Odds Ends Readers Contributions Zerns, Disney Store

Odds Ends Readers Contributions  Zerns, Disney Store we close out September with a  number of items. First we have some various photos from Alain Pointe, Ed Borris and Erwin Sell. I reflect on the closing of Zern Market One my old flea markets.  Disney Store I give an alert no bags. Finally  I report on my old area.

Odds Ends Readers Contributions  Zerns, Disney Store Alain

Odds Ends Readers Contributions Zerns, Disney Store

Alain Pointe sent a photo of the divers that he is doing for his 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea set. You will notice that each figure has a different helmet .  Because three different kinds of helmets were used in the movies.  These figures are available at cgtrader and be done in different sizes.

Odds Ends Readers Contributions  Zerns, Disney Store Ed Borris

Odds Ends Readers Contributions Zerns, Disney Store

This was Ed Borris’  major purchase at the show. Marx Mexicans in  test color.  what do think of the color?

Odds Ends Readers Contributions  Zerns, Disney Store Erwin Sell

Odds Ends Readers Contributions Zerns, Disney Store

Erwin acquired this  set of figures from a dealer. The figures are Russian soldiers.  The set has copies of several Publius Russian soldiers. The maker then took four airfix poses and adapted them to be Russian soldier.  In order to make them look Russian the maker added added thicker tall russian style boots on legs with pants from russian poses. They made the helmet appear as Russian.Odds Ends Readers Contributions  Zerns, Disney Store


Also the prone pose has a russian alike tunic. According to Erwin the other 3 poses base on Airfix  have a German  4 pockets tunic making then rare as Russian never have such tunic in combat regular uniform.
Erwin feels the artist/mold maker  cut the legs off germans and add russian boots legs from other figures to create a new figure. The helmets were the same Germans been reduced and shave. The helmets looks too small for Russian yet not German at all. Because russian have similar stick grenade as the germans they left it. Also the generic bolt rifle not quite detailed so they can pass as Russian.

The figures have been withdrawn due to Publius upset on being copied.

Odds Ends Readers Contributions  Zerns, Disney Store Zern’s Market

On September 29 Zern’s Market closed after 92 years of business.  This market was one of the first flea markets I did. When I was a child we got to it occasionally  as we depended on friends as my parents did not drive. Once I started to drive it was one of the spots we went to.  My father would sit with a friend that sold use tools while my mother and I roamed.  I got a number of good items. that sticks in my mind is getting a bunch of Space Patrol rings. One of them ended up as pre engagement ring for Laurie!

Sadly many markets are going by the way side. If you are interested see more go to this link.

Odds Ends Readers Contributions  Zerns, Disney Store Disney Store

This past week I went to our local Disney Store to get the Black Pather PVC figure set. I took it to the counter and got a surprise, no bags. Disney discontinued bags.I asked what you have instead.  The cast memeber offered a $.99 cloth bag with Mikey on it or $2.99 Black Panther bag. I ended up taking it out without a bag. Next time I will have a bag with me.

Odds Ends Readers Contributions  Zerns, Disney Store  Breaking News

It is being reported the Chintoys next two sets will be Conquistadors Two and Warriors. As we get more information we will post it.

Odds Ends Readers Contributions  Zerns, Disney Store  Old Neighborhood

My old neighborhood has changed over the years not for the good.  This weekend a block from my old house they had car explosion.  Three people were killed. It looks like a bomb.  You can read it here. Tell me if it was reported internationally

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42 Responses to Odds Ends Readers Contributions Zerns, Disney Store

  1. Lester Lessa says:

    Paul,can you tell me how I can order the Disney Divers?I looked up cgtrader and only got trading sites, nothing to do with the divers. Thank you verry much .

  2. alain lapointe says:

    Paul, thanks for posting my divers, but name’s Lapointe and as I told in a previous post and in email, I’m still working on the figures (as you can see for ex. they are still missing the base), They will be available about in a month, but I’ll send an announcement, if you like, with the pic of first printing.

  3. TD Barnecut says:

    Airfix made some pretty good Soviet WW2 soldiers in 1/32 scale, so why covert the D.A.K. figures into Russians with the wrong tunics?

