef Heerbrand shares a photo of incorrect Indian and we look at his paint style.

Figures Galore Friend’s Help Markus Lecksheid

Figures Galore Friend's Help markus
My very good friend Markus Lecksheid sent me a nice Christmas present. In the box, was the Revell 1/35 scale, German pioneers. I had bought them when they first came out but not keeping them in the box, they got scattered in the collection. This time they will stay in the box.
On either end of the four loose figures is the Marx hard plastic band figures. They had been done in Germany by Heimo for Marx. The other two figures are a French soldier kneeling firing the rifle and man taking pictures. I have a friend I have not seen in years whose father had a camera business. He would buy figures of people taking pictures.

Marvel Superheroes

Marvel Super heroes one
Mike Schredl found these Marvel Superheroes at his local Walgreens. According to Mike a bucket of these figures contains 40 figures in 27 poses for $6.99. The set contains Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, Hulk, and Thanos.
figure comparison
Here is a closeup of two of the figures (Thanos and Hulk) with a Marx 54mm German solider. You can see that the figures are slightly smaller.
It is interesting how these items fly under the radar. I remember getting a Batman Set over eight years ago from my friend Chris Lamont. It had been sold in a drugstore chain.

Incorrect Indian

Detlef sent me the above photo. I call this figure the incorrect Indian. First, look a the tomahawk. It looks like Thor’s hammer. Next on the Indian’s physique, the sculptor tried to give him muscles. Instead, the sculptor gave him man boobs. Finally, the face is more a caricature than real. Still, I would like to add this figure to the collection.
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12 Responses to Figures Galore Friend’s Help Marvel Super Heroes

  1. Crochet says:

    French soldier kneeling firing is a Toumoulage

  2. James Joc says:

    The Indian is part of some cheap made in China sets where the other figures are quite good. This one is weird. It could be used to depict a female warrior as they were not unknown, at least on occasion.

    Another point I’d make regarding weapons is that I often convert Indians into other periods: so far I have used them for assorted Dark Ages, ancient, medieval, fantasy and SF such as John Carter of Mars Martians. I have also seen American Indian figures with swords.

    The strange combinations and defects is one thing that makes collecting cheapo figures fascinating.


  3. ERWIN F SELL says:

    The India is being depicted before here in this blog ,the set is hybrid variation of former Supreme poses with Airfix ,while most are quite well done ,the set has some odd pose as this.First come in mid 2012 approx with some sold in bags and a large playset with many accessories
    The set even so is “cheap” has very interesting very well done accessories by China so far never before in plastic before such Indian wood burial bed place and others.
    The tepee is a enlarger version of Herald to match the 60 mm figures of this set .Also a totem ,canoe and fire pit looks original designed made ,not copies .
    It can be see here .

    The Toumoulage french 1938/40 army set has 4 poses so far and all in action firing advancing poses,I been trying get then before as being sold unpainted in last production under other dealers as well but every time i find then ,sellers offer way exaggerated shipping for just 4 to 5 figures .They often put up ebay international in bags in not painted format


  4. ERWIN F SELL says:

    …forgot say ,i always though the Indian is a she ,not a he and intentional made as “brave woman” figure by Chinese maker ..

  5. Detlef Heerbrand says:

    So I also think that the modeler tried to portray a warrior because she clearly has great female attributes! but I was amazed by the huge mace, ax or hatchet .. but most of all I was amazed by the clearly ladylike underwear … still a great figure that I include in my collection ..

    detlef ..

  6. Tom Black says:

    I also see an Indian in that set with a Medieval sword. They did some great historical research on that set uh!!😳

    • Wayne W says:

      I saw that and almost laughed out loud.

      • Mark T. says:

        I have those figures and I thought it was supposed to be a captured US cavalry saber and not a medieval sword. Cavalry sabers were often used by the Plains Indians and coveted as war trophies. They would either break off the blade to use as a lance tip or just use it intact as a saber.

  7. Tom Black says:

    You could be right but from the picture it looks like a straight double edge sword with a full hilt. Funny you mention the Indians using a sabers because on the new Plastic Platoon set of Plains Indians one of them has a saber.

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