Plastic Figure News Ebay Conte collectibles

Plastic Figure News Ebay, we have the latest update from Conte Collectibles on their Romans. Next, Rahway reports news about Death Productions. Finally, we have some interesting finds from Erwin Sell.

Plastic Figure News Ebay Conte Collectibles News

Plastic Figure News Ebay Conte Collectible roman

Here is the latest update from Richard Conte on his Romans. We have copied the information for those not getting his newsletter. While we still have a ways to go, major progress has been achieved with the new Romans.  We thought we’d show you a sneak peek of the figures which are slated for a battlefield near you this year. ( A couple of Barbarians are thrown in to avoid any discrimination claims!!)
Please note that these are factory prototypes and/or our original sculpts. The final product will hopefully be very close to if not exactly like what’s shown in the photos.
The plan is to release 2 sets of Romans followed by Barbarians and more Romans so long as collector’s support our efforts!!
Many of the poses will come with alternate heads/arms/weapons.  Set configurations and plastic colors are yet to be finalized.  We are doing our best to keep the prices as low as possible while also delivering exciting, highly animated poses.

We will keep you posted as we get more information

Death Productions

Rahway has clued us that Steve Weston of Weston toy soldiers reported that owners of Death Production have decided to retire. The company is known for making death figures from various eras. Steve has a few figures available. They are sold in packs of two for three pounds a pack. you can see what they have for sale here.

Ebay Finds

Erwin Sell has found some interesting items on Ebay. The first one is an item that normally would not have demand. But if it is put in a box or bag with header card An great example is the Marx Hong Kong Indians and cowboys. What Erwin found is Toyway set of astronauts. The astronauts are generic with little demand. In Toyways/ Timpo bag it is being offered at fifteen pounds ($18.75). Do you think it is worth the price the dealer is asking?

The other item is a set of Greek Goddesses set. The figures are two inches tall. The question is are they what the dealer says in his listing or something else. Give us your thoughts.

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9 Responses to Plastic Figure News Ebay Conte collectibles

  1. Those Greek figures I have somewhere. I got them in a lot from Germany last year. At the moment I can not find them, but I did take a picture of them. I will send you that picture Paul. There were two male figures that I have also.

  2. Barrie Blood says:

    The Greek Godess figures are from the HK boxed Nohah’s Ark set.This set is very common on eBay(in the UK)

  3. ERWIN F SELL says:

    The seller w HK toy way HK brand is mixing name w Timpo yo bring attention in search by buyers.
    The Toyway brand is a HK generic distribution given to card.
    In my original post I wrote it as well thinking were biblical the other figures.still they have a use in the ancient period generic scenes .
    The CONTE roman looks awesome.


    • admin says:

      Toyway did other items besides the figures of Timpo and Lone Star. They did as other companies by buying from existing products to flesh out their inventory. It saves money.
      The item is no longer available.

      • ERWIN F SELL says:

        Admin I have doubts this Toyway logo card is same or belong to TOYWAYS LTD from UK company funded in 1982 that sold TIMPO,LONE STAR and other figures recast sets.
        I have few toyways packs and the logo words is different.
        Is my understanding that Toyway from UK and other (Pocketbond?) were purchased in 2016 by Bachmann.

  4. Mark T. says:

    I know Toyway accquired the rights to use the Timpo brand in the 1990s, but this bag of astronauts has no Timpo indication at all and must be from either before or after that period. When Toyway was using the Timpo brand they applied it to all kinds of figures; the genuine Timpo Action Pack recasts, some Lone Star recasts, Authentic Timpo stock (Gatlings, Cannons, Ballistae etc.) and their own Battle Masters line, as well as sets of Romans, Egyptians, Astronauts etc. from Hong Kong.

    Aside from the items that were either genuine Timpo recasts or old Timpo stock and the recast Lone Star figures, I don’t have much interest in this line. The Battle Masters Knights were nice, though.

    I don’t think this bag of astronauts is worth more than five bucks or so, and that’s only to a person who was interested in them.

  5. Jack Gibbons says:

    After getting my Conte Spartacus metal figures out I dropped a Roman legionnaire on the floor and his sword broke off. My first thought was this was why I don’t usually collect metal figures because I actually want to handle them. Then I thought why doesn’t Richard Conte use his old molds to create plastic Roman figures? He did it with the Civil War and WW II figures. Why not use what he already has? I would be up to buy several sets if they were produced. I am not telling how to run his business, but simply making a suggestion from a past and, hopefully, future customer.
    Just a thought as I try to figure out how to fix the darn sword.

    • ERWIN F SELL says:

      I agree.
      Yes, Metal white metal and most resins broke very easily at si.ole fall even from dropping in the table.
      The weight made
      that effect versus material.
      No, all-metal molds can be used to run plastics inside then.
      Depend on finish and material of mold. Also, machinery is different to run both at the industrial level in many cases.

      But if are the ones able to use x either could be a good option.

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