Mars Heavy Infantry Grenadiers 1805

Mars Heavy Infantry Grenadiers 1805 the  box art for this future set was spotted on Hannats web site.  The information on the page states 16 figures eight poses. No release date.  This is their first set of Napoleonic figures.

As we get more news we will post it.

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17 Responses to Mars Heavy Infantry Grenadiers 1805

    • admin says:


      Thanks for the information.

      • Les White says:

        The running pose wasn’t in the original set of 8 poses.
        It looks like the figure has been adapted, as the top half is the same as the original pose which had both feet on the ground.

        • erwin sell says:

          I think the running pose es a conversion made out of second musket up pose by cutting bottom back feet from base and bending it a bit probably with hot water.I do not think is a new mold made pose.
          If is from this just one sold out set picture link in Ebay .
          My thoughts.

          • erwin sell says:

            and original maker factory was Oriet,i forgot write it in first comments I made …sorry

          • Les White says:

            The running pose is shown in the photo on the Classic Toy Soldiers website. Although I agree it could be a conversion I wouldn’t think they would show a figure that you would not get in the set, so for this reason I thought it may be a new pose

          • erwin sell says:

            Les .Yes; the picture in CTS is same in ebay link above as the ebay sales is from CTS ebay account So ,same picture and same set showing in both site.
            I have not see other as that .So looks interesting Maybe Mars decide change the one pose only to varied .
            Any ways I’m not interest as could be done very easy .If they will be done 3 more new poses least the set would had been more value and better sale in my opinion.
            Let see as they announce before what other napoleonic sets they will bring .Mars mention they will venture in to and modern in future.
            So far this set is just an old mold set being reissued only .Mars HO cover many napoleonic not done in 1.32 .

  1. ed borris says:

    Not nearly as well done as those Russians figures are they?

  2. Don Perkins says:

    These couldn’t possibly be the same as the new set from MARS. They have been out for years, and I have them in at least three colors. I don’t know the name of the manufacturer; only that they have always been labeled as Russian-made. I got two sets from Rick Berry’s Michigan Toy Soldier Company, and another set at a show — all years ago.

  3. Erwin says:

    Those were made in 90s in Russia.Sold and distributed here by same Russian.
    Dmitry who brough most other Progessive brand sets.
    Most US dealers got from him.
    I got 4 sets of them. They are still very common around.

  4. Les White says:

    I believe these are acquired moulds from the original maker, as the owner of MARS told me that he had no intention of making Napoleonic figures when I asked. He wants to stick with 20th century subjects, so it will be interesting to se what the Modern US troops will be, original or old moulds.

  5. Mark McNamara says:

    Might go nice with Timpo, Battle of Leipzig ! ( Timpo,Jean Hoffler conversion based ?)

  6. Mark T. says:

    Mars modern US Delta Force is on the coming soon page at TSSD. They look pretty good to me.

  7. Wayne W says:

    I bought three boxes; got them in yesterday. Not too bad – I could have done without the kneeling firing pose but as they say, “it is what it is.” I can use them as skirmishers. I, personally, wouldn’t have paid 24.95 for them, but that’s up to the individual. I am content with the price I paid.

    I agree they appeared some years ago from another maker – I didn’t think they were worth the price being asked back then. And as I recall, they were being offered in eight figure sets with one of each pose. When one considers the mass formation type of warfare of the era; it would require a number of figures to make a passable scene.

    They are not among the top ranked figures available, but aren’t too bad and I think will paint up nicely – when I get to my Russians some day. I do think – at first glance – they will mix well with the HaT and Black Cat Russians. I want to dig them out and compare soon.

    If you’re in to the era they’ll be nice additions to you collection. If you paint them blue with white plumes they can pass for Prussian Guards up to 1815; you might be able to keep them green as some regiments still had green uniforms in 1815 due to supply issues – but will have to get the books out and research that.

    So in this configuration Mars has done a service for a certain segment of collectors even if they decide not to do anymore Napoleonic era sets. But there is a big market for Nappies in Europe and other places and more US collectors that is surprising to some, so who knows? Sales speak volumes.

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