    Otherwise the Russian figures look good with the flat Airfix style bases. Erwin, can you tell us more about these figures – are they soft plastic or hard resin casts? They appear to be well made.

    • ERWIN F SELL says:

      They are between soft and hard plastic about 58 mm and using AK poses create new poses.
      Just a simple converssion easy molded it has been used by Chinese often .
      I call it hybrid figures.
      Supreme Egyptian are a good sample of reverse Atlantic poses.
      These figures are not made in China.
      I think they are cool.
      I will do compare photo soon.

  4. We didn’t hear anything in England about this explosion, I think it would only get into the news here if it was a terrorist attack.

    • admin says:

      It was reported up in Canada

      • Don Perkins says:

        Paul, I don’t know about the international reporting, but I saw it on the NBC evening broadcast.

        I was sitting comfortably in my Lazy Boy, minding my own business, when I saw the news of a big, mysterious explosion in “a town north of Philadelphia”. As I started to pay closer attention, all of a sudden the screen showed a fire truck driving by with big letters “ALLENTOWN FIRE DEPARTMENT”.

        That really caught my attention. Interesting that it was right in your old neighborhood.

        Over the years, I’ve received quite a few toy soldier packages in the mail with the postmark “Allentown, PA”.

        On another note, even out here in Indiana, I can feel the emotional loss of a longtime farmer’s market like Zern’s.

        As to the Disney Store discontinuing the use of plastic bags, that will undoubtedly be the wave of the future, and will be to the world’s benefit. I like cloth bags better anyway, because it hearkens my mind back to, in some respects, a better time, where everything was not so cheap & disposable.

        As to the new Chintoys selection of more Aztecs and Conquistadors, I look forward to it, and hope it’s soon. I’ve purchased every set Chintoys has come out with, and I think they are all great.

        And as to Ed’s newly-acquired set of Alamo Mexicans at the Chicago Toy Soldier Show, I liked that deep blue prototype color quite a bit — maybe even better than the originals, but at least more than the shiny, light blue of the Heritage sets.

        • admin says:

          I thought some people would be curious on it. IT looks right now it was a bomb an the person who made is dead. I will know more later today with the news.
          Zern’s has a lot of good memories.
          A we get more information on the Chintoys we will let you know.

      • ERWIN F SELL says:

        It all all over internet w video reports.it looks like a gas or else explosion …
        But I though this was a toy blog. ..


        • admin says:

          It is a toy soldier blog, but occasionally I talk about personal things. Seeing this explosion was personal it is an area I have been by many times to take packages to the local post office. It is just a note and I was curious on how much reporting went out.

          • Don Perkins says:

            Admin’s point is completely reasonable.

            Besides, not too long ago Erwin, you yourself posted photos of both your dog, your daughter, and the woods behind your house, along with comments about each.

            Fortunately, no one on this board was so churlish as to then say “… I though [sic] this was a toy blog.”

            Erwin, if you can occasionally depart from subjects that are not strictly about toy soldiers, then certainly others on this board should be allowed to do so as well — especially when Admin initiates the comments.

            And if Admin, who without compensation puts all the work into maintaining this blog day in and day out, wishes to comment on his dogs, his wife, what restaurants he enjoys, what farmer markets in his area are closing, what kinds of service he experiences in his local Disney store, or about how an explosion occurs in his old neighborhood —- that is his perfect right to do so, and he shouldn’t have to listen to someone else, like you, complain about it.

          • admin says:

            Lets not get into any more discussion on my posting on Allentown explosion. It is my blog and I can decide what goes up. As I said before the explosion was a surpise and if we were still downtown it would have effected us with closed roads and worries about are there more. The street where it happen is one of the routes I would have used to the post office. Today I went to my sub station the two postal clerks worked at the main office in town where I used to go to.. They are a little skaken by it.

          • ERWIN F SELL says:

            Relax every one.I was being joking as the comment come off next others and looks as off topic from the toys Airfix and Publius post
            Don …yeah we all talk about our personal things some times
            These are news from else…
            No big deal ….

  5. Detlef Heerbrand says:

    Really fantastic and creative ideas implemented by Alain Lapointe .. really impressive work !!!

