Timmee Russians

Our friend Brian Johnson passed along an EBay listing for a Timmee Russians. The listing is for an unopened original bag. The bag is  one of Timmee cellophane bag. The price well that is another story.  Take a look.



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14 Responses to Timmee Russians

  1. Don Perkins says:

    Wow! Just what I’ve been looking for for years — a bag of neon-colored Timme Russians. Now if I only had an extra $2195.00 lying around, I’d be the first to get it at that “buy it now” price.

    • ed borris says:

      What was I thinking when I sold mine for $30.00 each?

    • admin says:

      I know what you mean if I have the extra money. I would rather invested in other things like bills. If I had that amount money to spend on my collection, I would rather spend it on a number of items.

  2. ed borris says:

    What’s funny is that they are not particularily good looking figures nor do they really fit in too well with most figures, they are like 66mm.

  3. Lynn Graves says:

    Wouldn’t the seller be Jim McGough of Classic Toy Soldiers with that South Hadley, MA address? He should have a pretty good idea of what the item is worth in the package.

    • ed borris says:

      Could be he always gets good stuff , he has an e-bay store and his items while of high quality are of high price too. I’m always amazed at the price of rather rare items, there are other rare items that nobody even cares about.

      • admin says:

        Jim Mcgough has been buying and selling for many years and has found many great items for his collection or resale.

    • admin says:

      Yes it is Jim McGough of Classic Toys. Jim has made some major purchases over the years.

  4. Lynn Graves says:

    Or dreaming! He does have one offer though.

  5. Don Perkins says:

    Well, of course any item, especially of an antique, is worth exactly what some buyer will pay for it. And for some people, a couple thousand dollars really isn’t that much money. But for me, of all the toy soldier related items and/or playsets I would be willing to spend $2000.00 on, a bag of neon Timmees would not be one of them. But even for the collector who really has an “extra” $2000.00 laying around, the package really doesn’t seem all that attractive, compared to so much else which is available at that price. But, as Lynn points out, Jim McGough seems to have made a going concern out of the toy soldier hobby, so maybe he knows what he’s doing. But if you go to McGough’s CTS website, and then go to “Antique Figures”, I think most of those of us who frequent the shows will be somewhat startled at his asking prices.

    • admin says:

      I am amazed some times by the asking price some people ask and get. I was just looking at EBay and they had a Marx 6 inch WWII German stabbing down at $165.00 with 28 bids. I wish these people well.
      As for myself I am happy to find a figure in $.50 a figure box, which is worth $.50, but I like the pose. I set a spending limit of $25.00 on a figure with certain exceptions such as the Timpo Hopalong Cassidy.
      As to the package of the Timmee Russians it is an unique item. It is not exciting, but this is the first time I have seen the packaging for the Russians.

  6. lynn graves says:

    And then he wants over $15 to ship it!

  7. mark hegeman says:

    Two groups of Olive Timmee Russians sold recently on Ebay.
    A group of 9 went for $1000 and Jim had a full set that sold via Buy it Now for about $1750 within a day of him listing them.

  8. ed borris says:

    Hey, if any of you guys want to spend $1,100.00, I got all three Conte Civil War sets you can have for that price. You’ll sure get a lot more figures and accessories than nine oversized, moderately sculpted Timme Russians.

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