Marx Plastic President Figures A Close Look Memories

Marx Plastic President Figures A Close Look Memories I put a set of the Marx Presidents on Ebay. I had a person email me how many presidents were in the set.  My reply was the set went from Washington to Nixon. there were 37 presidents as Cleveland had non-consective terms.  Some people add the Ronald Regan figure which Marx made in 1964.

Marx Plastic President Figures A Close Look Memories

Marx Plastic President Figures A Close Look Memories History


The Marx were first issued in 1950’s in 60mm in a white plastic.

Marx Plastic President Figures A Close Look Memories

The figures were sold various ways. A playset with an out of scale White House and box sets were some of the ways they were sold. I once had a display stand of the presidents so they could have so indiviually.

Marx Plastic President Figures A Close Look Memories

Kent Sprecher found out that there are various versions of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. First there were two different facial stern and jolly.  The other version is with and without cape. Interesting Marx did not do FDR with glasses. Also what is more known today that he was in a wheelchair. This was not done at the time as  public had not been aware of his illness.  BMC finally did a figure of FDR in a wheelchair.

Marx Plastic President Figures A Close Look Memories

Marx redid the 60mm presidents in painted in Hong Kong. The figures were done in a playset and offered as giveaways by grocery stores.  The figures were  also done 40mm.

Marx Plastic President Figures A Close Look Memories My Memories

Marx Plastic President Figures A Close Look Memories

I saw three of the presidents that Marx did live.  The first was John Kenedy. He drove by my elementary school. We went out to see him drive by. My mother came out of our house as his motorcade pass by before going downtown for a rally.  A friend of my was there to do photos.

I saw Lyndon Johnson when my scout troop visit the Boy Scout Jamboree.  Richard Nixon came to Allentown for rally. I went to the local fairgrounds where he gave a speech. Planning to leave I turned to go out when someone thought I was security. I went to classes at my college and Nixon stopped there.


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18 Responses to Marx Plastic President Figures A Close Look Memories

  1. ERWIN SELL says:

    I never seen BMC wheelchair pose .!? When it was done and sold!??

  2. ed borris says:

    Our Jewel food store sold them, if you bought $5.00 in groceries you could get a president for 29 cents, they sold them one a week for as many presidents as there was back then. You could also buy a styrofoam platform with steps and pillars you could place them on. I used to have one, I think I sill have the painted presidents somewhere. I think they ran through Lyndon Johnson.

  3. Mark T. says:

    In Canada in the late 60s-early 70s, there was a set of Marx “Canadian Heroes” just like these. It featured famous Canadian historical figures like Champlain, Frontenac, Tecumseh and also early Prime Ministers. They used to come free in boxes of Red Rose tea. Fortunately for me, my mother loved drinking tea. I think I still have a bunch of them someplace. I had no idea they were Marx until I saw them on Kent’s site as an adult.

  4. Jack Gibbons says:

    I think Jefferson and maybe Washington were in the set. I can’t remember the fourth president. If I remember correctly FDR was a little blocky sitting in his high-back chair. The figures came in a gray color, probably issued 5-6 years ago,

  5. Mark McNamara says:

    BMC Presidents new news to me also !

  6. Michaelle Entringer says:

    I’m hoping someone can help me. I have 32 figures and looking for the 3 that I am missing, but all the ones I’m seeing are completely different then what I have. All of mine stand on a 4 tiered platform and are less then 2″ tall. I do not see any like mine in my extensive search, mine goes to Kenney. If I knew how I would post pictures of the set.

    • admin says:

      You can send photos to
      You would have the smaller set. The normal figures are 60mm 2 3/4 inches. Marx only did up to Nixon in the larger scale. Not sure on the 2 inch how far they did. The later presidents have been done by a party but in the larger size only.

    • ERWIN F SELL says:

      There two different makers that produce other Presidents.
      One is this with White House building “White House Playset and Story Book by Kid Galaxy company ” The set has 48 presidents in 54/55 mm and goes till Barack .released and updated from 2008-till 2015 ,sold at souvenir stores ,ebay ,Amazon else.
      Main link.

      • ERWIN F SELL says:

        Other is from Norge and older of course with some appearance to Marx style ,but figures are smaller and all carry a banner attached with names in back .
        See then in this link(Kent Spretcher ) scroll all the way to bottom page please.

        • ERWIN F SELL says:

          I know Marx did till Kennedy as pose figure #35 and they cover same series amount i think in the so call (“Wrong measured”) 30 MM scale .
          A maker from HK name J.J made copies with minor variation painted of Marx in complete different lever stairs pedestal bases ,they do cover till Kennedy as i have that from that maker.Again figures are call 30 mm but with height pedestal are much taller of course .I have almost full set of these J.J and sold in either full lager collection showcase box or separated sets poses window cases.
          You may see a minor not full reference along Marx here as well.


  7. Michaelle Entringer says:

    I posted a video of them on my facebook.

  8. Michaelle Entringer says:

    Thanks for your links and info Erwin, unfortunately those figures is not the right ones. I put pictures on my Facebook page asking if anyone can identify the maker.

    • ERWIN F SELL says:

      It was company JJ I posted in one of last comments with link to Kent Sprecher. He has forf sale some of the poses. They appear very often but in large lots on Ebay. I have seen them a lot ..
      your welcome…

  9. Michaelle Entringer says:

    Thanks to all that provided info and tried to help. I have found the maker, but only in sets, I only need 3 to complete my set. (Arthur, Buchanan and Andrew Johnson). I will keep watching for singles. It was made in Hong Kong by JaJaco in 1963. Again, thanks to all.

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