Interview with the Owner of Expeditionary Force

Interview with the Owner of Expeditionary force!/2018/01/meet-your-maker-scott-lam-of-xforce.html


We thank Thomas Kontos for alerting us this interesting piece of information.

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4 Responses to Interview with the Owner of Expeditionary Force

  1. Henry Paas says:

    im really happy to see the pacific sets are coming along i hope they can just fix the size issues although it won’t stop me from buying the figures i just don’t want exforce to stray too much very minor complaint my biggest concern is that the German helmets are early period and the weapons provided are late i just hope that issue gets resolved historical inaccuracies ruin it form me more then the scale tbh if he makes a good elite germans (Waffen ss) im on board just because i really need more winter gear germans/smocks i love panting camo uniforms so no complaints from me i think tssds winter germans set is phenomenal would love to see some more florian geyer waffen ss to go with tssd i lvoed the idea of horse germans its not common but beautiful poses and that mg 42 crew was a amazing idea lvoe the use of the gewhr sniper rifle looks liek the one from saving private ryan is anyone going to do a good fallshimjager set? always need germans and us gi’s hope we see more i think ww2 and the civil war are safe cause that’s probably the biggest demographic in the army men collector community at least for the us i bet Europe is way huger for Napoleonic era

  2. Tom Black says:

    I believe the WW2 Pacific are going to be 54mm. The Europe theater will stay 60mm. The Ex Force owner Scott Lam looks to be a really good business man and we are lucky we have him in the Toy Soldier hobby.

    • Henry Paas says:

      wow if they do that i would be impressed they should just let bygones be bygones i understand not everything can be perfect i just hope they just go with standard tssd size i really like tssd and it currently is my favorite company they have had hiccups too but their first sets were the best i think this hobby will ever see they are one of the only brands to give us decent sniper figures its kind of funny thinking about it but i happen to think the x force civil war range is too small and the xforce ww2 is too big in the beginning something that has kept me from buying their figures is the lack of diversity from figure to figure i want some uniqueness but i do like army builders aswell jsut a personal preference i want someone to find a middleground and i think exforce is our best bet for finding it after that Napoleonic Scottish set they just put out if they add just a little more character to their figures i think i’m going to start buying allot more of them i really like their boers and milltia of 1812 cause they look really unique the boers struck a cord cause they look very western it sure wouldn’t be hard for x force to do some cowboys but i think i personally want more civil war and ww2 out of them wish we could see a romano brittians/saxons set too heck even a Norman set would tickle me pink imo instead of going with a size for your brand i would just match whatever else has been done from time period to time period so you can combine your different brands i don’t mind switching sizes if the figure are good but i think what makes a good figure is to envelope its surroundings and make you not see obvious things like brand difference although impossible i see that idea in paragons Calvary cause they look really nice with tssd calvary heck they even use tssd horses great way too save money fyi too bad their is a 14 year difference between the trapdoor Springfield and the Spencer rifles almost between the 2 sets either way its not such a eyesore as some glaring historical inaccuracies i have seen

  3. Tom Black says:

    The good thing about Ex Force is most of their figures do match up with other brands. For example the XForce Medievals go with Barzso/LOD, Marw 60mm, Reamsa, Starlux and others. The XForce Greeks go with Conte, the Zulu range also goes with Conte. I would bet the new Pacific WW2 go with Austin, Marx, TSSD Marines. Hopefully the Japs match well with Marx and Airfix, 21st Century. One set I did not like from TSSD is their Japanese.

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