Chiller October 2012

Laurie and I did Chiller today. We normally do not like to go on Saturday due to the crowds they get. We had to go this Saturday as we had commitment for Sunday. We arrived at their new location at 1:30PM and had to park in one of the out lying  parking lots for the overflow.  We walked over to the hotel and found a long line. We had to ask around and found out that was the line for people to buy tickets.  We found after asking more where the person was for the people who already had tickets and got our wrist bands.  We walked in and started to look at the show.

The show was a mad house. We walked into room and saw a few of the stars. The majority of the stars were in the two rooms that were connected together.  Problem was there was a massive line to get in. The wait was at least 20 minutes or longer.  We could see the inside of the room was chaotic, so we decided to pass as there was not anyone we wanted to meet badily so we decided to see our very good friend Marcus Boas.

We knew Marcus was Room T176, the problem was the staff of Chiller did not know where Room T176 was! We had to ask the staff at the check in desk to find the room. We got the information and went to his room. Marcus was glad to see us and we checked up with what he had done. He showed us a potrait that he had done for a friend of his father. While we were in his room, we got a surprise our ushers from our wedding Steve and Tim showed up. Tim had been one of my students and got Steve as my other usher. They both got a treat as one of our guest was Bob Burns and they had a great time as they are monster fans and admired Bob. We had not seen them in a few years and caught up with them. Tim’s one daughter is in her first year of law school. His other daughter got married and is expected triplets boys next year.  Steve has had a number of health issues over last few year and he is fine now Steve is thinking of retiring.  After talking to them for a few minutes  they left us,we ltook our leave Marcus.

After leaving Marcus, we looked at several other artists displays and then checked out the dealers area. The dealers area was very chopped up. We looked at various items but either the price turn us off or we felt where would we put it.  I was also looking to see if Jordan Hembough would have his set up like he had at a previous Chiller. He was nowhere to be seen, I did his buddy Steve, but I did not bother him. I also saw Robert Bruce from Comic Book Men and left him alone as well.

After two hours we left and stopped at Clinton Diner. As we were getting our meal, who walks in Steve and Tim. We had told them about the diner and they had  decided to try it out. Tim got a one pound burger, while Steve got a Veal Parmigiana. We could see they were enjoying their meal and be back. We headed home to get ready for the next day.

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4 Responses to Chiller October 2012

  1. Ed Borris says:

    A sad day, I heard today that Peter Shulman has finally had to stop his 60+ year war. I’m not sure how many of you were aware of the Peter Shulman story, but he still has a website and had a great story and some interesting shots of his outdoor wars. If you haven’t heard of his war, check it out some time when you have the chance, just do a search on Peter Shulman’s War.

  2. Ed Connell says:

    Hi Ed, That guy is incredible, I was never aware of him. What happened, was it the storm, or did he pass away, or something else. I would have been honored for him naming a character after me. Anyway, thanks for sharing, and good luck.

    • Ed Borris says:

      I guess he’s having some health problems that prohibit him from climbing the hills and forrests where he used to hold his large scale battles. I actually have some of his hand sculpted figures at home and I was named a pilot in the green airforce I was an attack pilot. I figure he has to be in his 70’s or pretty close. Was a great story though.

  3. Ed Connell says:

    Thanks Ed, Well I hope its not serious, and I will keep him in my prayers, what an incredible life, and story he has. You are fortunate Ed, to be named and counted as one of his friends. I hope he allows someone to do his story. He has helped many people, and children especially. Anyway good luck, and thanks for letting me know about him.

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