  6. Detlef Heerbrand says:

    As ??? an explosion near you !!! OMG .. what’s going on ???

  7. ERWIN F SELL says:

    The divers looks awesome!!Wonder if any more poses and more about.

    The only Submarine close to movie I know was made in France
    I have it. very odd rare by the way.

    • alain lapointe says:

      thanks a lot, at the moment just one pose for helmet, the one in the middle is Captain Nemo. If they have success I may think of sculpting the actors/characters in civil outfit, but let’s see. As far as I know they made several kits regarding the Disney Nautilus, I’ve had one almost 80cm long, I remember also one for the 50 years of the movie, sold with a squid, it’s only a matter of searching around. Thanks again for interesting.

      • TD Barnecut says:

        Alain, I agree the divers are excellent. Are they 3D sculpted on a computer or physically sculpted ? Will you need to license these figures through Disney ?

        Will these figures be 3D printed in various scales ? If so what is the material they will be made of ?

        • admin says:

          As long as he does not use disney he should be okay

        • alain lapointe says:

          Thanks again, you guys are all too kind, generally I completely sculpt my models, in some case, to save time, I sculpt just the head (then 3dscanned) and the rest is done on pc. All my toy figures are scaled with good details so they can be printed, depending on printers’ capabilities, from a range of 1 inch and half to 5/6 (models can be printed larger)- Material is resin, these figures are detailed so a UVA or Laser 3d printer is much better than a filament based printer which is not as precise. As they are mere product of a hobby, and there is not distribution or sale of the final product these are intended ‘for personal use’. As a matter of fact you just need to download the file to print on your own, or get it printed by some service center. Thanks again.

  8. Wayne W says:

    What Don said.

    After all, it’s Paul’s (Admin’s) page; his time and effort, and his dime – really, he can talk about anything he wants and as guests in his “house” if we don’t like it we don’t have to visit. JMO.

    On another note, I appreciate the heads up; I still haven’t seen anything on this elsewhere (maybe I’m

  9. r smith says:

    The old neighborhood,,,,Mine in N Chicago has a great deal,,being near north cost wise its far beyond what it was,,million dollar old row houses are common,,along with probably three times the residents per black there was in my time,,everythings a condo etc now,,crime is always around and strange individuals not neighbors,,
    With the wealth etc is interestingly the local public school I attended has 90 percent of the students on public assistance

  10. ed borris says:

    North Chicago the town, or the North side of Chicago? Like Roger Park? I’m from Chicago and I’ve always found that Chicago can be a dangerous place.

  11. Greg Liska says:

    The divers are great! I recognized what they were immediately. You’ve got a talent, keep it coming!
    The Mexicans are tough to discern regarding color. Could we get a pic of them next to some Heritage ones and some recasts? They aren’t in the same color as like the FT Apache Cavalrymen, are they?

    • alain lapointe says:

      thanks a lot, will do 🙂

    • ed borris says:

      I don’t have any Heritage figures, they are like a turqoise or aquamarine color, I guess is the best wat to describe them. They are not like any other color I have ever seen Marx use. They did some Civil War figures in the same color, Stengel Jr had them too, but I wasn’t interested. I’ll send Stad a picture of a comparrison with two other colors.

  12. Lester Lessa says:

    Ahoy Alain. I agree with everyone.Your divers are fantastic.Caint wait fore them to come out! I made figures of nemo,1st mate Arronax ,conciel Ned Land,and a 1/2 doeson of crewmen.If you would like to talk. let me know.Ido have a 1/32 scale nautilus.

    • alain lapointe says:

      I’d love to see your items, that Nautilus sounds like a any kid’s dream. If you’re on Facebook, look for me, I’m the only one with this name living in Italy.

  13. Lester Lessa says:

    Cool! Will do.I think you can see my figures on Stads site.In the meen time I,ll get photos together.

  14. Mark McNamara says:

    Turqoise Mexicans ! Very nice divers ! Nice Russians !

  15. alain lapointe says:

    ‘wrote you an email

  16. Lester Lessa says:

    Paul,you had photos of My 20,000 Leagues figures on your site. I cant seem to find them now. Can you find My post on them? thank you.

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