Treasures from Peter Evans

One of the great pleasures of the day is to receive a package from our very good friend Peter Evans. Peter’s packages  are always full of surprises from United Kingdom.The latest package came in last week and I finally got a chance to share it with you.  The first photo is of some hunters fighting zombies. 

The next photo shows several figures from Hobbit series that is being offered in the UK.  The figures are 60mm and on a base with their name like Marx presidents. The figures are sold in foil bag so you do not have an idea what figure you are going get. The bags sell for pound and ninety-nine pence each.

The next photo is three conversions that Peter has done. Peter has done many conversions and I have been honored  to have a few in my collection.

We have three more conversions from Peter. These figures will go great in any desert scene.

The package also contained old figures including this French figure.

Here are some more interesting figures. The figure on the far right is resin figure that is being sold in shops in the UK. The Roman is from Argentina and is copy of Timpo Roman. The shield does not stay on.

These two figures are from a dollhouse set. What is interesting about these figures is they are half figure in other words they have no backs.

These figures are from a pound bag that Peter got in a Pound shop. The Pound shops are equivlent of our $.99 stores. The bag came with the figures above, copies of the Airfix British  8th Army and a tank. The figures above are 40mm and are based on the Proccessed Plastic Army figures.

This is the tank that comes in the pound bag.  The turret top is a helmet.

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7 Responses to Treasures from Peter Evans

  1. Brian Johnson says:

    Too bad the Pound Shop figs aren’t 54MM.

  2. Don Perkins says:

    What a great suprise to receive an unexpected box of toy soldiers in the mail!

    • admin says:

      It is a suprise what is in the package, Peter does give me a heads up that a package is on the way due to package being stolen last year.

  3. Ed Borris says:

    Cool conversions, I bet the one is the upper body of a Timpo Foreign Legion figure, normally he is standing and firing the rifle. The bottom half of the Arab figure also looks like it was a Timpo piece. The third figure I have no idea. I’ve resumed making conversions myself, for some odd reason it seems to relax me. I have finally discovered a use for Dulcop figures, at least the cavalry, generally speaking the poses are kind of horrible, but the the legs are great for conversions. It’s amazing to me how the upper body’s can be so wrong and the legs so good.

  4. Michael Purchase says:

    Hi Paul
    You have a great website with so much information. Thanks.
    I have been converting figures for years. (54 mm & 40mm)
    Can you please send my email adress to Ed Boris. I would like to compare our creations.

  5. Ed Borris says:

    I only have about 25 or 30 finished at the moment, but I’d be happy to share. I had 150 of them done, but I sold them all at OTSN. They are all Alamo related.

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