Peter Evans Roman Conversions

Peter Evans Roman Conversions

Peter Evans Roman Conversions

We have heard from our very good friend Peter Evans and he has some Roman figure conversions he has done.  I consider Peter one of the best in our hobby for conversions and I have been honored to have some of his creations in my collection.  Here is what he has to say about his latest project.


” I recently bought a few packs of TSSD Romans and decided to do some new poses.
I had some Russian Marx remoulds and, as they were the scale as the TSSD Romans I realised that they could be used together.
I thought that the legionary throwing the pilum was in rather in a boring and static pose. To throw a spear you need to give it a bit of effort. I used the Marx figure defending with sword and shield. Using his legs with the TSSD body gives a much more dynamic pose.
The second figure is a heavy armed soldier. These men were used as shock troops and fought in the front ranks. For this figure I used the Marx Gladiator with armoured sleeve.
The third figure was adapted from the archer. The Romans used auxiliaries as archers and you would not find many archers in lorica segmenta armour, also the figure, in spite shooting a arrow (you fire a gun, shoot an arrow) he has no quiver with extra arrows. Maybe he picked it up from a dead auxiliary soldier !
A new head and right arm was added. Bearskin from modelling putty and a Imaginer standard was adapted from a Timpo version”

My Thoughts

I found the three figures improvement over the original TSSD Romans. I like the leg positions of the Roman throwing the spear or pilum that Peter has done as it is more realistic.  The other two figures will be great addition to the line. I cannot wait to see what Peter comes up next.

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2 Responses to Peter Evans Roman Conversions

  1. erwin says:

    Agree TSSD roman are a bit stiff poses ,not realistic in action, these version are much better. Peter no only great converter but excellent paint !!!.
    Should star charging per design for toy soldiers makers!!!
    The standard looks great ,for some reason it looks to me like a late roman emperor era face!!
    Yes I always wonder why movies such, Brave Heart, Robing Hood,Gladiator,Troy,Kindom of Heaven and others always put every soldier shooting or releasing a volley/arrows with the command voice-(fire)!!!.What is wrong with that?
    There are some manuscript from early medieval and included mid late medieval were Cleary referring to loose, release or shoot.
    Even by reading in German a colonial late XIX century book from a German officer were he clearly describing using the words fire for his soldiers and African colonials armed with fire arms and shooting arrow by the African natives warriors.
    So even in German (English’s mother tongue) it was also non used the word fire x bows/arrows.
    In Spanish the same (fire)=disparar.=When referring to fire arms.
    When specific referring to arrows the words (lanzar or tirar ) are used .More correct “tirar”

  2. Mark says:

    Nice job Pete,keep ’em coming ! Ever think of making a mold , casting some ,maybe sells some ?

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