Plastic Platoon Red Army 115th Rifle Division

Plastic Platoon Red Army, Mikhail Glikin of Plastic Platoon has released photos of the other set for the Siege of Leningrad. It is the Red Army 115th Rifle Division. They and the 4th Brigade of the Marine Corps of the KBF made a jointed attack in Autumn, 1941. Scale 1/32. The figures will be made in rubber-like material.

Plastic Platoon Red Army Photos

Plastic Platoon Red Army figures
The set has six different poses in action poses.
Plastic Platoon Red Army soldier
the first pose is a soldier running firing submachine gun. He is looking to the right and is wearing a cape.
Standing firing rifle
Next pose is advancing firing rifle wearing a long coat.
Charging with rifle
The third pose is a Russian soldier charging with bayonet rifle
A Russian soldier with a German Schmeiser which he must have gotten from a dead German soldier. Other than the officer he is only one without a helmet. Our experts will tell us the name of the hat.
Carrying machine gun
The fifth pose is a Russian soldier carrying parts of a machine gun.
Russian Officer
The Russian officer is the last of the six poses of the Russian infantry. The officer is firing a pistol in his right hand while a machine gun barrel on his left shoulder.

Final Thoughts

Once again Plastic Platoon has made some very interesting poses. No one can fault Plastic Platoon for detail. These and their other figures are one of the most realistic done today in the hobby. The major complaint is the cost. A collector who likes to have multiples of a figure will be upset about the price. This is understandable.

The other side of the coin is the cost to make the figures and the low runs done by Plastic Platoon and the other Russian figures. It is a dilemma that the collector has to make based on their budget and desire for these figures. It is something that will be an ongoing debate in this hobby.

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7 Responses to Plastic Platoon Red Army 115th Rifle Division

  1. Randolph Karl Dittmar says:

    With such quality in play here,price is not prohibitive.Now to find the same sculpting
    on late WW1 figures.(AEF,French & German).Yeah……………

  2. james nixon says:

    They are absolutely brilliant cant wait for these to come out and the us cavalry and Indians as well. I think the days of going to Woolworths and getting them for a couple of penny a bag are over now. You have got to ask your mummy or the old woman for the money or break into the kiddies piggy bank. These are not toy soldiers anymore they are pieces of art.

  3. Peter Wall says:

    Thanks for covering these new figures. They really are top-notch! Considering the great sculpting & detail, and the cost of metal figures of similar quality, they are not that expensive. But only a few collectors could afford a platoon of them!

    Thanks also for the focus on “quality vs. producer cost vs. collector cost”. Figures such as these are, to me, ‘focal points’ for a diorama or my table-top set-ups, to complement my more massed troops such as from MPC, Marx & other producers (even TSSD’s great series). For me, my troops are typically under-officered and could use some heavy weapons support, so I’d go for extras of the officer – machine gunner combo.

    Distributors of Plastic Platoon might benefit sales-wise from offering individual poses from the series, to allow collectors to ‘customize’ their troops. Maybe Plastic Platoon, working with its dealer network, could offer to produce figures on a modified ‘on-demand’ basis? Offer, say, on a once a quarter calendar basis (or even once a year, timed for Christmas holiday deliveries?), to fulfill orders for specific figures, aggregating orders from various dealers over the quarter and consolidating deliveries back to dealers? Collectors then might get more figures they really want, while Plastic Platoon and dealers get more sales.

    Thanks for your great reporting service, and for listening,

  4. Christian Aldo says:

    I see Plastic Platoon as the true trail-blazer in our hobby!
    Yes, they’re expensive, but so is smoking, drinking and taking women out for dinner.
    I see my hobby as the same sort of pleasure.
    When it comes to the quality of their sculpting and the subjects,
    I sometimes have to pinch myself reminding me how lucky we all are to have great entrepreneurs coming out of Mother Russia like Mikhail Zabashta!

  5. james nixon says:

    If you cant afford them save up for them. We went through a period of being short of money for collecting toy soldiers. But we have caught up now with the ones we couldn’t afford back then.

  6. Bob says:

    You talent is breathtaking. My favorite period is the North African campaign with the Africa Korps versus the 8th Army. My backup is the winter campaigns on the Eastern Front. I will wait for one of those. Congratulations on your magnificent work.

  7. Jeremy says:

    Positively brilliant figures! I will get both sets and likely duplicates. My wish is that there are two sets of Deutsche Wehrmacht to join the battle!

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