Interesting Finds at OTS

Our very good friend Don Ducotte passed along some interesting  finds he found at OTS. 

Here is a list of what I call “interesting finds”;
1. 2 or 3 (maybe I saw one twice) Marx Min Iwo sets
2. 2 Mx Min ACW sets, 2 Mx Min Knight Castle, and a partial Trench Warfare set in a cigar box for about $800
3. The most odd/interesting find for me was “Magnetic Action – Counter Attack”; complete with 4 bldgs, tanks, soldiers, board, and wands. I have not seen this since 1968.
4. David and Goliath non-mint but seemingly complete; $20
5. Various and plentious Britiains SP Detail and Swoppets, usually way overpriced. Timpo stuff available also, but overpriced.
6. Flat Mx Vikings – haven’t seen more than 5 of these at a time since I dropped in on Peter Fritz in 1990.
7. A widow selling her late husband’s remaining metal collection items for good prices.
8. A Tibidabo Castle, complete with only tiny damage, in damaged box, for $50
9. Britian’s Swoppet Western Bldgs, Bank and Saloon at a good pre-show price.
10. NOT as good a selection of good Mx WW2 figures as I’ve seen in the past.

11. Atlantic Alpine troops (complete) and Brit Commandos – but in boxes of 10 when there are more than 10 poses in a true set.
12. Lots of Airfix HO.
13. Lots of Airfix 1/32 bagged or boxed, EXCEPT NOBODY had the US Paras in GREEN (?!). Even Italians in a scrap box.
14. MB boardgame “Skirmish”, complete, for $10
15. Hi-wall Mx Castle, but cream color plastic parts and no moat.
16. Ideal Crusader Castle in Manilla color.
17. Large lot of Herald Greeks.
18. Of course, marx sets of all sorts, esp the various WW2 sets; non-mountain Iwo, “Korean” set, Army Combat, etc.
Then, I walk down the hall and find men lined up against the wall, perhaps 30 or so.
I later ask “Woody” Lambirt and he informs me what everyone else probably knows;
That Ray Haradin, an auctioneer and publisher of OTSN buys large lots of toys, and sells remnants and parts thereof, and he was about to open the gates to this treasure.
But I believe it is all metal and so I went on by. I had plastic to attend to.
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3 Responses to Interesting Finds at OTS

  1. Ed Borris says:

    Saw the Austin Miniatures resin prototypes up close and personal over the weekend, 4 of the 6 poses anyway. Unfortunatley , the suspected Clint pose was not among them. They are very detailed with accurate depiction of the weapons and appeared to me to be a true 54mm. The four I saw were all firing different weapons and they all look very animated in their poses, not stiff and statue like soome figures. I know I’ll be buying them when they become available.

  2. Ed Borris says:

    I heard by OTSN 2013 at the latest, possibly with more then 6 poses too.

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