Engineer Basevitch Next Set Nomads (Rus Kiev Enemies)

Engineer Basevitch Next Set Nomads (Rus Kiev Enemies) Andrey has sent photos of an upcoming set. Engineer Basevitch will be releasing Nomads a twelve figure set. Kiev or Kievan Rus were a loose federation of East Slavic Tribes from the late 9th century to 13 century.  One of their major enemies were Pencheng Nomads. The Nomads in the 9th century began a series of war against the Rus Kiev.  The Nomads were destoryed as an effective force in the 1091.

Engineer Basevitch Next Set Nomads (Rus Kiev Enemies) Figures

Engineer Basevitch Next Set Nomads (Rus Kiev Enemies)

The Nomads set has twelve figures

  1. Nomad with mace back shield in front
  2. Nomad with rope at waist
  3. Standing firing bow straight ahead
  4. Running with axe and shield

Engineer Basevitch Next Set Nomads (Rus Kiev Enemies)

5. Nomad sitting with right raised with a skull mug

6. Advancing with sword out and round shield.


Engineer Basevitch Next Set Nomads (Rus Kiev Enemies)

7.  Nomad firing bow up in the air

8. Defending with round shield and sword back down

9. Nomad with falcon on his left arm. Sword in right hand pointing down.

Engineer Basevitch Next Set Nomads (Rus Kiev Enemies)

10. Ready with spear

11.  Nomad kneeling with bow firing forward

12. Kneeling firing with a bow up in the air

Engineer Basevitch Next Set Nomads (Rus Kiev Enemies) Comments

Engineer Basevitch Next Set Nomads (Rus Kiev Enemies)

Once again Engineer Bassevitch has come up with another very interesting set.  Also they have done some unique poses. I like both the Nomad sitting with skull mug and Nomad with the falcon.   I will be interest to hear where we can use these figures.  This set will be out in late June or early July.  It will be from Andrey Buslov on Ebay.  If you are interested in this do not delay when it comes out. Engineer Bassevitch is only doing 300 sets.

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21 Responses to Engineer Basevitch Next Set Nomads (Rus Kiev Enemies)

  1. Tom Black says:

    They look like they would make good Mongels.

    • ERWIN F SELL says:

      Yeah just that all in foot unfurtuantelly
      Not very impress in keep doing stepes warrios with out it main weapon tool. (Horse).
      What next cossaks dancing?
      My thoughts.

  2. TDBarnecut says:

    Remarkable sculpts with amazing detail. EB is amazingly productive with all the figure sets made so far.

  3. H. Paas says:

    the sculpts look better then usual too bad all the Russian sets are covering Russian themes i can always stand more angles/saxons/normans tbh probs will buy them simply for their medievalness we will see how brittle the plastic is before buying they look great to me as stand ins for easterlings from lord of the rings

    • Don Perkins says:

      Since Engineer Bassevitch started coming out with their sets, I’ve acquired about 10 of them (Russian Civil War, Ancient Jews, Castro Cubans, Yugoslav Partisans, etc.) None of them have ever, ever been brittle. They’ve all been of a soft, high quality plastic with impeccable sculpting & detail.

      So, Henry, if you are really interested in getting this new set, have no fears & go right ahead and order it. You won’t be disappointed.

    • admin says:

      EB is filling a missing gap in plastic figures for Russian collectors. He is doing periods of his history.

      • H. Paas says:

        i don’t mind i just need more dark age figures specifically figures without armor i like barbarian figures for sure so these fill the roll i was just being imaginative with them and what i could use them for i like the figures replicants made cause although their suppose to be robin hood you can use them virtually for anything dark ages i wish we could see some romano brtians in 1/32 and some celts and saxons that is what i could stand to see in the 1/32 scale

  4. Ken Thelen says:

    Theses are very cool figures. One has to wonder when the Engineer will get around to doing Byzantines 800-1071. It is well known that the Byzantines were the cultural precursors of the medieval and czarist Russians. Thus they would fit right into the Engineers mission.

    • ERWIN F SELL says:

      Good point and both Early Rus and viking plus rus slavic people deal and fight with Byzantine empire in that period as well.So did Bulgars that fought all then as well.

  5. ERWIN F SELL says:

    So far my view is EB try cover most strictly dedicate to Rusian /communist period direct history but they had done some off that too.
    Making sets of people that use horse to live and fight w out it is a waste in my view.Yet may have a use for others as well as generic warriors else or siege scenes.
    Their sets often involve a lot officers some time;another waste in my opinion or like.Price is more modic thand most russian short run makers.
    If 300 sets is the norm production is more that enough x russian colectors along and that is why last so few in market.Yet not see much profit either in that way.
    Buying then direct from russian dealers is very easy and fast as Don mention very well.
    Their plastic is not fragile and sets come in cases .

    My thoughts.

    • Carl Cwiklinski says:

      For the price, I doubt too many collectors would buy multiple sets to make an army. To me, these are more like character figures to flesh-out comparable figures with better sculpted and more animated poses. I have suceessfully incorporated EB’s Russo-Turkish war figures using them in the foreground with AIP Butternut Union figures in kepis and Anglo-Egyptian Army in fezes.

  6. TDBarnecut says:

    12 poses x 300 sets is 3,600 figures! If EB is selling through on each new set this is a very successful business model.

    • ERWIN F SELL says:

      That is simple.We have to look in to cost, time producing versus time selling and not all sale at retail prices as dealers got a discount.the 300 number is just an aprox mentioned before.
      We don’t know x certain.
      While some sets seems to be sold out.others made years back are till abundantly all over.
      So is not way to figure out ..
      Yet maker is still producing but pretty much very new in the market still.
      In my opinion…

  7. Carl Cwiklinski says:

    As with most of the Russian figures sets, some American collectors say they’re very nice, but then ask what they could use them as? True, certain ones can be used as Vikings, others as Knights, but hey, why not use them as what they are?

    Many collectors say that as kids they took an interest in history and did well in school because of toy soldiers and playsets. So, as life-long learners, why not get into the history they don’t teach in American schools? You will find it fascinating but probably spend more money because it.

    • ERWIN F SELL says:

      Good point ….
      Still i think collectors collect what thematic and wars era they like ,so like US American independence and civil wars is nothing important for most others ,these warriors that took a minor part of early medieval period is nothing x most americans and even many others around world too .
      Eastern europe and asia wars had been neglected from most Western history till recently only ,included on western world movies .
      While Communist era films of eastern block price in biased way many of these period today eastern country films are more hollywood super heroes bluff ,not historical either.So westernisation of eastern europe and asia in new generation is happening too a lot as far i see.
      Still the fact these sets could be use as any other give seller/maker opportunity to sale more around i think .
      my thoughts…

  8. Christian Aldo says:

    Wow! I wish I could afford to collect all periods!

  9. Darren Hatley says:

    Very nice figures as usual from this company and I will probably buy a set like I have with the other 3 sets of Ancient figures they have produced. I understand that Engineer Basevich is sticking to Russian history and that’s fair enough and I do like there figures but I would love to see them branch out to other Ancient cultures and countrys like Egyptians, Chinese, Celts/Barbarians, Inca. Just a thought but keep up the great work.

  10. james nixon says:

    Would love Engineer Basevich to make a set of Siberian rifleman like the revel 1/72 scale figures.

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